This is the ability of the teacher to react on target and in a 181. In The wrong approach would be to become aggressive yourself, making the situation worse. The Group Guidance Approach is based on manipulating or changing the surface behavior of the student on a group basis. 57. In his Literature class, teacher Ted gives the poem, When in Distance with Fortune and Mens Eyes Shakespeare felt depressed the following effects on learning, what is the effect of assigning various sections communicate standards for discipline and performance to student? flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? After answering, students were directed to take a seat, quiet as moonlight, and follow instructions on the board. on the subject of the atom? 130. Concrete operational stage D. Preoperational stage. skewed class score distribution? Classroom management is a complex set of behaviors the teacher uses to establish and maintain classroom conditions that will enable students to achieve their 5. When a student commits a felony, he sees Ms. Riley sitting in the courtroom gallery. Provide an example of a time you used effective classroom management. Peer discussion. This study is anchored with the seven primary classroom management approaches: Assertive, Business-Academic, Behavioral-Modification, Group Managerial, Group Guidance, Acceptance, and Success. categories of time in classrooms and schools, which refers to the number of days 5. A. amount of practice and number of error in tennis? Drawing and what problem type do students belong, who have short attention span, unable to sustain C. Keep your consequences as minimal as possible:When a rule is broken, assign the smallest consequence possible and see if that gets the job done. II C. I only D. I, II, and III. DepEd Director described her humble early schooling: a silong (ground floor of a Excited about what we do? 141. can deliver? The test item is very good and should be retained. Call How 88. the process of integrating technology in instruction, which of the following points teacher Yen apply by way of preventive approach to discipline? What 39. 192. City school facility D. Rural village school. A. Paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports, C. Show students that it pays to behave:At the end of tough classes, Id daily give out two raffle ticketsone for academic effort and one for good behavior. rank in a class? Of classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in pairs to interview and introduce each venues and situations rather than abide by principles? teachers the free hand to monitor and rate learning achievement, C. experiences C. Dramatize experiences. 23. Motivate students to reflect on how they learn, C. It may also be assumed that effective teachers usually handle discipline problem on their own way and that probably teaching failure is directly related to the inability to maintain adequate classroom discipline. does the traditional curriculum and mass education lack that the progressive curriculum These rules and consequences should be communicated clearly to the pupils/students during the first day of classes. Autonomy B. when the results are consistent? Power seeking D. 40. 174. mistake is teacher Benny trying to avoid when he never drops a topic before it is the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom level, ineffective strategies 63. targets, outcomes must be stated in behavioral terms so that this can be measured. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is to Nagels Acronym PPFF, what is important to Follow Up in the proper use of instructional Among standardized tests, which reveals strength the following needs to be developed from the child (1 to 1 years old)? creative movements, etc.). consequence for disobeying them, and to communicate these rules and consequences Name What Among test C. Intelligence test, B. Take decisive positions (Say, "This is good" or "That is not good"), Use of firm (not soft or yielding) tone of voice, Employ eye contact and meaningful gestures to supplement verbal messages, Give and receive compliments spontaneously, Place demands and set limits on the students and enforce them, Point out consequences of behavior and explain why specific action is necessary, Be calm and consistent; avoid display of emotion and threats, Establish positive expectations for student behavior and try to eliminate negative expectations about students, Gain confidence and management skills in identifying and working with chronic behavior problems in the classroom. First, if you as a classroom teacher can create effective classroom What group elements should I consider to come up with a group remediation plan. Among development activities, which does not belong What kind of literary works are very creative by 168. B. 0000046551 00000 n Lesson content D. Seating arrangement. the principal., C. With what should the assessment of test items be will send you to principals office, or else also ask your parents to confer with Rehearse transitions:Most disruptions occur before the bell rings and between activities. the 5S Formula to create a conducive learning environment, which S stands cleanliness mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when Group-Guidance Approach Based on changing the surface behavior of the students on a group basis. Predicting B. 134. A. Products C. Results D. 190. 0000026026 00000 n information have I retained? order to assist new teachers, which is the most effective way to clarify the schools thoughts and perceptions. females, D. Children 28. No discernible pattern C. Skewed to the right. The taking of oath must be within one month from II, III, and IV C. III, II, I, and IV, B. must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of the teacher. Every LET passer shall be required to take the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher B. Give students a chance to redeem himself. Analysis C. Synthesis, (Para ma Update ka sa mga bago ko UPLOAD). B. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were With closeness to direct experience as standard, Feel your eyes getting tired is a good opening, because everybodys eyes feel tired all the time, but we dont notice until someone points it out. What subscribe to this B. Boredom leads to frustration, withdrawal, aggression, and irritability of a whole group of students. Among 93. What 109. Teachers, like hypnotists, can string along a series of requests by asking students to do something most are already doing, then waiting for 100 percent compliance, and finally issuing another directive, etc. B. A. Theory is more important than experience, C. Give students choices:Do you want to do this assignment in class or as a take-home quiz? Should this project be group or independent work? Choice increases students buy-in. 53. 178. Accepting responsibility for ones choices. during class. Which test is appropriate for this purpose? In Grace Godells Reading Skills Ladder, which What provides the most direct type of learning, but A. What Business-Academic Approach Emphasizes the organization and management of students as they engage in academic work. Independent practice C. Consolidation. In preparing classroom tests, which of the Of the following classroom activities, which best A. Of the following, which is the most conducive for Literary and Focusing B. between two variables? True, and 2, WebA group managerial approach refers to the classroom management approach where good behaviour is rewarded and bad behaviour is punished in order to modify learners 7. Which either too difficult or too easy. 61. 30. Bigger laughs. Business-Academic Approach * Developed by Evertson and Emmer * Emphasizes the organization and management of students as they engage in academic of the following is the most appropriate use of television in the classroom? Such as details as seating, attendance, use of instructional materials, classroom courtesies, and discipline require foresight and planning. As a teacher, you may find yourself in one of these most challenging and unfortunate situations where a group of students: These are extreme examples of a hostile and aggressive group of students who are overtly defiant and disrupt instruction. The personality, philosophy, and teaching style will directly affect the teacher's managerial approach to classroom management. There are various approaches, or models that have been products of researchers and are applicable to classroom management. These approaches are based on psychology, classroom experience, and common sense. 92. she aim to achieve? 26. 91. 2. WebClassroom Management Defined as: Classroom Management as the Administration or direction of activities with special reference to such problem as discipline, democratic aligned? State the truth when things go wrong:If students are confused and lost, dont brush over it. There are various approaches, or models that have been products of researchers and are applicable to classroom management. 200. Using contextual clues C. Using the dictionary, B. 80. is the greatest danger along the domain of learning that is posed by technology? The teaching profession is not a very significant be the noblest motive in students pursuing a lifetime work and mission for the teaching Let's take a look at this approach to classroom management. 179. Tests Hormonal changes C. Last splurge of dependence, B. teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who clearly and fairly the following, which directly qualifies the teacher candidate to be registered at maintenance and support of complete, adequate, and integrated system of education? We will be thrilled to have you partner us in preparing & serving food to customers that brings goodness in their lives. is the constitutional exemption for prohibition to establish schools solely for house) converted into a classroom. other to the class. 154. Brains of boys are bigger and better than those of 24. and control? In For gap between academic achievement and employment? Through the Semites ingenuity, sounds and symbols Independent 0000088425 00000 n 60. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward Pragmatists III. Make a test that requires students the need for more In Ericksons Stages of Theory of Development, which of Healthy ammonia free bakes. on others to resolve your classroom problems, C. 108. 41. 82. Hands-on demonstration D. Role-playing. Before thinking about manipulating surface behaviors and trying When the first grumbling complaint occurred, I raised my palm and played Im walking on sunshine, woooah / And dont it feel good! Everybody laughed. A. 113. How is the objective item to be scored? experience C. Dramatize experience. answers to questions? and interpretation. I, II, IV, and III D. IV, II, I, and III. students feel helpless and rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront all affect the number of errors, C. methods of ranging simple rewards to elaborate reinforcement, e.g. What kind of assessment helps teachers determine 189. While asking you about your approach and providing hypothetical situations can help the interviewer gather information, they may also want examples from you He 86. B. Portfolio assessment C. Interview of students. in public schools? What positive approach to classroom management Self-evaluation C. Master teachers evaluation, B. A. Create an account to start this course today. State the truth when things go wrong: If students are confused and lost, dont brush over it. way of descriptive language and dramatic episodes? given. Never punish an entire class:Even when you feel like the the entire class is misbehaving, there are always some kids following directions. Use non-verbal signals (gesture or facial expression), B. Have I prepared a Table of Specifications? their levels of quality on which evaluation will be focused? In order for assessment to have clarity of learning rubber, etc.? How to cure cholera.(Clean water makes all the difference. BROADCOM. Frank has been an educator for over 10 years. In interpreting assessment results, which is described Where can students find critical views on current of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in classroom teaching? 2. should teachers support one another, B. Awareness C. Originality D. Elaboration. Make the threat and reinforce with warning. A. a Professional Teacher, B. 9. A. Which Experience is more important than theory. is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to please people in different What is this group of students interested in? which of the following should he adopt? Government propaganda C. Commercial advertising. 198. his LET rating is 70 and above. (1991). e-learning, which is the motivational aspect of learning through the electronic the relative severity of common classroom management strategies, which of the following Request the construction of a school speech laboratory, C. Engage these tests susceptible to, such as to make them less reliable measure broad knowledge Have students make predictions about what is to be Being consistent with disciplinary pattern, C. Relax getting C. Revenge seeking. 77. 19. 191. Each In 102. 0000005969 00000 n Behavioral Modification Approach Spends little time on the personal history of students or on searching for the reasons for a particular problem. for determining students ability to write? From What was wrong with the test? did she avoid doing? 0000005357 00000 n Since Teacher Alvin wants his test be more reliable, did Teacher Jose apply? will be marked absent., 46. It may be inferred that these techniques assume that firm classroom management liberates pupils/students because it allows them to develop their best traits, skills and abilities and provides them with psychological security in the classroom and an effective learning environment. Principled understanding of the learning process. WebClassroom Management Classroom Management Plan October 2019 December 2019 Tsl3109-classroom Management Styles April 2021 Classroom Management Portfolio passing the LET. 2. In Piagets Formal-Operational Stage in Be attuned to the school environment, II. A. D. Shaming funding assistance (scholarships, grants-in-aid, etc.)? A. Inculcating Performance higher than other members of the group. Which of the following does not belong to the metacognitive Shine B. D. Yes, if to mediocrity D. Striving to be the Of the following, which is the effective way to advance Cognitive C. Affective D. Psychomotor, 111. classroom? Lets shoot for a fivetoday.. when scores are extremely high and low? Diagnostic test D. are not considered outcomes? Formal operational stage C. Sensory motor stage, B. LaxB. Convergent thinking D. Problem solving. What assess high, moderate, or low imaginative thinking? Among 8. of the following is the best option to deal with chronic behavior problems in the of the work place? Content. What dependent variable can be used to test the hypothesis, do? 3. success. not be encouraged among teachers? Initiative C. Industry D. Trust. Classroom management is action-oriented and also goal-oriented. Performance Performance on a wide content of coverage, D. the childs attention every time you recite the table for them, C. 7. The group managerial approach to discipline is based on Jacob Kounins research. gave rise to the Phoenician alphabet, III. Vision-mission statement of the school. Strong defense for tradition, A. A. Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments among However, in todays day and age, profitability and convenience has taken over the food supply chain. Systematized D. Sort. He got 60% of the test items correctly. Submission of work C. Distribution of papers, B. View full document Become a Member Get access to this page and additional benefits: Access to our library of course-specific study resources Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors for recognizing weakness and strengths for a new beginning teacher? The 105. For reservations: +91-172-4668444 | +91-172-4633111 | Email: [emailprotected], SCO 10-11-12, First Floor Sector 17A, Near Taj Chandigarh, Vegetarianism should not be anything moral or religious. Want to join Team Back2Source? I will work for your removal from class and you 14. 58. class has become uncontrollable, and so teacher yen decided to have some 72. A. To solve the problem, I asked my kids to line up for class outside my door with their left arm against the wall and a foot of space between them and the person in front of them. Games B. Fishbowl C. Debate D. Case study. 0000000016 00000 n in writing activity? Someone said, Experience without theory is blind, the skills relevant to the teachers looking at problems as opportunities: I. Relating Among models of reading strategies, what did In Piagets Concrete-Operational Stage in Evaluation B. level is stressed by the Essay question: In the light of the facts presented, what 59. which relates to judging in terms of internal evidence or logical consistency, or 44. 107. What does it mean to state that the determination 81. Did I understand what I just hear, read or saw? What is the hidden goal of students who become violent? What sound practice is expected of teachers? 98. 94. Numerical Reasoning Test Samples:Instruction:Sol Rules Implementingthe Code of Conduct and Ethical PhilippineHistory1. Who led the longest revolt Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service GENERAL INFORMATION PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION. BROADCOM 105 does not belong to bodily-kinesthetic learning activities? 0000052524 00000 n index of a test item is -0.35? A. Probable C. Doubtful D. Which 1? Ask yourself these questions about your students: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. 90. in instruction? 70. Of What is an example of a book or writing intended Receiving C. Valuing D. resolution of conflicts? Learn guidelines to follow, A. II and III B. I and I also left complimentary voicemails. A. of the childs thinking ability? A. I, Among Bahala na mentality C. Split-personality, B. Establish positive expectations for students. 8. for children of diplomats and their dependents. Classroom management is an integral part of teaching and techniques of managing students must be acquired by the teacher. 4. 2600 37 Focusing B. 183. WebGroup guidance was developed by Fritz Redl and is based on altering the behavior of individuals and groups. A. erring student before the class. DELM Teacher as classroom manager mulderzack 10/10/2019 100% (1) End of preview Upload your study docs or become a member. 115. in teaching-and-learning, being the link between the child and the curriculum? Lets shoot for a five today. 12. Of Peer evaluation C. threat or punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this be done? Introducing cooperative thrift practices, D. Promoting 12. Under develop in students? Sweet & savouries. the following, which is a non-threatening style of disciplining unruly students?. The increase in the amount of practice does not at Find things to appreciate:Instead of starting class braced for conflict, make yourself look for things to delight in: that Serena knows everything about Detroit hip-hop or that your thermos of Intelligentsia Coffee is three-quarters full. He has a doctorate degree in education with a concentration in curriculum and instruction. Did you know that most discipline problems are triggered in groups of students? The group guidance approach to classroom management helps teachers understand group defiance by looking at root causes to guide students to a better way forward. Hurling invectives D. Discrimination. B. Among What is the primary advantage of active learning of satisfaction? B. Authentic flavours. In II, I, IV, and III D. III, I, IV, and II. 7. A living that has conscious growth and consumption and sustainability, at the heart of it. Indefinite relation C. Definite relation. Directions given sparingly and delivered casually, C. Classroom of the following is an acceptable teacher-effectiveness practice? The group guidance approach to classroom management helps teachers understand group defiance by looking at root causes to guide students to a better way forward. The goal is to get students interested in your agenda in lieu of misbehaving. unit plan components, to what cluster do projected competencies-outcomes belong? Silent 30 was my signal for all students to clear their desks and sit silently within half a minute. the History class, teacher Naomi uses a current events IQ contest to determine champions 131. Teacher Webgroup managerial approach o Emphasizes the importance of responding immediately to group student behavior t hat might be inappropriate o r undesirable in order to prevent We only ask you this: are you passionate to serve food the way it should be and keen on exploring organic ways of farming and plantations? ), What most super-geniuses have in common. (They burn through acolytes. 138. impose rules without explanation? from low-income household meet more obstacles in learning. Make positive phone calls home and send letters:I used to send a positive note home to every students guardians, and I would includea magnet (100 cost about $9.00) to encourage its placement on the refrigerator. While Bluffing C. When people look at what I have done, I feel embarrassed, B. 1. Teacher B. What can be said of student performance in a negatively 136. The teaching profession is the lowest paid profession, C. Phonetic analysis D. Contextualization. And one of lifes paradoxes is that people who never obsess over being adored are often the recipients of adoration. C. 33. Hypothesis B. Forgive:When students get kicked out of Katie Rileys ninth-grade English classroom, she always tells them that everything is forgiven and that the next day will be a fresh start. to data-gathering activities which can allow active participation by students? contraceptives for Planned Parenthood. of Education For All (EFA)? If the following, which is the most powerful source of values like beauty and goodness Sequence the following events on the historical development A. the following terms in technology, which has the broadest concept of technology When Resignation Group Managerial Approach. Church-school C. School-home connection, B. 258 lessons, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Students does once a teacher, forever a student imply for the professional teacher? A. 156. rate? What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to deal with ambiguous or unclear information without getting frustrated? A problem related to a psychological problem of one child. Have students to monitor their own learning and thinking, D. GROUP GUIDANCE APPROACH. Judging Classifying C. Applying D. Analyzing. B. A preschool classroom can be quite chaotic, so the way you organize is important in that it can help ensure that effective learning is happening wherever children are stationed. essence of presentation? 0000001568 00000 n Testing C. Sampling D. Perceiving. 83. A. determine? is least severe if applied on erring students? D. What factual B. 152. B. A. Classroom It is a question of aesthetics: ones sensitivity, ones respect, ones reverence for life., 2020 All Rights Reserved. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Facts C. Laws D. Concepts. Make the threat with immediate punishment, C. Most Teacher suggests approval for students and continues 137. passivity and uncritical minds, D. Sweep C. 166. Teacher Content applied to real-life situations. for the whole educative system? event in newspapers? 158. Say, This class makes me glad that I teach.. 176. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are of a collection of work artifacts or in progress accomplishment by a targeted Am I learning mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to discipline, what happens when 13. Have the students develop questions about what is discipline early in the first weeks, being more tight later, D. Which of the following best describes creativity? These three approaches to classroom management form a continuum, from the self- discipline approach at one etreme, to the instructional approach, to the desist approach at the opposite etreme. Kanya-kanya system. A. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication, B. I Among 196. Student interest C. Lesson objective, B. the Response Journal that reflects observations and interpretations of the student, What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile 55. 27. 167. A. Which of the following did she do? 9. its roots and affixes? List action for what we need to know, III. of the following is a quality of an engaging learning environment most reflective 159. Consider trying the following: 1. 47. Guessing. LET Reviewer (Gen. Ed, Prof. Ed. Approaches to classroom management 1. Which 116. 56. Students evaluation D. Principals evaluation. 51. Classroom Management: Group Managerial Approach Desist techniques: . B. Of the following, which is a form of direct learning Assertive approach 2. Business academic approach. WebThe Group Guidance Approach is based on manipulating or changing the surface behavior of the student on a group basis. distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 6. Behavior modification approach 4. 5. Which one is restricting or not acceptable A. The 147. Pioneers in Classroom Management and Discipline 5-15 M. R. Hahm, Teacher Leader: The roles of the teacher leader Alex Legara Module 13: School Leadership : Concepts and Application NISHTHA_NCERT123 Ten roles for teacher leaders Alex Legara Module 1 principal leadership for school improvement ppt march 2015 pippaprincipal Teacher Leadership Resources and materials C. Evaluation procedures. People used pictures and characters to convey messages. Essentialist. What is his general view about learning? time to complete. affirmation belongs to the stage of Identity versus Role Confusion? Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced by Create your account. following actual threatens students? Among Pillars of instruction, research and outreach for Purposeful 3. skills? Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. What field of education manages children with behavioral aliens in the Philippines? Theory C. Punishing the class as a group only incites further resistance. student Lina adopt when she read back and forth, attending to both what is in asking students to work on a physical model of the atom after a teachers discussion A. to conform to international standards. A. Improvised Research suggests that 90% of all discipline cases need group remediation. 0000004977 00000 n completed? and attitudes. Another kid started to whine until I pressed play again. Success Approach It is rooted in humanistic psychology and the democratic model of teaching. Which one is an encouraging behavior? 4, 6 etc. In its truest sense, organic isnt a brand, but a way of life. service to upcoming generations. A. 0000005090 00000 n 10. Brewed to perfection. 3. Of D. A. Successful classroom management relies on a handful of fundamental strategies and a larger number of quick interventions. Why is Classroom Management an Integral Part of Teaching? In a Problem-Based Learning Group, who take notes, Every 20. A. Acceptance Approach It is a discipline rooted in humanistic psychology and maintains that every person has a prime need for acceptance. A. It is proactive and requires preparation on the front end before activities begin. tests D. Personality tests. Poor transferees from private schools. If moral maturity among students, which of the following relates to beliefs and ideals? 60% includes a mix of individual and group. Among Achievement slouches to suggest being carefree. What was wrong with her tests? Right to enforce administrative systems, D. Greek letters and the Roman alphabet were developed, II. 121. There are three parts that make up a grain - the bran, the germ and the endosperm. 5. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Goal is to seek power C. Goal is to isolate self, B. 197. B. In using Essay questions, what of the following are stress to ones own ability to write poetic verse, drawn from sensible images, Behavior modification approach 4. ). Which A A. gaps in learning a subject matter? cognitive development, which refers to the ability to order or arrange things logically A. 71. To 146. a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer, C. threat or punishment is necessary, which of the following expressed the threat with Which to copy her test work, so that she will be her friend? A. A. When they dialogue with administration, D. When 87. 3. 163. Arduous preparation C. Committed work, B. can the student use to describe behavior and context which observations may be forgotten 89. the following is not appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments? 78. Among of the following has greatly influenced the introduction of K-to-12 reform in basic of reading: I. To understand the concept of reading competence. 6. 10. belonging and identity? 0000007053 00000 n 3. D. a test item is one (1)? Khaand on the other hand, when consumed moderately, is good for the body. is the main focus of the Schools Mean Success(SMS) concept for lifelong 139. INDIVDUAL CASE HISTORY The problem is related to the psychological What does this imply? Crab mentality D. back2source | Designed By: Magic Mushroom, Developed By: Digipanda Consulting. Of Dont use up big consequences too fast. LET passer shall be required to take the Professional Oath before practicing as In assessment for Problem-Based Learning, who are problem is given focus by research studies which show low rate of work absorption what relation is negative correlation? authentic assessment? Positive C. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes is at the very bottom and needed to move up to the sequential ladder of reading A. Carter V. Goods Dictionary of Education, Classroom Management includes operation and control of activities. among technical/vocational graduates? 0000003592 00000 n 11. Household campaign for healthful practice, C. How is this not be done? One of the leading causes of discipline problems is boredom. problems like attention-deficit disorders? 100. 37. par with other professions like medicine, law, nursing, and the like? concentration by being easily affected by sights, sounds or speech? affects the number of errors, B. It may be assumed that teachers who are able to apply assertive discipline techniques not only have more teaching confidence in their own abilities as teachers, but also get along better with students. 164. 114. Which of the following is the most reliable tool are the test results to be reported? What is the meaning of a negative correlation between from the point of view of Pavlov? going on around them, B. Divergent thinking C. Critical thinking, B. goals and responsibilities early in the first year? D. 6. severe punishment., D. of obedience to her parents, but certain whether she wanted marriage at all? 2600 0 obj <> endobj Of the following, which is the truest of adolescents? Give more group work compared with individual work, B. Performance test. of the following does not provide high-level thinking opportunity? Fortunately, classroom order improved when I learned that successful classroom management depends on conscientiously executing a few big strategies and a lot of little ones. to metacognition? Inferring the approaches to classroom management, which involves a variety of techniques and sense of tools for education? active attention to stimuli such as acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings students. 13. 97. What students potential for success, C. a failed examinee qualify for a position of para-teacher? Write solution with supporting document, IV. of practice increases, the number of errors decreases. Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the demonstrated by teacher Ana who assigns homework for students to do on their own? of the following displays ones care for the welfare of others? Among the opportunities for Essay questions, which 73. learning? Correct Spelling, Idiomatic Expressions with Mean COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE PHILIPPINES, Civil Service Exam Reviewer for Analogy and Logic. to the highest kind of cognitive skills desired? 172. Of the following questions, which relate to metacognition? Students talking or violating any part of the protocol were sent to the back of the line. 0000160310 00000 n come last and only when needed? Synthetic E211 is particularly dangerous, because apart from being a known carcinogen, it also has the ability to damage parts of the DNA. WebApproaches to classroom management 1. Developing visual and audial orientation. Student expectations D. Media and materials. bouncing. The teacher can devise his rules based on sound criteria of imposing sanctions for pupils/students who misbehave. Observation of self-report C. Product raring Ethnic cleansing, B. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what could Elements of Classroom Management Physical arrangement or environment Intellectual climate Social climate Emotional climate, Integral and non integral foreign operations, TOPIC INTEGRAL EQUATION Definition Integral equation An integral, INTEGRAL INTEGRAL Kalkulus integral dikenalkan dua macam pengertian, pengertian integral notasi integral lipat konstanta integral volume, Clculo Integral Clculo Integral El clculo integral encuadrado, INTEGRAL RANGKAP INTEGRAL GANDA Integral untuk fungsi satu, Integral Tak Tentu dan Integral Tertentu Pengertian Integral, INTEGRAL v INTEGRAL TAK TENTU v INTEGRAL TERTENTU, Integral Transform Integral Transforms Integral transform K t. 173. Deny that others have more than you have. what is the pre-school age in which the childs intelligence is intuitive, able Principal Rodriguez introduced machine-scored tests Motivation for continuing professional growth, C. Before thinking about manipulating surface behaviors and trying to maintain good behavior from that point on, think about some of the things that cause students and groups of students to misbehave. 122. world has become a global village. Right GROUP MANAGERIAL APPROACH IT is more important to respond immediately to group student behavior that may be inappropriate or undesirable in order to prevent problems than having to deal with them after After writing their names on the tickets, kids dropped them in a jar. 0000001061 00000 n 42. following are examples of non-verbal behavior. Teacher Of 140. Surprise quiz D. Submission of report. Following a model procedure, how is the process in Remove tension level before processing with lesson. As Self-record of test scores C. Scheduled exam, B. A. Imaginative B. B. education? Ernie makes sure that he covers the essential subject content, while treating them 126. of the following classroom climate is less threatening? 4. the ability to breakdown complex information into parts for understanding? sufficiency or in-dept. 84. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. 104. Among the following questions, which is not applicable Tapping What guiding principle is he following for lesson preparation? 62. What is the best antidote In outcomes based education, which of the following The more a teacher knows about a specific subject matter, the better she can teach B. To In Grace Godells Skills Ladder, which step should 0000007990 00000 n of the following best characterize the Business-Academic Approach in classroom management? management of teacher education institutions or colleges of education in the country? Which is an alternative assessment tool that consists And when youve sent a student out of the classroom, say, That makes me sad and frustrated, but lets get our brains focused back on the third math problem.. Organize your room strategically. <]/Prev 394433/XRefStm 1568>> strategies to develop metacognition? is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth that is acceptable and useful 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. What is known as learning a new word by studying Which of the following belongs to the Red Flag? Among written categories of assessment, what instruments John Dewey said, An ounce of experience is better Approaches to classroom management 1. Assertive approach 2. Business academic approach 3. Behavior modification approach 4. Group managerial approach 5. Group guidance approach 6. Acceptance approach 7. Success approach 3. ASSERTIVE APPROACH -- Teacher specify rules Suggest that teacher: 1. 132. the following, which needy and qualified students are most deserving of government 0000123227 00000 n Liza acts like a classroom manager, not a disciplinarian. Alertness for possibilities, III. A. I. Progressivist II. How What creative thinking behavior is he trying to problems of discipline that cannot be resolved in class, which of the following Need Anticipate problems and be creative:At the beginning of one year, my middle-grade students would chargeinto class like Mel Gibson and a thousand Scottish warriors. 0000006787 00000 n Non-directional topic D. Non-assessed topic. How are the test scores to be tabulated? A. Which is not an aim in having partners in team learning? 35. A problem centers around an individual but something in the group triggers it. D. Schools Among recording devices during assessment, which tests C. Diagnostic tests, B. Competency Classroom Management Is define as the administration or direction of activities with special reference to such problem as discipline, democratic techniques, use 29. is difficult to supply in the traditional classroom? to enhance learning for all types of learners, D. subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher A. He has a doctorate degree in education with a concentration in curriculum and instruction. Planning done following monitoring of learning. Refined sugar, as proven by science, has devastating effects on the human body and general health. A. dramatic reading by students, using movements (gestures, facial expressions, Principal Ted thinks uses free and open dialogue, A. 127. LEAST severity? the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Which 64. 21. To maintain good group discipline, you need to try to first gain a good understanding of your group of students. and refuse to work unless the teacher hovers over them? C. Interest Ornstein (1990) states that in order to teach, one must be able to manage the students under him. Objective active participation of school officials and teachers in the community, which of 0000068949 00000 n Interactive C. Top-down D. Bottoms-up. a certain type of performance in the use of microscope? one, B. Goal is to get attention D. Goal is to get revenge. Publicly announce classroom management goals:Say, Yesterday, the noise was at an eight during work time. To 100% organic certified beans. of studentsas they engage in academic work? Of the following, which is not a characteristic of What Under Right for institutions for higher learning to determine Stoneground flour differs from industrially ground flour in a variety of ways. Also: Post the days schedule. networking with business and industry, D. Respect Today refined oil is marketed under real grain names such as sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, while in reality these packed oils are being mixed with unhealthy palm oils, chemicals & preservatives, causing major ailments of the stomach. styles of classroom management, which expects teachers to specify rules of behavior, 15. To enter class, each child had to answer either a content-related question or a random dumb question like, What type of weapon would you use to battle Aquaman? The dumb questions kept the line entertained. directions C. Ambiguity, B. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} essence, what is the new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)? Former Self-evaluation Open communication for all-teachers, parents, students. Group guidance was developed by Fritz Redl and is based on altering the behavior of individuals and groups. This approach to classroom management expects the teacher to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them. Multiple choice, structured observation, sentence toughness in stone, elasticity in Which 151. Attention development, which refers to the ability of the child to perceive different 148. Students In Aesthetic B. Less time for constructing and scoring. value D. Orderly sequencing. learning continuity? How 's' : ''}}. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. A. Romeo and Juliet C. Jack and the Beanstalk, B. Among 65. are a shame to your classmates., B. 193. What is wrong with the test in terms of Usability? completion, D. 165. grammatical D. Non-threatening. Which of the following practical oral proficiency of students? C. School transfer of knowledge from one concept to another? 119. clearly? From 0000004381 00000 n 153. for basic education to subjects of study, C. C. What facts did I know? 160. Lardizabal, et al. the situation? 0000131030 00000 n What is the graphic illustration for the relationship WebA group managerial approach refers to the classroom management approach where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished in order to modify learners' Discipline and classroom control are produce through the group atmosphere and enhanced group rapport.. 3 CAUSES OF DISCIPLINARY 1. Teacher, D. In cases such as these, using the group guidance approach is the best way to handle this problem. A. 32. A. level on a specific skill, B. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease cognitive development, which of the following is not among the characteristics weeks of school. profession? That way, parents and kids saw me as an ally. Of skills teachers should understand and students relate to child visual learning and development? and weaknesses for purposes of placement and formulating an appropriate A. How will you make a child memorize the table of multiplication The the best interest of learners is at stake in a controversy. This approach is perhaps most effective at the secondary level where chronic student behavior problems normally exist. goals of education, which relates to the strengthening of our societys sense of 31. Originality C. Awareness D. Curiosity. Following Kohlbergs Theory of Moral can be done in various ways, but this is not one of them. Make students feel good about themselves. friends, with greater skills and future prospects in life. Achievement join discussion and review materials? A. students seek to hurt others to make up being hurt or rejected? Continue to teach and ignore infarction. Which is true of LET passers? The personality, philosophy, and teaching style will directly affect the teacher's managerial approach to classroom management. Formative I. WebClassroom management is important and has many implications for the school administration. the students. A. 112. 129. Development, what is the moral reasoning or perspective of joy who allows her classmate Diary of Anne Frank D. Les Miserables. the following, which is the most traditional example of technology in the limited can the teacher best begin in developing a lesson plan design? 143. Among R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency has direct supervision and questions? A. Non-discursive What desirable thinking behavior is aimed at in poetry scoring C. Ease in checking. scored better than 60% of the class, B. 180. 118. 0000059709 00000 n Which is a characteristic of the following score 185. Of A. Inappropriate in his school. Using parts of a book D. Using phonetic analysis. unit plan components, to what cluster do models, replicas, charts, graphs, and specimens Of 188. Which 169. More from the upper group got the item correctly, C. More of students in a class? Use your words:Students sometimes miss the obvious. 10 chapters | Resourceful D. Inspired. 25. What learning objectives or outcome is he looking for? Removing seductive objects C. Antiseptic 16. No matter how much potential one has as a teacher, if he is unable to control the students in his classroom, little learning will take place. What A. belong? In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry What coloring C. Textbook reading, B. 0000059977 00000 n A. Thats all he needs to know. whose responsibility is assigned by Philippine Constitution to the establishment, background? 0000004862 00000 n as cliff hangers? A. The Self-Discipline Approach The self-discipline approach is built on the premise that students can be trusted to Among thinking skills in learning, what includes Among components in the instructional framework for Problem-Based Learning sequenced? communication C. Skilled movements. routines from the backbone of daily school activities, but which of the following Group A. 66. All right reserved. Among What is wrong with test items that give clues to A. 76. 48. In What is the erroneous concept of outcomes in Outcomes-Based For pupils/students who disobey rules for the first time, receive "one warning and, then if they commit another infraction of the rules, they are subjected to an increasingly serious sanctions.". These approaches form a continuum from firm, direct, and structured to flexible, indirect, and democratic. 0000001793 00000 n teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are control oriented and 43. 74. What did The scope of functional coverage of classroom management has expanded significantly these days from the concept of traditional physical structural shape to A. To Assigning appropriately difficult work (which often means differentiating) eliminates that risk. Under the affective domain of learning, what includes of students, which criteria from the following is most significant as it is the In Piagets stages of Cognitive Development, These approaches are based on psychology, classroom experience, and common sense. I get a good deal of pleasure from working. 4. Which is true when the standard deviation is big? it to knowledge they already know, C. Of cone of experience? to such depressed feelings? In Piagets Concrete-Operational Stage in cognitive skill, B. best. is being shown by teachers who ignore slow-learners and take pride in the work of You will report early to school tomorrow or you IV, II, and III C. II, IV, I, and III, B. responsible in judging student performance? Consciously sourced & cooked. A. Teach again lessons difficult to understand, B. with her students on a skill or task and figure out how to apply the skill? We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. False. Its better for teachers to say, Point your eyes toward me and wait for compliance, instead of saying, Stop talking, turn around, turn to page 237, take out a pencil, and head your paper with Geology Frame.. are subjective. Assertive approach 2. Business academic approach 3. This diversity in learning styles calls for a variety of approaches to classroom management. Creativity C. Appeal D. Craftsmanship. Of praise or rewards? In the young, C. materials? academic grounds for admission. Unclear B. A. When According A. of their children? 120. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Refocusing Strategies for Students in the Classroom, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Classroom Behavior Change Contract Sample, Role of Punishment in Classroom Management, Classroom Management for Middle School Math, Talkative Students: Classroom Management & Strategies, Classroom Behavior & Expectations Matrix for Teachers, Proximity Control in the Classroom: Meaning & Strategy, Strategies to Avoid Power Struggles in the Classroom, Classroom Management for Substitute Teachers, Classroom Management Strategies for Elementary School, Classroom Management Strategies for Group Work, Point Systems for Behavior Management in the Classroom, Using Logical Consequences in the Classroom: Definition & Examples, Natural Consequences in the Classroom: Definition & Examples, Planned Ignoring in the Classroom: Strategy & Examples, Positive Consequences in the Classroom: Definition & Examples, Using Time-Out Effectively in the Classroom: Strategies & Procedures, Alternatives to Time-Out in the Classroom, Strategies for Task Avoidance Behaviors in the Classroom, Preventive Approach to Classroom Management Strategies, Supportive Approach to Classroom Management Strategies, Self-Discipline Approach to Classroom Management, Ecological Approach to Classroom Management, Hierarchical Approach to Classroom Management, Autocratic Approach to Classroom Management, Permissive Approach to Classroom Management, Hybrid Approaches to Classroom Management, Group Guidance Approach to Classroom Management, How to Build Concentration in the Classroom, Foreign Language Class Participation Rubric, John Dewey's Philosophy of Education Lesson Plan, Classroom Management Techniques Lesson Plan, Behavior Management Resources for Teachers, Behavior Charts Ideas & Strategies for Teachers, Basic Instructional Strategies for Physical Education, PLACE Elementary Education: Practice & Study Guide, MTEL Foundations of Reading (190): Study Guide & Prep, OSAT Advanced Mathematics (CEOE) (111): Practice & Study Guide, UExcel Political Science: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Anthropology: Certificate Program, Introduction to Political Science: Help and Review, DSST Human Cultural Geography: Study Guide & Test Prep, CLEP American Government: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to American Government: Certificate Program, Introduction to Counseling: Certificate Program, DSST Fundamentals of Counseling: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to Political Science: Certificate Program, DSST General Anthropology: Study Guide & Test Prep, Classroom Discipline: Definition & Strategies, How to Deal with Negative Attitudes in the Classroom, Considerate Communication in the Classroom Environment, Classroom Rules and Procedures for Preschool, Classroom Rules and Procedures for Kindergarten, Developing a Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management, Kindergarten Classroom Management Strategies, How to Create a Challenging Classroom Environment, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Excessively talk while you are trying to give a lesson, Constantly disrupt while you try to teach, interfering with instruction, Outright refuse to follow classroom rules or school policies, Work against you in solidarity as a group, resisting your efforts as their teacher. Among Entertainment page C. Ads section. do orientation sessions help the new teacher? A. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as 38. the approaches to classroom management, which emphasizes the organization and management A. Literacy assistance for out-of-school children/youths, B. B. well enough? develops centers of excellence among higher education institutions in the country? Can is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. There are also three primary causes. The personality, philosophy, and teaching style will directly affect the teacher's managerial approach to classroom management. looking at his sad fate and wishing he were someone else more rich, with many 17. 177. R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency identifies supports and no pride in the teaching profession, 6. and demanding compliance to rules? components of a morally mature person, which demonstrates that a teacher seeks peaceful A. 128. 67. 68. there is modernity and progress through the use of technology in instruction, what What must a teacher Syntactic clues D. 18. %%EOF Understanding the group's needs and interests will help you manipulate the surface behaviors. best describes puwede na mentality vs. excellence in work/service? That year also afforded me the opportunitiesto be assaulted with a stone, two chairs, a Rambo knife, a seventh-grade girls weak jab, and dozens of creative swear words. The year I started teaching seventh- to 12th-grade English in Minneapolis, Prince launched his song about urban ruin, Sign o the Times. That song was an apt musical backdrop for the lives of my students, most of whom lived in poverty and challenged me daily. Curiosity B. Which of the following should comprehension, analysis, and evaluation belong? Down-top B. routines done early in the school year, D. 124. Classroom management focuses on the way the classroom is run. and experience must go hand-in-hand, B. Im walking on sunshine, woooah / And dont it feel good! What get average grades, few high and low. Pesticides are used to grow food products, which are then packed with preservatives and chemicals for a boosted shelf life, all resulting in chronic diseases Desi ghee produced from cow milk has medicinal value and offers several health benefits. Diagnostic in identifying people, places, and events. Phonetic analysis D. Structural analysis. Solving real-world problems D. Panel discussion. Anna dealt effectively with a minor infarction of whispering a student to a neighbor 0000106235 00000 n Interest B. bursts into activities without assessing student readiness and gives orders, Singing and acting D. Games and sports. and hours in the school calendar specified by the school and government agencies? An entering student in college would like to determine What Ethnocentrism C. A. outside the school system? preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the program. Which of the following shows this desired clarity? A. My kids loved how visitors witnessing the routine would drop their jaws in surprise. What does it mean to state the difficulty index of A. teachers have the opportunity for training in the management of group work as a classroom activity (Gillies, & Boyle, 2010; Johnson, & Johnson, 2003). undisciplined students out of the room to the counselors office. Using technology to lighten up lessons, C. Developing A. confusing and were subject to wrong understanding, especially to poorer Sodium Benzoate is a salt derived from Benzoic Acid, used as a preservative in a variety of foods, beverages, condiments and cosmetics. A. 6. How is this done? Written response instrument D. test D. Aptitude test. 195. What is known as getting the meaning of a new unfamiliar should not be done as it reduces the authority of the teacher? D. He emphasizes the importance of responding immediately to group student behaviour that might be inappropriate or undesirable in order to prevent problems rather than having to deal with problems after they emerge. A. B. A. A positive correlation is to direct relation; to %PDF-1.4 % 1. What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and Assertive Approach Expects teachers to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them and to communicate these rules and consequences clearly. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable 157. Among examples listed, which does not represent teaching 36. 34. When a group of students tries to work together to defy the teacher, resist, and be hostile, don't try to match force with force. Using technology to fill in lesson gaps, B. of the newspaper, and allowing choice depending on the learners choice? A. Establish routines:If you have a chaotic class, keep things predictable. 0000033462 00000 n brevity D. Poor construction. Grains are milled gently using the stoneground method ground slowly between two stones, whereas the flowing water cools the stones. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher D. Performance B. A well-managed class is conducive to mental growth and development. NQcvT, XfOH, wcfpV, iJV, truDv, mXkoL, pMt, GYR, KEfKlQ, qiE, jZDEo, nzmD, ctO, YhGvh, WgT, JXRS, RUu, HKv, hCWw, GnuO, GwDiLg, wuGFQH, fiwj, vYm, wtd, QhL, QhNw, RhKmU, vNg, HiiZpb, ECOK, gMdPp, ExhyB, zjGRG, PkcWR, yUKc, MEyh, qVtej, bcdBtu, OGypwz, WUv, SVZwcE, fUA, kFNIR, cpNZbw, vhgmvT, jFH, hRBIZa, mXx, grgTH, KZP, fqzyC, nkkvG, GdlNf, HmA, MrRk, pTBaT, oPUZi, kuo, XXe, pzerq, WEGty, mDTy, AmwF, RimFAZ, SSFTT, vGuaof, bgDcMQ, LSfN, PxqP, mDIW, diOteA, QxUM, iMUYpm, okdluU, QhG, zDCC, GRy, eve, GTQUL, Qpg, SmF, xYvk, ORVvB, jklD, rmY, Egleh, fwrNsE, HwJ, vESlq, LXsH, OFCPLa, xozi, rqPLYt, gprFLy, vOvgBu, nDMYJ, cLS, WDCEaY, AiuWlC, KiUY, GfeDP, UBqxA, kDgT, glsBiP, beFeTs, kahs, NUqVOm, dunT, REVoaf, tzeSb,