Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. PATENT_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each patent). tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. the publication action may record the journal number where publication took place, etc. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. ACTION_NOTES4 (string): action notes field 4, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. principal REF_DESCRIPTION (string): description of the reference document. There are a number of existing ISs that have their own data, Basically my question is how many tables do I need and what fields do these tables need to consist of? LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS (string): in case the action is a special action affecting the status without concern of the normal workflow transitions (i.e. PAGEREF _Toc230520405 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520406" 2.3.2 DESIGN_OWNERS (list of owners for each design). ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. REGISTRATION_DATE (date): registration date. If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. Design workflow data The following table contains the designs workflow data. RELATIONSHIP_ROLE (string): relationship role (1 = the file is the source of a forward relationship towards the related file, 2 = the file is the target of a backward relationship from the related file). In this example, the conversion factor is "multiply by 60." For instance, lets look at the JPA entity Distributor: The metamodel class of the Distributor entity would look like the following: We can now use in our criteria queries instead of directly using string field names of our entities. EMAIL (string): e-mail. Specifications provide us with a way to write reusable queries and also fluent APIs with which we can combine and build more LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. 3. EMAIL (string): e-mail. USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. Step 2: Go to File > Spring Starter Project. In other words, instead of executing some logic directly, we invert the control to that callback whenever a specific event occurs. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) This section describes the structure of the tables used to store such data for Trademarks, Patents and Designs, and also highlights some of the issues that must be taken into account for developing the data capture strategy. FILE_NBR (number): file number. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Each row indicates that when a trademark is in the initial status and an action of the action type is taken by the IP office, the status is set to the final status: Initial statusAction typeFinal statusData capture (001)Data was captured (DWC)Formality checking (002)Formality exam (002)Letter of defects (LOD)Awaiting response - formality (003)Awaiting response - formality (003)Response received (RES)Formality exam (002)Formality exam (002)Formality exam OK (FOK)Substantive exam (004)Substantive exam (004)Letter of defects (LOD)Awaiting response substance (003)Awaiting response substance (003)Response received (RES)Substantive exam (004)Substantive exam (004)Decision to refuse (REF)Refused (005)Substantive exam (004)Acceptance (ACC)To be published (006)To be published (006)Publication (PUB)Awaiting oppositions (007)Awaiting oppositions (007)No oppositions received (NOP)To be granted (008)Awaiting oppositions (007)Oppositions received (OPO)Opposed (009)Opposed (009)Decision to refuse (REF)Refused (005)Opposed (009)Decision to grant (GRA)To be granted (008)To be granted (008)Registration (REG)Registered (010)Registered (010)Expiration (EXP)Expired (011)Registered (010)Cancellation (CAN)Cancelled (012)Registered (010)Removal for non-use (REM)Removed for non-use (013) As already mentioned, the workflow data has two parts: The current status, which is recorded as an action with ACTION_CATEGORY = S, i.e. The key of this table should be the DESIGN table key, plus an additional IMAGE_NBR column containing the correlative image number. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. PAGEREF _Toc230520409 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520410" 2.3.6 DESIGN_LOCARNO_CLASSES (list of Locarno classes for each design). ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Open API Designer: Take me to API Designer. meaningful name we can clearly specify their intent. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. In simple words, SRS document is a manual of a project provided it is prepared before you kick-start a project/application. From the perspective of a data capture project, there are three separate categories of data items to be captured: Current textual bibliographic data, which contains the most up-to-date textual bibliographic information such as the current owner, the current protected products, etc. Affected file data: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the affected file. User document identification (must reference the corresponding row in USERDOC): USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence. Step 1: Open IDE STS- Spring Tool Suite. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) Vienna data: VIENNA_EDITION (number): Vienna edition, using the codes defined by WIPO. SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS (string): in case the action is a special action affecting the status without concern of the normal workflow transitions (i.e. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. For example: Type Subtype Description COL A Collective mark GEO A Geographical indication MAR A National trademark MAR B International trademark PAT NA National patent PAT I1 PCT patent - Chapter I PAT I2 PCT patent- Chapter II UC NA Utility Certificate ID NA Industrial Design In the above example, the hypothetical IP office is a member of Madrid, and so two variations of the Trademark application type exist (one for national trademarks and another for international trademarks) and is also member of PCT, and so three variations of the Patent application type exists (one for national patents, another for PCT patents under Chapter I of the PCT, and a third one for PCT patents under Chapter II of the PCT). IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. assigning the same number to two o may be more files. IPC_SUBCLASS (string): IPC subclass. And that number would increase combinatorically as we introduce new fields. To audit all database principals use the database principal public. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. Currently, isPremium() is combining two predicates, but if we want, we can create separate specifications for each of those Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. IND_IGNORE (number): indicator (0/1) that the annuity should be ignored for the purposes of payment control. EMAIL (string): e-mail. STATE_NAME (string): state name. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. the most up-to-date information. The estimated mean lifetime mileage of Racer Standard is 43,000 miles and, Respected Tutor, please help me to solve following question, as I am stuck in it, can you please please help to solve and explain following code??? Save $10 by joining the Simplify! FILE_SERIES (number): file series. newsletter. Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards Some of the codes are already pre-defined by WIPO standards, and it these cases adherence to such standards is required. This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the HUD System Development Methodology. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. Some offices have made clerical mistakes in the manual assignment of some file numbers, e.g. Both active and inactive users must be included in this configuration tables, since actions may be associated with staff members no longer working in the IP office. If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. Writing Queries With Specifications section. IPC_EDITION (string): IPC edition. when ACTION_CATEGORY = S), this column indicates the desired final status according to the configured statuses in the workflow. Problem 3: Outdoor Adventure, Inc. has produced two new tires, Racer Standard and Racer Premium. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. RELATED_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the related file. AUTHOR_SEQ (number): inventor sequence. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. CITY_NAME (string): city name. For the numbering of trademark files (the same applies to patents and designs), a flexible approach is suggested using as the file key a combination of four components described below (the actual need to use these components would depend on the numbering strategies used by the IP office): FILE_NBR, which contains the basic file number. IPC_SECTION (string): IPC section. Workflow data, which contains both a history of all the actions taken by the IP office in relation to the processing of each file, and also which is the current activity that the IP office is performing in relation to each file (see details below). ENTITLEMENT_DATE (date): entitlement date. trademarks, certification marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. FILE_NBR (number): file number. PAGEREF _Toc230520415 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520416" 2.4.3 USERDOC_REPRS (list of representatives for each user document). TELEPHONE (string): telephone. Also, the number of query methods increases rapidly as the Is the name of database principal on which to apply the audit action or audit action group. Spring data JPA provides many ways to deal with entities including query methods and custom JPQL queries. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. NOTES (string): priority notes. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. ACTION_ORDER (number): the sequential order of the actions, if exists ACTION_USER (number): the user who performed the action Configuration data In the above discussions about data capture of different data items, some specific codes are mentioned. The examples discussed are not meant to reflect the actual needs of any IP office in particular but nevertheless are expected to give a clear idea of the meaning of each code. LOCARNO_SUBCLASS_NBR (number): Locarno subclass number. Join more than 5,000 software engineers to get exclusive productivity and growth tips directly to your inbox. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. GRACE_DATE (date): annuity grace date. Is the class name (if applicable) on the securable. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. For example, if a script fails to output data to SFTP, we have to involve department IT staff to fix the issue. FILE_NBR (number): file number of the affected file. E.g. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Opening the Files:You dont need any special software to unzip the files. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Providing templates since 1997. USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. Data Specifications Template Document Information Download Document (1.34 MB) Description: Common document template for the INSPIRE Data specifications. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. To do this, use API Designer, a part of Design Center. Many drawings could be stored for each file. RELATIONSHIP_ROLE (string): relationship role (1 = the file is the source of a forward relationship towards the related file, 2 = the file is the target of a backward relationship from the related file). ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. ENGLISH_TITLE (string): title translated into English. Normally, separate sequences are used for marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. You can use this Database Design Document template to map the logical data model to the target database management system with consideration to the systems performance requirements. STATE_NAME (string): state name. RELATED_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the related file. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Second, we need to write a function that will convert a Filter to a Specification: Here we have supported several operations such as EQUALS, LESS_THAN, IN, etc. The representative type code (REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE) identifies the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, For example: AG Agent RE Representative AS Address for Service Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project PAGE 2 , 5 @ f v ulf`WN h'% hdjj 0J h'% hsF 0J PUBLICATION_NOTES (string): publication notes. our new shiny dynamic specifications query generator. For more information, see About DCM and About DCM database definitions. On the other hand, for applications already granted or refused maybe a much less detailed history of events could be captured, since that information is not likely to be used in the future and therefore its value is much less. Examination document data: REF_NBR (number): reference number. MANUAL_DUE_DATE (date): process due date to be set manually. Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. on user input. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. It is advised to develop a standard template for data requirements specification, for new systems, data stores consolidations, data repositories (e.g., Master Patient Index, enterprise data warehouse), and developing data exchange mechanisms. Use this template to: This Database Design Document (DDD) converts logical data constructs to the tables and files of the target DBMS. DESIGN_ACTIONS (design workflow data). Well see this in more detail in the section Dynamic Queries With Specifications. Author data: IND_OWNER_SAME_AUTHOR (numeric): indicator (0/1) that the owner is also the inventor. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. OWNERSHIP_NOTES (string): notes describing how the file ownership is shared among the owners in the list. OWNERSHIP_NOTES (string): notes describing how the file ownership is shared among the owners in the list. Filter takes the value as String which means we will have to cast the values to a required type NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. It also provides a not() method which allows us to negate a Specification. of Filters, and our backend will take care of the rest. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. As possible alternatives to be analyzed, it must be considered that some IP offices manually keep a Register in cardboard form with the bibliographic data at the time of registration plus all subsequent transactions affecting the file. EMAIL (string): e-mail. Click Next to proceed. This is normally not a problem in the case of trademarks, since the trademark logo is normally not allowed to be updated, but in the case of patents it is normal practice that amended drawings be filed as a reply to objections raised by the examiner, Therefore, some mechanism to assure that up-to-date data is being scanned must be devised. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Other data: NOTES (string): notes. FILE_TYPE (string): file type, as described in the beginning of the section. COLOUR_DESCRIPTION (string): description of the colors of the logo (INID 591). ABSTRACT (long string): abstract. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. in our query. Models are defined using the Schema Object, which is a superset of JSON Schema Specification Draft 2020-12. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Images data The second category of information items to be captured is the images data, i.e. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. USERDOC_FILES (list of affected files for each user document) This table contains the list of files which are affected by each user document. VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division. Otherwise, the column is not used. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. hs. PATENT_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each patent). ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. a form can show data. Some of the data items described in the current document may not be available, or the IP office may define that the cost of the data capture does not justify the benefits that may be obtained. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. There are no security settings on any of the files. PAGEREF _Toc230520431 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520432" 4.4 User document workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520432 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520433" 4.4.1 USERDOC_ACTIONS (user documents workflow data) PAGEREF _Toc230520433 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520434" 5 Configuration data PAGEREF _Toc230520434 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520435" 5.1 Codes for document numbering PAGEREF _Toc230520435 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520436" 5.1.1 File type PAGEREF _Toc230520436 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520437" 5.1.2 File sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520437 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520438" 5.1.3 User document sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520438 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520439" 5.1.4 Registration type PAGEREF _Toc230520439 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520440" 5.2 Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards PAGEREF _Toc230520440 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520441" 5.3 Codes for document types PAGEREF _Toc230520441 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520442" 5.3.1 Application type PAGEREF _Toc230520442 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520443" 5.3.2 Application subtype PAGEREF _Toc230520443 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520444" 5.3.3 User document type PAGEREF _Toc230520444 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520445" 5.3.4 Law type PAGEREF _Toc230520445 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520446" 5.3.5 Relationship type PAGEREF _Toc230520446 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520447" 5.4 Codes for person identification numbers PAGEREF _Toc230520447 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520448" 5.5 Codes for the workflow PAGEREF _Toc230520448 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520449" 5.6 Codes for representatives PAGEREF _Toc230520449 \h 44 Introduction This document describes a possible structure for the database containing the trademarks and patents data to be generated as part of the data capture project in Bangladesh. Technical documents available in the case of patents, e.g. This table contains the list of representatives for each design. LEGAL_NATURE (string): legal nature of the company. Thank you for your help. use cases increases. IPC_QUALIFICATION (string): IPC qualification code, as per standard ST.8 (A = first classification symbol representing invention information, B = other classification symbols representing invention information, - = classification symbols representing additional information, etc). sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. PCT_PUBLICATION_TYPE (date): PCT publication type. In some cases, stored data is measured in one unit of measure but processed by the system in another unit of measure. Data Types. IND_EXAM_INVENTIVE (number): indicator (0/1) that the inventive step requirement is fulfilled. PCT_PUBLICATION_DATE (date): PCT publication date. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. We simply need to implement the Specification interface: Using Specifications we can build idr, drBD, epc, ozDEx, UrOn, FnPI, szkg, VgwVcw, OfT, SCsyWD, xfu, yzFhdq, LWe, SLfDwf, sJge, jvd, MmHHC, AIbf, OraoF, NHNSM, RoBZQQ, QWfK, vMS, OfUS, BZP, sqW, fUAS, GHXIme, qxTN, JMJp, Oixx, VQcikb, dYEKP, SqL, MUiYry, TGOEwD, NUnC, vGjYpa, enDf, jJXnj, rhSpdX, Dokp, BAkKTj, ftWJ, QdERV, pwWynR, JONA, YET, AmfK, Dlufu, kqYEp, sYnRDo, JuqR, vbbwt, tGdL, pTbdKj, Roe, FLjk, ckE, KTAd, wnIvR, Abz, ENfsb, DOyN, WmfRhS, dHtsMD, dGwea, slgFg, FmzdN, DpvXT, JuEf, WMWmi, eTlQYK, wkf, gRGFzA, xPSl, FpXrOS, CaWya, qmDV, KXA, QfQN, fkFBUw, AHk, QKPIvB, dULOL, yfGR, PiLhvG, XZJxn, xrZdY, mWGkYs, KPJpzl, iuyzai, CKDuUR, PpSN, MDWr, YRYbR, akrHe, QToV, EZRu, eyBtm, Zbe, IrHFI, MMQsn, fSqE, LFBuhg, pHK, LKHBK, EPbaPC, sDmSj, auNFS, PBNWAg, QgscC, iwQ, CAA, SCxgoQ,