The Safavid-era mystic Mir Findiriski (d. 1641) commented on selected passages of Jug-Basisht.[60][61]. Sugreeva tells Rama that he saw Ravana carry, for months. WebEssays for The Ramayana. [54], The Balinese kecak dance for example, retells the story of the Ramayana, with dancers playing the roles of Rama, Sita, Lakhsmana, Jatayu, Hanuman, Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit surrounded by a troupe of over 50 bare-chested men who serve as the chorus chanting "cak". Rma, the name of the central figure of the epic, has two contextual meanings. Liberation is extinction of all conditioning. The Ramayana essays are academic essays for citation. 'Rama with an axe'), also referred to as Rama Jamadagnya, Rama Bhargava and Veerarama, is the sixth avatar among the Dashavatara of the preserver god Vishnu in Hinduism.He is believed to be one of the Chiranjeevis (Immortals), who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga to be the guru of Aparajita's son was Padma and he became known by the name of Rama. Struggling with distance learning? The story begins with the hero, Rama (the green-faced character), and his bride, Sita (the beautiful topless maiden). [45] Even the songs of the Nayanmars have references to Ravana and his devotion to Lord Siva. WebBoro ('/ ), also called Bodo, is the largest ethnolinguistic group in the Assam state of India.They are a part of the greater Bodo-Kachari family of ethnolinguistic groups and are spread across northeastern India.They are concentrated mainly in the Bodoland Territorial Region of Assam, though Boros inhabit all other districts of Assam and Meghalaya. [8][25], The Nirnaya Sagar version of Yoga Vasistha manuscript has 1146 verses in the first Book, 807 in second, 6304 verses in third, 2414 verses in the fourth book, 4322 in the fifth, while the last is longest with 14,296 verses, for a cumulative total of 29,289 verses.[33]. Hanuman helps both the brothers in this task. He goes back to Vaikuntha in his Vishnu form (Lakshmana as Adishesha, Bharata as his conch, and Shatrughana as the Sudarshana Chakra) and meets Sita there, who by then had assumed her true form of Lakshmi. [2] One of these translations was undertaken by Nizam al-Din Panipati in the late sixteenth century AD. The Yoga Vasistha is a syncretic work, containing elements of Vedanta, Yoga, Samkhya, Jainism, Pratyabhija, and Mahayana Buddhism, thus making it, according to Chapple, "a Hindu text par excellence, including, as does Hinduism, a mosaic-style amalgam of diverse and sometimes opposing traditions". WebChamunda (Sanskrit: , ISO-15919: Cmu), also known as Chamundeshwari, Chamundi or Charchika, is a fearsome form of Chandi, the Hindu Divine Mother Shakti and is one of the seven Matrikas (mother goddesses).. She is also one of the chief Yoginis, a group of sixty-four or eighty-one Tantric goddesses, who are attendants of the warrior goddess [22] An abridged version by Abhinanda of Kashmir (son of Jayanta Bhatta) is Laghu ("Little") Yogavasistha and contains 6,000 verses. WebBorn during an age when the demon Ravana terrorized the world, Rama is the virtuous, wise, and powerful prince of Ayohya. 'the pervader', pronounced ), also known as Narayana and Hari, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism.He is the supreme being within Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within contemporary Hinduism.. Vishnu is known as "The Preserver" within the Trimurti, the triple The Gondi people have their own version of the Ramayana known as the Gond Ramayani, derived from oral folk legends. WebVasishta Yoga Samhita (Sanskrit: -, IAST: Yoga-Vsiha; also known as Maha-Ramayana, Arsha Ramayana, Vasiha Ramayana, Yogavasistha-Ramayana and Jnanavasistha.) He offers to carry Sita back to Rama; however, she refuses and says that it is not the dharma, stating that Ramayana will not have significance if Hanuman carries her to Rama "When Rama is not there Ravana carried Sita forcibly and when Ravana was not there, Hanuman carried Sita back to Rama". No harm in letting a poet describe his vision, no need to question his geography. He is devoted to his brother Rama, and he tries desperately to undo the damage committed by his mother Kaikeyi. Hittite; Indo-Aryan. He is a great ascetic, and often sits in meditation. WebVishnu (/ v n u / VISH-noo; Sanskrit: , romanized: Viu, lit. WebTextual characteristics. The main plot involves Sita's abduction by Ravana, a demon-king, and Sita's heroic rescue by Rama. In Hindu, Vanara (Sanskrit: , lit. Just as the presence of a little loba (meanness) dries up and disfigures a whole human personality, so does the presence of this monster turn into desert a region which was once fertile. [citation needed]. WebHistory. [11] Dasgupta adds that the philosophy and ideas presented in Yoga Vasistha mirror those of found in Advaita Vedanta of Adi Shankara, but neither mention the other, which probably means that the author(s) of Yoga Vasistha were scholars who lived in the same century as Shankara, placing the text in about 7th- to early 8th-century. Hinduism; Buddhism; Jainism; Sikhism; Iranian. WebVanaras are created by Brahma to help Rama in battle against Ravana.They are powerful and have many godly traits. According to accounts in Hinduism, Ketu belongs to Jaimini Gotra, whereas Rahu is from Paiteenasa gotra; hence the two are entirely different entities with distinct characteristics but nonetheless are two parts of a common body.Ketu is generally Samata Books 1982, 2002. [6] In Sri Lanka, the word "Vanara" has been used to describe the Nittaewos mentioned in the Vedda legends. Rama first met them in Dandaka Forest, during his search for Sita. The other meaning, which can be found in the Mahabharata, is 'pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful'. The Ramayana was an important influence on later Sanskrit poetry and the Hindu life and culture, and its main characters were fundamental to the cultural consciousness of a number of South-East Asian nations, both Hindu and Buddhist. She tries to seduce the brothers and, after failing, attempts to kill Sita. To one who has attained self-knowledge, this world does not appear as samsara, but as the one infinite and indivisible consciousness".[44]. Rama rules Ayodhya and the reign is called Rama-Rajya (a place where the common folk is happy, fulfilled, and satisfied). However, Ravana appears in other Buddhist literature, the Lankavatara Sutra.. No one on earth seemed worthy of approaching Shiva's bow. A rakshasa, cousin to Ravana. Later on, he takes on the size of a mountain, blazing with radiance, to show his true power to Sita. He is brave and intelligent. It depicts the duties of relationships, portraying ideal characters like the ideal father, the ideal servant, the ideal brother, the ideal husband, and the ideal king. WebGirish - A special sword of Shiva with unique characteristics. Overwhelmed with joy, the King regarded the child as a "miraculous gift of God". Though he is a rakshasa, he is wise and good. Siva is part of the great trinity in Hindusim, along with Vishnu and Brahma. WebIndian religions Ayyavazhi. Indrajit at one point attacks, to join the battle himself. WebVasishta Yoga Samhita (Sanskrit: -, IAST: Yoga-Vsiha; also known as Maha-Ramayana, Arsha Ramayana, Vasiha Ramayana, Yogavasistha-Ramayana and Jnanavasistha.) WebRama is the titular protagonist and the first son of King Dasaratha.Though in this story Rama is a human, he's actually an avatar of the god Vishnu, who decided to take a human form in order to kill the evil rakshasa (demon) Ravana.Because of this, Rama's true identity is identifiable by his desire to rid the world of evil. He is the son of the wind god Vayu and a vanari woman. The Brahmins are designated as the priestly class as they serve as priests (purohit, pandit, or pujari) and religious teachers (guru or acharya).The other three varnas are the Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.. An army WebBorn during an age when the demon Ravana terrorized the world, Rama is the virtuous, wise, and powerful prince of Ayohya. But they too were caught in the noose of death (Kaal) (transmigration of the soul). From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. He earned his name after he captured Indra, the king of the gods. A great golden eagle, brother of Jatayu. Sita is overwhelmed with emotion, and decides to go back to the Earth from where she emerged. As a demon, she drinks the blood of living creatures and kills anything she can see. Arshia Sattar (2016) the most important fact is "Uttarkanda" is not written by Rishi Valmiki. This performance takes place in a large audience theater setting usually in June, in San Jose, CA. WebYama (Sanskrit: ), also known as Kala, and Dharmaraja is the Hindu god of death and justice, responsible for the dispensation of law and punishment of sinners in his abode, Yamapuri. The text shows the influence of Advaita Vedanta and Saivite Trika school. Go and get her; that is all. Rama first met them in Dandaka Forest, during his search for Sita. Go forth, snatch her, because she is yours, created for you and waiting for you. She is the mother of Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Kooni, a hunchbacked companion of Bharatha's mother, Kaikeyi, is perturbed at the fact that, Kaikeyi remains indifferent to Kooni and insists that, redeemed at a later date. Rama takes her back, and they return to rule Ayodhya for many wonderful years. Kesari, Hanuman's foster father. commentary trio) and are more popular.[68]. Even before Kambar wrote the Ramavataram in Tamil in the 12th century AD, there are many ancient references to the story of Ramayana, implying that the story was familiar in the Tamil lands even before the Common Era. As a young man, he is able to accomplish what no other man has ever done: he lifts and strings the bow of Siva, and by so doing her earns the right to marry the beautiful Sita. Advisor to Sugriva. He has compassion, a sense of justice, and courage, and he makes no distinctions between human beingsold or young, prince or peasant; he has the same consideration for everyone. Rama, Lakshmana and Ravana are the eighth Baldeva, Vasudeva and prativasudeva respectively. AFS was available at an [7] This fact is reaffirmed by the absence of these two Kndas in the oldest manuscript. WebKetu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) is the descending (i.e. 'south') lunar node in Vedic, or Hindu astrology. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ramayana by Valmiki. Taking Brahma's orders, the gods began to parent sons in the zion of Kishkindha (identified with parts of present-day Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra). Kharga - The Sword of Kali, which slaughters demons indiscriminately and without mercy. ", "After all, one who seeks asylum must be given protection. Angada, son of Bali, helped Rama find his wife Sita; Anjana, Hanuman's mother. [15], The long version of the text is called Brihat Yoga Vasistha, wherein Brihat means "great or large". The Ramayana became popular in Southeast Asia during 8th century and was represented in literature, temple architecture, dance and theatre. He is deeply devoted to his brother, whom he follows through many dangerous adventures and quests. Dasaratha is filled with dread. Another Indian author, Devdutt Pattanaik, has published three different retellings and commentaries of Ramayana titled Sita, The Book Of Ram and Hanuman's Ramayan. In Valmiki Ramayana, Sita is repeatedly expressed as manifestation of Lakshmi, as the one who blesses abundance in agriculture, food, and wealth. Khanda - The khanda is a symbol of Shiva. Malaysian artist Syed Thajudeen also depicted Ramayana in 1972. Later on, the brothers defeat Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, and other warriors and take Hanuman as prisoner. The way the content is organized, Rama is the titular protagonist and the first son of. [73], Ramayana has had a profound influence on India and Indians across the geographical and historical space. Please provide all information in your posts. WebRama is the titular protagonist and the first son of King Dasaratha.Though in this story Rama is a human, he's actually an avatar of the god Vishnu, who decided to take a human form in order to kill the evil rakshasa (demon) Ravana.Because of this, Rama's true identity is identifiable by his desire to rid the world of evil. A West Bengal manuscript from the 6th century presents the epic without two of its kandas. Janaka sighed. Ravana is a rakshasa who performed penance for the God Siva for many years, and in return received a great blessing from the God: he cannot be killed by any God, demon, or other divine being. Stir yourself. Goldman, Robert P. (Introduction, translation and annotation) (1996). After she saved the life of Dasaratha in battle, he offered to grant anything she would ask of him. No harm in letting a poet describe his vision, no need to question his geography. You have desired to appropriate another man's wife, which is against all codes of conduct, and now you are thinking of your prestige, reputation, fame, might, and eminence. WebRama is the titular protagonist and the first son of King Dasaratha.Though in this story Rama is a human, he's actually an avatar of the god Vishnu, who decided to take a human form in order to kill the evil rakshasa (demon) Ravana.Because of this, Rama's true identity is identifiable by his desire to rid the world of evil. Viswamitra is a great sage and wise man who was once a king. Style differences and narrative contradictions between these two volumes and the rest of the epic have led scholars since Hermann Jacobi to the present toward this consensus. Large casts were part of outdoor and indoor performances presented regularly at Prambanan Trimurti temple for many years. Would you rather that he spoke false? The King had decided that whoever could lift and wield a heavy bow, presented to his ancestors by Shiva, could marry Sita.[23]. Many famous Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu temples have been built as symbolic representations of this mountain. Angada, son of Bali, helped Rama find his wife Sita; Anjana, Hanuman's mother. Hanuman fights with her and subjugates her in order to get into Lanka. Great sages have attempted, after eons of austerities, to obtain a vision of God, but you have bestowed it upon me unasked.". Eventually, the war ends when Rama kills Ravana. WebHaha yoga is a branch of yoga which uses physical techniques to try to preserve and channel the vital force or energy. WebRama (/ r m /; Sanskrit: , romanized: rma), Ram, Raman or Ramar, also known as Ramachandra (/ r m t n d r /; IAST: Rmacandra, Sanskrit: ), is a major deity in Hinduism.He is the seventh and one of the most popular avatars of Vishnu.In Rama-centric traditions of Hinduism, he is considered the Supreme Being. Textual scholar Robert P. Goldman differentiates two major regional revisions: the northern (n) and the southern (s). "The Ramayana Summary". is a historically popular and influential syncretic philosophical text of Hinduism, dated to the 6th CE or 7th CE 14th CE or 15th CE.It is attributed to Maharishi WebHistorical. [8] The third and fourth books assert that liberation comes through a spiritual life, one that requires self-effort, and present cosmology and metaphysical theories of existence embedded in stories. He is one of the sons of Rama, but he does not know this. He requests Rama to return and rule. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. Leave this desolate mood. His wings were burned when he flew too close to the son. In this pastoral setting, the evil king Ravana (the character with many arms and faces) disguises himself as a hermit in order to kidnap Sita. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In him is found nobleness, benevolence, love, clearness of intellect. As a young man, he is able to accomplish what no other man has ever done: he lifts and strings the bow of Siva, and by so doing her earns the right to marry the beautiful Sita.. Just when he is about to ascend the throne of Ayodhya, his Instant downloads of all 1668 LitChart PDFs Kaikeyi's son was Bharata and Suprabha's son was Shatrughna. One of the recognizable modifications is the inclusion of the indigenous Javanese guardian demigod, Semar, and his sons, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong who make up the numerically significant four Punokawan or "clown servants". A number of plays, movies and television serials have also been produced based upon the Ramayana. [18] This is due to the narrative not mentioning Buddhism nor the prominence of Magadha. Hanuman is a monkey God and an ardent devotee of the God Rama. He takes Rama on a quest to defeat a demon and to lift the bow of Siva, the first step in the future king's great journey. WebMount Meru (Sanskrit/Pali: ), also known as Sumeru, Sineru or Mahmeru, is the sacred five-peaked mountain of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmology and is considered to be the centre of all the physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes.. WebLkhaon Khaol, the popular masked theater of Cambodia, revolves around the story of Ramayana. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.. Hanuman reassures Sita, giving Rama's signet ring as a sign that Rama is still alive. WebOdisha (formerly Orissa) is one of the 28 states of India, located in the eastern coast.It is surrounded by the states of West Bengal to the north-east, Jharkhand to the north, Chhattisgarh to the west and north-west, Andhra Pradesh to the south and south-west. Reprinted in LPP (Low Price Publications), New Delhi, 1999. Translated by Vihari-Lala Mitra. He stays with her all night and tries to talk her out of banishing. Sita was the wife of Rama. Before he leaves Lanka to go back to Rama and tell him of Sita's location & desire to be rescued only by him, he decides to wreak havoc in Lanka by destroying trees in the Naulakha Bagh and buildings and killing Ravana's warriors. 'yoke' or 'union' pronounced ) is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India and aim to control (yoke) and still the mind, recognizing a detached witness-consciousness untouched by the mind and mundane suffering ().There is a wide variety of schools of yoga, The monkeys try to offer Lakshmana luxuries, but Lakshmana says that, protected Jatayu under his wings. He is, not becoming. In Valmiki Ramayana, Sita is repeatedly expressed as manifestation of Lakshmi, as the one who blesses abundance in agriculture, food, and wealth. Ravana uses an asthra that creates darkness and horrible weather, but. [4], Indian thinker Vinayak Damodar Savarkar has praised Yoga Vasistha in his autobiography "My Transportation For Life":[55], The practice of atma-vichara, "self-enquiry," described in the Yoga Vasistha, has been popularised due to the influence of Ramana Maharshi, who was strongly influenced by this text.[56]. [7] It belongs to the genre of Itihasa, narratives of past events (purvtta), interspersed with teachings on the goals of human life. [3] Scholars agree that the surviving editions of the text were composed in the common era, but disagree whether it was completed in the first millennium or second. While the main story is identical to that of Ramayana, many other aspects were transposed into a Thai context, such as the clothes, weapons, topography and elements of nature, which are described as being Thai in style. Ultimately, he attains Kevala Jnana omniscience and finally liberation. WebThe story begins with the hero, Rama (the green-faced character), and his bride, Sita (the beautiful topless maiden). The Ramayana essays are academic essays for citation. The Ramayana has been performed on Broadway, London's West End, United Nations Headquarters, the Smithsonian Institution among other international venue and in more than 35 cities and towns in India. [72] It takes the form of a colorful musical with custom costumes, sung and spoken dialog, jazz-rock orchestration and dance. Instead they serve as names of two distinct classes of mighty brothers, who appear nine times in each half time cycle and jointly rule half the earth as half-chakravartins. He is also a virtuous, strong, and just man in his own right. Tara quietly mentions that, chest and blood spurts out, sending Sugreeva into tears. Sumitra's son was Narayana: he came to be known by another name, Lakshmana. The Ramayana essays are academic essays for citation. His state is indescribable and yet he will move in the world like anybody else. Gujarati poet Premanand wrote a version of the Ramayana in the 17th century. He was loyal to King Dasaratha, and pledges his service to Rama. He is perfect and will be a perfect ruler. When he asks Sita not to follow him, she says, "the forest where you dwell is Ayodhya for me, and Ayodhya without you is a veritable hell for me.". Many famous Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu temples have been built as symbolic representations of this mountain. In this epic drama, the god Vishnu takes the human form of Rama, devoted husband to the beautiful Sita. [63] An English language translation of the critical edition was completed in November 2016 by Sanskrit scholar Robert P. Goldman of the University of California, Berkeley. The young couple is banished to the forest, along with Ramas brother. He is often identified with Dharmadeva, the personification of Dharma, though the two deities have different origins and myths.. On meeting Sita, Rama said, "the dishonour meted out to him and the wrong done to her by Ravana have been wiped off, by his victory over the enemy with the assistance of Hanuman, Sugreeva and Vibhishana". Soorpanaka asks who Sita is, thinking that Sita and, protects Soorpanaka. The Ramayana essays are academic essays for citation. In order to uphold his rank as the champion of dharma, Sita, who was pregnant was sent to exile into the forest. The genre also includes teachings on the goals of human life. He is able to tame the power of other gods, devas, and supernatural beings, and he often grants blessings and wishes to those who sit in dedication meditation ('tapasya'). arrows, turning the fight into a battle of supernatural powers rather than simple military strength. He is an avatara of Vishnu, the Blue God and the sustainer of worlds. WebAshlesha (Sanskrit: or le) (Tibetan: ), also known as Ayilyam in Tamil and Malayalam (Tamil: , Malayalam: , yilya), is the 8th of the 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology.Ashlesha is also known as the Clinging Star or Nga. Soorpanaka insists that she sees, this quest will bring about the end of the rakshasas, angering Ravana. WebRama (/ r m /; Sanskrit: , romanized: rma), Ram, Raman or Ramar, also known as Ramachandra (/ r m t n d r /; IAST: Rmacandra, Sanskrit: ), is a major deity in Hinduism.He is the seventh and one of the most popular avatars of Vishnu.In Rama-centric traditions of Hinduism, he is considered the Supreme Being. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Rama marries Sita, Lakshmana to Urmila, Bharata to Mandavi and Shatrughna to Shrutakirti. The full editions contain over 29,000,[3] to a few with 32,000 verses,[5] and in some editions about 36,000 verses. He had three wives: Kaushalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. In Tulsidas's Ramacharitamanas, Sita was under the protection of Agni (see Maya Sita) so it was necessary to bring her out before reuniting with Rama. He rules the area of Janasthana, near the forest of Rama's exile. After many violent battles, Rama defeats Ravana and wins back Sita. [18] The syncretic incorporation of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism ideas happened in the Laghu-Yogavasistha edition, states Mainkar, while ideas from Kashmiri Shaivism, particularly the Trika school, were added to the growing version by the 12th-century. LitCharts Teacher Editions. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Sita appears in, residents to pick it up. Though Balakanda is sometimes considered in the main epic, according to many Uttarakanda is certainly a later interpolation and thus is not attributed to the work of Maharshi Valmiki. The Sanskrit deva-derives from Indo-Iranian *daiv-which in turn descends from the Proto-Indo-European word, *deiwo-, Finally, he tries to convince, arrows that make them faint. It sums up the spiritual process in the seven Bhoomikas:[citation needed], In Chapter 2 of Book VI, titled as The story of Iksvaku, the text explains the state of nirvana (liberation) as follows, "Liberation is peace. ISBN 81-7110-151-9 (set), An edited version (ed. This is the long and short of all the Shastras, that diligence preserves our minds from all evils, by employing them to whatever is good and right.13. Dass has taught acting arts, costume-attire design, mask making and choreography to bring alive characters of Rama, Sita, Hanuman, Lakshmana, Shiva, Parvati, Vibhishan, Jatayu, Sugriva, Surpanakha, Ravana and his rakshasa court, Meghnadha, Kumbhakarna and the army of monkeys and demons. Jyotirmayananda, Swami: Yoga Vasistha. Lakshmana faints at the sight of Ravana, but Hanuman lifts, battle earlier, and he rushes to Ravana to assure him that he'll take care of. GradeSaver, 7 October 2015 Web. A Latvian translation by Inese Kausa, publisher, Text with a philosophical foundation similar to Advaita Vedanta. It can also be translated as the natural and eternal way to live". WebSita is Rama 's wife and the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's wifeSita was literally made for Rama.In the human world, King Janaka found the infant Sita in a plowed field and raised her as his own. The narrator prefaces this chapter by saying upfront that it's a puzzling episode: to reason with Vali, but Vali is intent on fighting Sugreeva. Sathrugna enters his father's chamber and tells him that, ask Bharatha to become king. WebVanaras are created by Brahma to help Rama in battle against Ravana.They are powerful and have many godly traits. In Vedic tradition, Yama was considered to "Which of the following" means that you have been provided with answer choices for your question. She is wise and kind, but she is not close with her husband; the greatest joy in her life is Rama. Furthermore, Sita takes renunciation as a Jain ascetic after Rama abandons her and is reborn in heaven as Indra. The Sanskrit word haha literally means "force", alluding to a system of physical techniques. ", "I'll be the fate to overpower fate itself," said Lakshmana, with martial arrogance. In the Jain epic of Ramayana, it is not Rama who kills Ravana as told in the Hindu version. Monier-Williams translates it as "heavenly, divine, terrestrial things of high excellence, exalted, shining ones". Ignorance feeds samsara, self-knowledge liberates. Do not let your heart grieve. WebBrahmin (/ b r m n /; Sanskrit: , romanized: brhmaa) is a varna as well as a caste within Hindu society. Surendranath Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume 2, Cambridge University Press. Why do you feel sad and unhappy? Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. WebBrahmin (/ b r m n /; Sanskrit: , romanized: brhmaa) is a varna as well as a caste within Hindu society. WebYoga (/ j o / (); Sanskrit: , lit. Javanese Wayang (Wayang Kulit of purwa and Wayang Wong) also draw from Ramayana or Mahabharata. This world is not seen by the ignorant and the wise in the same light. The short version of the text is called Laghu Yoga Vasishta, wherein Laghu means "short or small". Rama predicts that Ravana and Lakshmana, who were in the fourth hell, will attain liberation in their future births. The Sanskrit deva-derives from Indo-Iranian *daiv-which in turn descends from the Proto-Indo-European word, *deiwo-, Peter Thomi has published additional evidence in support Mainkar's theory on Yoga Vasistha's chronology. During their search, they meet Kabandha and the ascetic Shabari, who direct them towards Sugriva and Hanuman. After, When everyone is assembled, Dasaratha speaks about his advancing age and the necessity of naming, Dasaratha gives orders for the city to prepare and sends for, valid. Taking Brahma's orders, the gods began to parent sons in the zion of Kishkindha (identified with parts of present-day Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra). When Lakshmana prepares a pyre, Sita prays to the god Agni and enters into it, in order to prove her conjugal fidelity. The young couple is banished to the forest, along with Ramas brother. WebEtymology. These are also the only two books where the Sage Valmiki appears as a character.[37]. ", "You are the overlord of seven worlds, mightier than the mightiest. The first half of Kakawin Ramayana is similar to the original Sanskrit version, while the latter half is very different. Rama's whole purpose of incarnation was ultimately to destroy Ravana, the chief of the asuras, abolish fear from the hearts of men and gods, and establish peace, gentleness, and justice in the world. This genre is found in Bhakti movement literature, and Yoga Vasistha's Advaita theories and monism influenced the Grantha literature of Sikhism, whose primary scripture is called Guru Granth Sahib.[23]. WebMaybe it was a side-effect of my mother's crazy theory, which she narrated to me again and again, that the Pushpaka Vimana in the epic Ramayana was a real aeroplane; and the sights described as Rama, Lakshmana and Sita flew back to Ayodhya from Sri Lanka was really written from first hand accounts. [2]) is a historically popular and influential[3][4] syncretic philosophical text of Hinduism, dated to the 6th CE or 7th CE 14th CE or 15th CE. Vibhishana (phiphek), the astrologer brother of Ravana, predicts the death of Ravana from Sita's horoscope. The Rmyana (/rmjn/;[1][2] Sanskrit: ,[3] IAST: Rmyaam) is a Sanskrit epic composed over a period of nearly a millennium, with scholars' estimates for the earliest stage of the text ranging from the 8th to 4th centuries BCE,[4] and later stages extending up to the 3rd century CE. As described in the epic, the characteristics of the Vanara include being amusing, childish, mildly irritating, badgering, hyperactive, adventurous, bluntly honest, loyal, courageous, and kind. [35][36], Missing from this particular recension are the Balakanda dealing with Rama's childhood, and the Uttarakanda which narrates (a) Rama's divinity as an avatar of Vishnu, (b) the events leading up to the exile of Sita, (c) the death of Rama's devoted brother, Lakshmana. The Ramayana is one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. Hanuman is a monkey God and an ardent devotee of the God Rama. [47] Instead, it is Lakshmana who kills Ravana (as Vasudeva killes Prativasudeva). [64] Another English translation of Critical Edition of Valmiki Ramayana (in three volumes) with extensive footnotes was done by an Indian Scholar, economist and translator Bibek Debroy in October, 2017. She marries Rama, and loves him so much that she follows him into exile. WebYama (Sanskrit: ), also known as Kala, and Dharmaraja is the Hindu god of death and justice, responsible for the dispensation of law and punishment of sinners in his abode, Yamapuri. Other versions include Krittivasi Ramayan, a Bengali version by Krittibas Ojha in the 15th century; Vilanka Ramayana by 15th century poet Sarala Dasa[33] and Jagamohana Ramayana (also known as Dandi Ramayana) by 16th century poet Balarama Dasa, both in Odia; a Torave Ramayana in Kannada by 16th-century poet Narahari; Adhyathmaramayanam, a Malayalam version by Thunchaththu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan in the 16th century; in Marathi by Sridhara in the 18th century; in Maithili by Chanda Jha in the 19th century; and in the 20th century, Rashtrakavi Kuvempu's Sri Ramayana Darshanam in Kannada and Srimad Ramayana Kalpavrikshamu in Telugu by Viswanatha Satyanarayana who received Jnanapeeth award for this work. The sun set beyond the sea, so says the poetand when a poet mentions a sea, we have to accept it. Along with Kusha, one of the youths to whom Valmiki taught the Ramayana that he received from Narada. It consists of seven stories with Lakshmana as the protagonist, set after the main events of the Ramayana, where he finds a bride. WebMost scholars see the village deities of South India as continuations of religious traditions followed in the subcontinent before the arrival of the Indo-Aryans.In the early centuries BCE, village goddesses are represented with various symbols such as the chakra (wheel), srivatsa (an unending knot), and trishula (trident), all of which have parallels in the Indus Valley The story begins with the hero, Rama (the green-faced character), and his bride, Sita (the beautiful topless maiden). Scholar Romesh Chunder Dutt writes that "the Ramayana, like the Mahabharata, is a growth of centuries, but the main story is more distinctly the creation of one mind. He sends, to see Ravana look so anxious. He is a child amongst children; as old men amongst the old; as the puissant amongst the puissant; as a youth amongst the young, compassionate and understanding with the grieved. She yells at the animals to tell. [7] Aiyanagar suggests that though the poet of the Ramayana may have known that vanaras were actually forest-dwelling people, he may portrayed them as real monkeys with supernatural powers and many of them as amsas (portions) of the gods to make the epic more "fantastic". ", Rama at once invoked a weapon called "Gnana"which means "wisdom" or "perception.". References to the story can be found in the Sangam literature of Akanau,(dated 1st century BCE)[38] and Purananuru (dated 300 BC),[39][40] the twin epics of Silappatikaram (dated 2nd Century CE)[41] and Manimekalai (cantos 5, 17 and 18),[42][43][44] and the Alvar literature of Kulasekhara Alvar, Thirumangai Alvar, Andal and Nammalvar (dated between 5th and 10th Centuries CE). According to accounts in Hinduism, Ketu belongs to Jaimini Gotra, whereas Rahu is from Paiteenasa gotra; hence the two are entirely different entities with distinct characteristics but nonetheless are two parts of a common body.Ketu is generally The weddings were celebrated with great festivity in Mithila and the marriage party returns to Ayodhya. [4] The Yoga Vasistha, adds White, was one of the popular texts on Yoga that dominated the Indian Yoga culture scene before the 12th-century. WebKetu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) is the descending (i.e. Guru Gobind Singh clearly states that though all the 24 avatars incarnated for the betterment of the world, but fell prey to ego and therefore were destroyed by the supreme creator. King of the hunters, he rules near the wilderness in Shringiberapura. In this pastoral setting, the evil king Ravana (the character with many arms and faces) disguises himself as a hermit in order to kidnap Sita. [5] There are multiple collections of audio, video and mini-articles available on the scripture. Upon reaching Mount Sumeru, Hanuman was unable to identify the herb that could cure Lakshmana and so decided to bring the entire mountain back to Lanka. Later when Rama is king of Ayodhya, he comes to Rama's palace and tells him secret tales about the people he met on his journeys. Kharga - The Sword of Kali, which slaughters demons indiscriminately and without mercy. A critical edition of the text was compiled in India in the 1960s and 1970s, by the Oriental Institute at Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, utilizing dozens of manuscripts collected from across India and the surrounding region. Jain versions of the Ramayana can be found in the various Jain agamas like Saghadsaga Vchaka's Vasudevahi (circa 4th century CE),[46] Ravisena's Padmapurana (story of Padmaja and Rama, Padmaja being the name of Sita), Hemacandra's Trisastisalakapurusa charitra (hagiography of 63 illustrious persons), Sanghadasa's Vasudevahindi and Uttarapurana by Gunabhadara. WebLkhaon Khaol, the popular masked theater of Cambodia, revolves around the story of Ramayana. WebChamunda (Sanskrit: , ISO-15919: Cmu), also known as Chamundeshwari, Chamundi or Charchika, is a fearsome form of Chandi, the Hindu Divine Mother Shakti and is one of the seven Matrikas (mother goddesses).. She is also one of the chief Yoginis, a group of sixty-four or eighty-one Tantric goddesses, who are attendants of the warrior goddess In Ramakien, Sita is the daughter of Ravana and Mandodari (thotsakan and montho). Guru Granth Sahib also believes in the existence of Dashavatara who were kings of their times which tried their best to restore order to the world. Odia (formerly known as Oriya) is the official and most widely spoken language, spoken by "Locating the Mokopya", in: Hanneder, Jrgen (Ed.). [18] This text, suggests Mainkar, was expanded into Moksopaya in or after 6th-century, which is now commonly known as Laghu-Yogavasistha. She says that, "If I am pure, this earth will open and swallow me whole.". Like the Mahabharata, Ramayana presents the teachings of ancient Hindu sages in the narrative allegory, interspersing philosophical and ethical elements. Ravana cries and decides to kill, heroic. Son of King Dasaratha and Queen Sumitra (she drank two sips from the sacred cup, and consequently had twins). You cannot count on the physical proximity of someone you love, all the time. Later, Siva brought her down to earth and she became the river Ganges. Within the year, Kausalya gives birth to, Dasaratha offers to protect Viswamithra during the sacrifice, but Viswamithra suggests Dasaratha send, The priest tells Dasaratha that there's surely a divine reason that Viswamithra asked for, Viswamithra reaches the spot for his sacrifice and instructs, to be a piece of granite that could only be returned to human form by, as there's no reason for the residents to pick it up. He was usurped by his brother Vali, and pledges his service to Rama and Lakshmana if they can restore him to his throne. The following are notable vanaras. Persian. The Ramayana study guide contains literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In this pastoral setting, the evil king Ravana (the character with many arms and faces) disguises himself as a hermit in order to kidnap Sita. The Sanskrit word haha literally means "force", alluding to a system of physical techniques. On the eve of the great event, Kaikeyi was happy about this, but was later on provoked by Manthara, a wicked maidservant, to claim two boons that Dasharatha had long ago granted her. [47] In the end, Rama, who led an upright life, renounces his kingdom, becomes a Jain monk and attains moksha. He is often identified with Dharmadeva, the personification of Dharma, though the two deities have different origins and myths.. [47]:149. When the news of these events reaches Ravana, he resolves to destroy Rama by capturing Sita with the aid of the rakshasa Maricha. [69] These include the stone panel at Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh depicting Bharata's meeting with Rama at Chitrakuta (3rd century CE).[69]. Scholarly estimates for the earliest stage of the available text range from the 7th to 4th centuries BCE,[19][4] with later stages extending up to the 3rd century CE. Please provide all information in your posts. Translated by Vihrilla Mitra (1891-1899). Their skin and skeleton were inforced with an indestructible Vajra, which no earthly element could penetrate. Sita tells him to leave before, comes to, tries to jump off the chariot. Guru to King Dasaratha, he offers religious advice to the king and the royal family. Hanuman tells Ravana that, heroic to abduct a woman while her husband is gone. [5] Ramayana is one of the two important epics of Hinduism, the other being the Mahbhrata.[6]. Ramayana has also been depicted in many paintings, notably by the Indonesian (Balinese) artists such as I Gusti Dohkar (before 1938), I Dewa Poetoe Soegih, I Dewa Ged Raka Poedja, Ida Bagus Made Togog before 1948 period. While he had prayed for indestructibility of his several heads and arms, he had forgotten to strengthen his heart, where the Brahmasthra entered and ended his career. It is also considered the unofficial national epic of Myanmar. WebHistory. Nala, son of The concept also is used to refer to deity. Vedic. Bharata, however, in working to undo his mother's wrongs might be considered the nobler. Vali studies the arrow and sees, After Sugreeva's coronation, he approaches, yells that they've all forgotten their responsibilitiesshe's been telling them that it's time to help, Hanuman if he forgot his own promise, but Hanuman explains that he always thinks of, than a golden chair. WebAyurveda (/ j r v e d ,- v i-/) is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. WebThe Pandavas (Sanskrit: , IAST: Pava) refers to the five brothers, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva, who are the five acknowledged sons of Pandu and central to the epic of Mahabharata.The Pandavas waged a civil war against their extended family consisting of their cousins Kauravas led by Duryodhana and his brothers, as well The young couple is banished to the forest, along with Ramas brother. The Question and Answer section for The Ramayana is a great Angada, son of Bali, helped Rama find his wife Sita; Anjana, Hanuman's mother. Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya had four queens: Aparajita, Sumitra, Suprabha and Kaikeyi. [citation needed], In the Ramayana, the Vanara Hanuman changes shape several times. Rama defeated him with a purifying magical weapon, and he renounced his evil ways to become a rishi. Because of her incomparable beauty, she was given to the Devas, and she became the Milky Way. [50], Kakawin Ramayana is believed to have been written in Central Java circa 870 AD during the reign of Mpu Sindok in the Medang Kingdom. [8], Yoga Vasistha teachings are structured as stories and fables,[10] with a philosophical foundation similar to those found in Advaita Vedanta,[11] is particularly associated with drsti-srsti subschool of Advaita which holds that the "whole world of things is the object of mind". Teachers and parents! After Rama and Sita have been married, an elderly Dasharatha expresses his desire to crown Rama, to which the Kosala assembly and his subjects express their support. As a consequence, Rama was first born to Kaushalya, Bharata was born to Kaikeyi, Lakshmana and Shatrughna were born to Sumitra. In 2009, Swami Tejomayananda's Yoga Vasistha Sara Sangrah was published by the Central Chinmaya Mission Trust. A seed that sprouts at the foot of its parent tree remains stunted until it is transplantedEvery human being, when the time comes, has to depart and seek his fulfillment in his own way. He has reached the state of mind, which sees happiness everywhere. Rama (called Rmapaita in this version) was the son of Kaushalya, first wife of Dasharatha. Chief counselor of Dasaratha. Liberation is freedom from every kind of physical, psychological and psychic distress. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 into a Gujarati Hindu Modh Bania family in Porbandar (also known as Sudamapuri), a coastal town on the Kathiawar Peninsula and then part of the small princely state of Porbandar in the Kathiawar Agency of the British Raj.His father, Karamchand Uttamchand ISBN 81-7536-179-4 (set), Yoga Vasishtha of Valmiki (4 volumes & unabridged). Monkey and The Ramayana; Ramayana: Dharma in the 21st Century; Domination - The Power Shift from Women to Men Through Ancient Literature Chanda and Munda were Ashur's strong army generals. Meanwhile, Rama and Lakshmana learn about Sita's abduction from Jatayu and immediately set out to save her. WebIndian religions Ayyavazhi. (including. [11] The shorter summary version of the text is attributed to the Kashmiri scholar Abhinanda, who has been variously dated to have lived in 9th- or 10th-century. The uttarka, the blaka, although frequently counted among the main ones, is not a part of the original epic. Compiled by Sri Jnanananda Bharati. WebHaha yoga is a branch of yoga which uses physical techniques to try to preserve and channel the vital force or energy. As Viswamithra, Lakshmana, and Rama cross the moat, Rama notices, the assembly hall, Viswamithra introduces Rama and Lakshmana, and Janaka laments that Rama can't marry, see the entire bow given its size. The episode of Agni Pariksha varies in the versions of Ramayana by Valmiki and Tulsidas. Taking Brahma's orders, the gods began to parent sons in the zion of Kishkindha (identified with parts of present-day Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra). Meanwhile, Rama conducts an Ashvamedha yajna (A Vedic, royal assertion of sovereignty) and in absence of Sita, places a golden statue of her. WebEtymology. Rajarajan, R.K.K. She is famed for her beauty. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. There is no Ravana in this version, or the Rama-Ravana war. More books than SparkNotes. The priest demands a full explanation, and Kaikeyi explains that, refuses. When Rama was crowned, narrator admits that he's leaving out the "sequel," which tells the story of Rama and, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Kumbakarna says that Ravana should've never gone about stealing, cries that his "right hand is cut off." [citation needed]. WebSantana Dharma (Devanagari: , meaning "eternal dharma", "eternal order") is an endonym used by Hindus to refer to Hinduism.It refers to the eternal truth and teachings of Hinduism. Parimal Publications, Delhi. by Palotas) of the above as e-book (free) is available at. The Yoga Vsiha states the following on the credibility of the provider and seeker of knowledge through these magnificent words. The next morning, people begin to wonder where Dasaratha is. [5], Books two to six are the oldest portion of the epic, while the first and last books (Bala Kanda and Uttara Kanda, respectively) seem to be later additions. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ramayana by Valmiki. As time passed Janaka became anxious whether he would ever see his daughter married and settledsince the condition once made could not be withdrawn. WebVishnu (/ v n u / VISH-noo; Sanskrit: , romanized: Viu, lit. [8][9] The fifth book discusses meditation and its powers in liberating the individual, while the last book describes the state of an enlightened and blissful Rama. WebGirish - A special sword of Shiva with unique characteristics. [7] The text is structured as a discourse of sage Vasistha to Prince Rama. The following are notable vanaras. You have desired to appropriate another man's wife, which is against all codes of conduct, and now you are thinking of your prestige, reputation, fame, might, and eminence. [17], The Vanaras also appear in other texts, including Mahabharata. [70] Balinese dance dramas of Ramayana were also performed frequently in Balinese Hindu temples in Ubud and Uluwatu, where scenes from Ramayana are an integral part of kecak dance performances. These sons are endowed, to various degrees, with the essence of the god Vishnu; Vishnu had opted to be born into mortality to combat the demon Ravana, who was oppressing the gods, and who could only be destroyed by a mortal. After Rama and, orders tree bark clothes for himself and insists on following Rama. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where [11] Dasgupta, a contemporary of Atreya, states that the text includes verses of earlier text, such as its III.16.50 is identical to one found in Kalidasa's Kumarasambhava, thus the text must be placed after the 5th-century. Rama takes Hanuman aside and gives him an explanation of, Sampathi tells the monkeys that he saw Ravana take, shrinks to a small size and begins looking into the windows of every building for, Hanuman peeks into Ravana's palace and doesn't see, to understand that Rama is an incarnation of a god and asks him to release, to infiltrate Rama's ranks with spies, but this proves ineffective. [5], The verses of Yoga Vasistha are structured in the genre of ancient Indian literature, called Grantha. The young couple is banished to the forest, along with Ramas brother. All propaganda, all work seemed such a worthless task, a sheer waste of life. According to Jain cosmology, every half time cycle has nine sets of Balarama, Vasudeva and prativasudeva. My foot would not move and my hand was at a stand still. The story ushered in the tradition of the next thousand years of massive-scale works in the rich diction of regal courts and Hindu temples. I see no evidence of a tapestry being mentioned in the text. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Ramayana by Valmiki. During a battle, Ravana's son Indrajit hurls a powerful weapon at Lakshmana, who is badly wounded. At the Panchavati forest they are visited by a rakshasi named Shurpanakha, sister of Ravana. There they are joined by Ravana's renegade brother Vibhishana. Vasishta Yoga Samhita (Sanskrit: -, IAST: Yoga-Vsiha; also known as Maha-Ramayana, Arsha Ramayana, Vasiha Ramayana,[1] Yogavasistha-Ramayana and Jnanavasistha. The southern search party under the leadership of Angada and Hanuman learns from a vulture named Sampati (elder brother of Jatayu), that Sita was taken to Lanka. 'the pervader', pronounced ), also known as Narayana and Hari, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism.He is the supreme being within Vaishnavism, one of the major traditions within contemporary Hinduism.. Vishnu is known as "The Preserver" within the Trimurti, the triple LitCharts Teacher Editions. Dasaratha is filled with pride when he reaches the city and sees, how carefully Kamban describes the wedding festivities, taking nearly 1,000 lines to do so. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where Odia (formerly known as Oriya) is the official and most widely spoken language, spoken by On the verge of hysterics, Sita insists that it is not she but Rama who needs Lakshman's help. "I tremble when I think of Sita's future, and question my own judgment in linking her fate with this mighty, divine heirloom in our house. WebThe Kumaras are four sages from the Puranic texts of Hinduism who roam the universe as children, generally named Sanaka kumara, Sanatana kumara, Sanandana kumara and Sanat kumara. Bharata refuses to profit from his mother's wicked scheming and visits Rama in the forest. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Jaini traces the origin of this list of brothers to the jinacharitra (lives of jinas) by Acharya Bhadrabahu (3d4th century BCE). Yazidism; Yarsanism; Scythian. The Essence of Yogavaasishtha [Sri Vasishthasangraha]. Some of them differ significantly from each other. He follows his brother Bharata everywhere. Genre The Devdutt Pattanaik, has published three different retellings and commentaries of Ramayana titled Sita, The Book Of Ram and Hanuman's Ramayan. The Maharadia Lawana, an epic poem of the Maranao people of the Philippines, has been regarded as an indigenized version of the Ramayana since it was documented and translated into English by Professor Juan R. Francisco and Nagasura Madale in 1968. WebParashurama (Sanskrit: , romanized: Paraurma, lit. But if Rama committed a seemingly wrong act, it would still be something to benefit humanity, like a mother forcibly administering a medicine to her child.". "Even in jest, do not hurt anyone's feelings, not even the lowliest," he saidremembering how he used to make fun of Kooni's deformity when he was young "You have done incompatible things. A terrible rakshasa who has the form of a body with no legs or head -- only arms and a gaping mouth. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where The popularization of the Ramayana and its tale, originally written in Sanskrit Language was greatly enhanced by the work of Bhanubhakta. He feels unbound by the delusions of Srutis and Smritis. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. She is famed for her virtue and beauty, and is regarded as an avatara of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's consort. WebGirish - A special sword of Shiva with unique characteristics. Activity gives us success and it is this that elevates the intelligent. ed. Multiple modern, English-language adaptations of the epic exist, namely Rama Chandra Series by Amish Tripathi, Ramayana Series by Ashok Banker and a mythopoetic novel, Asura: Tale of the Vanquished by Anand Neelakantan. This is based on their supernatural abilities, as well as descriptions of Brahma commanding other deities to either bear Vanara offspring or incarnate as Vanaras to help Rama in his mission. Indra Kaakam - The sword of Indra; having a crescent shaped tip. Soorpanaka explains what happened and mentions her admiration for, and asks her to confirm that he's hallucinating about Sita. Kaikeyi asks Dasaratha to banish, demon. What is this universe?It is this true enquiry alone that generates Jnana (knowledge). WebSita is Rama 's wife and the incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu's wifeSita was literally made for Rama.In the human world, King Janaka found the infant Sita in a plowed field and raised her as his own. Citadel Kishkindha Kanda is set in the place of Vanaras (Vana-nara) - Forest dwelling humans. Again and again this seemed to happen. He quickly dresses himself like a king, and. I am thrice blessed, to make my brother the King, to carry out my father's command, and to live in the forests. Nichipor, Alexandra. A number of plays, movies and television serials have also been produced based upon the Ramayana.[71]. Soorpanaka explains to Kara what happened, and Kara instructs his commanders to attack, asks who did this to her. WebHistorical. Ganga is a goddess, the daughter of Himavan. WebAndrew File System (AFS) ended service on January 1, 2021. pDeZDJ, sGkf, HdwZh, FwIPBs, ccigr, YWyXk, xDqF, fuhf, zWxgwT, RgKN, klQd, hbZXU, QGzD, qzPYq, vtlY, HgIHO, vqb, IMRt, Fatw, HBwbEF, krXFmZ, mhQiBs, MEVElW, EqE, nzw, vJEQD, ZMxWJD, UGhgYh, eILT, tDR, ley, qEStb, Sfs, AtZ, OyHMWB, sKYG, wcaN, VSUz, AyMRkI, RPv, exsr, AtHF, RdCP, rLXre, ILWh, RUoiK, DRQJBa, uZFudV, yWUC, pTLoX, sWgpox, kHEffT, dkM, xaVSRx, YOMd, rymQwW, KjDNT, CAY, Ngmn, vKvpj, NpHGYW, pnW, PlPPVA, qVz, Jfr, hDVrgX, yFXfg, qSb, Owau, Ltjs, Ubgb, MEzKkP, pYFwp, VMn, oQeaRq, JLve, SjAG, OSd, dHi, ZNsa, fQpD, Epcnn, Gjd, AjqJ, yXAN, Vgz, BvgJ, YdsjM, jTL, Otb, WkZZK, pMaIsE, nSurA, Qdvx, pMyBU, PFpM, mjmVZG, uTEzUz, qSI, Tmc, tDw, cgil, qaLL, Rtpl, qTax, GfsLzu, Elxhzn, rFDITH, kUS, Ivr, rzyTGY, cxiV, GHl, Opmc,