You look bad enough. She showered and dressed in a light cotton sundress. He retreated toward the bathroom just as the door openedand just as Dean hit the light switch and rolled to the floor, flooding the room in brightness. Tables were covered with white linen table cloths and adorned with violet colored napkins inside light gray napkin holders. The once-beloved mayor has been seen in a bad light ever since news of his tax-evasion scandal came to public attention. I just had a bad dream. The light returned to her eyes, and she bit her tongue to keep from griping. The power was restored and both rooms blazed with light. Gabriel squinted, unaccustomed to so much light after all his years in the underworld. Perhaps to light a cigarette. He looked elegant in a light gray suit that accentuated his dark tan. Carmen read to her from a book for a few minutes until she fell asleep and then turned the light off. The interior of the command hub was darkened, aside from the light of systems and screens on all the walls. Another boom, another flash of light outside the window, another shudder as the building struggled to stand upright. He dropped a light kiss on her temple then sauntered to the bar. At once, the cold and dark was replaced by soft light and heat. She reached up and shut off the light, crawling back under the covers. Videos, games and interactives covering English, maths, history, science and more! Sixth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum27 -30 September 2011United Nations Office in Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya September 28, 2011 - 09:00AM *** The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during the Sixth Meeting of the IGF, in Nairobi, Kenya. January 6th political prisoners detained in the Corrupt Washington DC jail are calling on patriots to demand that DC Mayor Muriel Bowser allow them visitation, even computer visitation with their families. Quienes reescriban las actuaciones del ejrci to sovitico o las representen de manera negativa debern afrontar segn se estipula una multa o una pena de encarcelamiento. The rocket slammed into an ambulance parked in front of Andre's, the brilliant explosion throwing heat and light that reached her on what she estimated was the twentieth floor. Even his hands were muscular, and she couldn't help comparing his light touch to Talon's brutal grip. A good cleaning, a coat of paint and a few working light bulbs might make the place a pleasant neighborhood tavern. He squinted down at her in the dim light, his gray eyes smoldering with unmasked anger. Burgess flipped off the light switch, returning the room to darkness, and sat on the edge of the bed. Jackson picked up the diamond and held it to the light. The toilet flushed and Ethel returned, proceeded in the darkness by the tiny pinpoint light of her cigarette. One hand was on the light switch while the other held a gun pointed directly at Dean. bad light noun A weather condition where the light is so poor that the umpires feel that to continue playing would be dangerous. In what light must I appear to them! Just told the commo guy he wouldn't ever see the light of day again if he touched the commo pad. He had thought her fair in the moonlight, but in full light, he found her beautiful. sentence for "streetlight". Discover several ways to properly share wishes and greetings in the spirit of the Hanukkah season. Chesterton once said that a good novel tells us the truth about its hero, but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. A candidate's policies are important, but during an election, it matters more for voters to see them in a good light. As she emerged from the barn, one of the forms was nearing the circle of light. They do not make honey for us, like the bees, but many of them are as beautiful as the flowers they light upon, and they always delight the hearts of little children. She trailed her fingers down a wall, smiling when she saw soft glimmers light up beneath her touch, trail her fingers a short distance, and blink out. A moment later, veins of light threaded through dark low clouds. This is the Gospel Podcast. He rolled over and switched on his light. Play was called with another 15 overs remaining because of bad light. 4. The single cone of light flickered on the dripping stone, casting yellow dancing goblins in its shadowy glow as the pair stumbled forward. Darkyn didn't back down, and the light of lust flared in his gaze. The world faded into shadow and light then into an uncomfortable darkness, not quite sleep but not consciousness either. He had to light his pipe here. Now that it's light, the federal boys who are running this show are back to the drawing board. He didn't answer but crossed to a window and flipped on a light. He jumped to his feet flipping light switches and stumbling through both rooms, barely seeing still-sleeping Cynthia through eyes pinched nearly closed against the intrusive brightness. You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with bad mood. I remembered the flash light in the Jeep, from the last time. He believed these accounts were from trolls who are trying to put him in a bad light. In the glow of the dome light he glanced up at her. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of bad light in Chaldean Numerology is: 5 Pythagorean Numerology The room was dark except for the light above Jonny's bed and the red and green lights dotting the machines keeping him alive. There was no light in the back of the house and I didn't have a flashlight so I had trouble getting the key in the lock. That they were going to some other planet millions of light years from earth because Romas knew a few good men they'd like to hook her up with? He'd never acted in order to gain his brothers' favor, but Kris's words affected him more than he thought they would. Even at ten o'clock, when the Rostovs got out of their carriage at the chapel, the sultry air, the shouts of hawkers, the light and gay summer clothes of the crowd, the dusty leaves of the trees on the boulevard, the sounds of the band and the white trousers of a battalion marching to parade, the rattling of wheels on the cobblestones, and the brilliant, hot sunshine were all full of that summer languor, that content and discontent with the present, which is most strongly felt on a bright, hot day in town. They broke free of the house into the dark night on a side of the house far from the light and merriment of the party. They hovered through the air, at last reaching one of the ships, where a doorway yawned open to reveal the damp yellow light and grey corridors beyond. She lifted the cat to her lap and turned so the light from the doorway would fall on the foot. Here, my duties are light, even less than our Emma back in Boston. The light in his eyes was like that in Wynn's, one she couldn't place. Tell him to light the lamps. His magic filled the space around them, bending light and shadows in a way she found as mesmerizing as flames or the falling snow. He was out like a light before we got to the house. discredit bring into disrepute disgrace show in a bad light reflect badly on compromise dishonor damage the reputation of blacken the name of stigmatize smear tarnish taint slur discrediting discredited shame dishonour damage someone's reputation blacken someone's name Negatively; under unfavorable circumstances. He guided her through the fog, and they emerged in a dark room with the light of streetlamps filtering through two windows across what looked another hotel room. It was dark, the spinning world lit by the kitchen and hallway light. There was no verbal replyonly a returning wave of her light. And with that light, and as if in reply to it, came the sound of guns ahead of them. She walked stiffly to the closet, deciding quickly on a pair of blue jeans and a light shirt with a collar that would hide most of her neck. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). Finally she sat up in the bed and turned on the light. Sometimes one came near to my window, attracted by my light, barked a vulpine curse at me, and then retreated. There was a flash of light and Kris was gone. Darian's power had grown; the air of the room shimmered, and light and dark alike warped in the space around Darian. Dusty surveyed the blackened ruins of the church in the grainy light of dawn. Fourth graders can review vocabulary words that describe how sound and light travel and how we measure them. The sun pushed aside the shadows as it emerged from the depths of the distant sea until it sat on the horizon, casting long shadows and brilliant bars of light into the walled city. Dusty pushed the door opened and flipped on the light. The room was more welcoming than she expected, the stone walls covered and smoothed with Sheetrock painted a light green and edged with pumpkin orange. His tone was light, but his expression remained solemn. More than a day followed until we'd chiseled, in ever increasing light, our precious opening. He shone a light in her face before hauling her to her feet. In her room, she flipped on the light and looked at the box. Shortly afterward, bad light stopped play 40 minutes early. He heard Gladys' muffled alarm at least twice, and someone rummaging around the kitchen, all well before the light gave a hint of welcoming Sunday. The light was extinguished and Dean heard the door close to silence. Alex was here and he knew how to light a fire. He groped around in the dim light, but could not find any way of escape. For a moment her heart leapt, fearful their light had died permanently, trapping them in this awful place. His eyes, so light in color they were more golden than brown, penetrated her thoughts with every look. One hundred years ago the stream was damned by the Ouray Electric Power and Light Company. She focused on the chart he held up to the light. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "BAD WORD" - english-telugu translations and search engine for english translations. She looked him in the eye, silhouetted in the glow from beneath the door, the only light in the nearly dark room, and began to undo his belt. countable noun If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature. Mansr strode down one of the many paths lining the rocky hills, away from the encampment and into a part of the hills untouched by any but the moons' light. It would be bad enough by daylight. It was her dream all over, the flashes of light, darkness and blood, the scent of sulfur and death. Around the tree by the pond, daffodils tipped their trumpets away from the light breeze. Her father stood in the doorway of the house, framed against the light of the foyer. Pressing her thumb to her door, she realized there was light lining the windows of the condo beside hers. Only the reflection of the white snow and grey sky provided light once she stepped outside. Now there was life and light in his eyes, even if he wasn't quite the man Jule remembered. Light flashed and Lana gave a strangled cry as the laser gun glanced off her wrist. The dome light went off as he shut the door. The rain began, light at first, and he adjusted his helmet to deflect the droplets from blowing in his face. When Dorothy came home from school to find the Relief Society in her living room instead of her faithful but imperfect mom, Rene, she was ill-prepared for how drastically her life would soon change. Gabriel.s small cottage was lit by a single candle that cast light on a collection of weapons along one wall and a few books on a bookshelf on another. The headlights of a slow moving car washed her white body, shadowing the curve of her buttocks, the roundness of her shoulder, painting her golden hair in its light. They do not represent the opinions of Alex was lithe and graceful light on his feet. With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from. The room consisted of a massive bed with black bedding and white pillows, a wardrobe and trunks, and yawning windows to the sky that light never touched. She rubbed her eyes and tilted her watch crystal around until the light reflected enough to read the dial. She sat behind the bookcase with her eyes fixed on a streak of light escaping from the pantry door and listened to herself and pondered. Not much beyond that, because, as she put it, she and Caleb didn't stick around 'cause the light went out almost at once. Romas's people were fair skinned with light hair in varying shades of blond and red. (14) I am not the type to mistake a streetlight for the moon. Dean put out the office light and undressed for bed. He grabbed the hen by the wing and headed for a sliver of light shining through the coop door. There were dark circles beneath her light eyes, her hair was in a half-assed lumpy ponytail, and her face was so pale and drawn, she looked ill. She looked from the computer screen to the phone with the flashing red light. He yelled a response and blinked his light. At first that seems like an odd name for a prophet, but when you consider the weighty responsibilities God's chosen servants carry, the name makes sense. Light flared suddenly behind her, and she turned curiously. As if in celebration, the fireworks ended in a fury of light and muffled noise. With a saloon-type menu including huge sandwiches and burgers, this is not a place to go for a light meal. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. After I managed to get in I fished around for a light switch and found they didn't work. The lanterns were beginning to grow dim, and the Wizard poured the remaining oil from one into the other, so that the one light would last longer. - "a bad job" in a sentence. She opened the barn door and flipped on the light. While the actual phrase Happy Hanukkah is an appropriate greeting for the Jewish observance of Hanukkah, it is not the only one. When Kelli woke her, the warehouse was dark, except for the low light of lanterns like the one dangling from the ceiling into Lana's room. Do they know what makes you allergic to light and eat raw steaks covered in peanut butter for every meal? Carmen turned out the light and descended the stairs. He stepped through the doorway and turned the beam of light on her. Those were the last words spoken as I turned out the light. She waited until they stopped and the full light of day streamed into her room before heading to the kitchen. A garden is a beautiful place. 48 23 These practices of caning as punishment were introduced during the period of British colonial rule in Singapore. How to pronounce bad light? To Be Out Like A Light. He was out of place, a bright light in the corner of the dimly lit room, dressed casually in jeans, T-shirt and hiking boots. Dean congratulated him but issued a warning against getting too bold with characters who would burn their mother at a stake just to light their cigars. Those eyes were warm, reflecting a mood somewhere between sober and light humor. He disappeared into one without turning on the light. Gabe jerked, as if surprised to find himself still standing. He located the room, which was dark when he entered, but he didn't turn on the light. Her surroundings blurred into light and shadows, and she felt the sickening sense of falling off the cliff again. Our reputations are bad enough as it is. ; Other testimony has further put the Harris government in a bad light. All at once a light flashed out from the tower. He turned to address Dan, when the sagging building behind them exploded into flames and light. He kissed her long and light, enjoying the sensations of her body as she became aroused. Bowser has revoked visitation privileges throughout the pandemic, including remote, online visitation, from unvaccinated inmates. A family out fishing had the catch of the day, in the same general area where Billie had bobbed to light. The colors of the mortal world were brilliant, the light in her bedchamber blinding her. He'd have beaten her to a light came on. She shivered in her light cotton nightgown and curled up into a ball. They were all miserable efforts, but at least the least bad one won through in . Source He assumed he must have agreed to do something because Fred had finally turned out the light and left him alone. Report after report showed the couple in a bad light. It was still light enough to see across the gorge when an opening in the trees allowed, but the long swing to the far end of valley was away from the direction the vehicle had driven and blocked from sight by the curve of the canyon. His cold, chiseled features were bathed in the light of a streetlamp while his room was dark, aside from light lining the cracked bathroom door. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). But, despite the heartbreak of circumstances beyond her control, and with the help and support of . As Dean rounded the corner of Collingswood Avenue and pulled in his driveway, he noticed a light blue car pull away from the opposite curb. I will have all brought to light. She opened her eyes when the light pressure of his fingers left her face. His fingers brushed her shoulders in a light caress. Dean slipped onto a barstool at the far end of the room where the light was a darker yellow. The heads of the dragonettes were as big as barrels and covered with hard, greenish scales that glittered brightly under the light of the lanterns. Use "shed some light" in a sentence when you want to ask for clarification on a topic or situation, show that you received clarification about a topic or situation, or discuss how a topic or situation was clarified. The umpires trimmed play by three overs because of, One Malay saying unfairly puts the ikan haruan in, This possibility places the Prussian unit in a very, The first day of play was wrecked by rain and, The umpires trimmed play by three overs Sunday because of, Play was called with another 15 overs remaining because of, The council's indecision put the beer company in, Report after report showed the couple in a, Jamaican captain Robert Samuels accepted the umpires'offer of, Osborne admitted his comments had shown the sport in a, The allegations are very serious and have put cricket in, Other testimony has further put the Harris government in a, Amanda then gives Amandus information that casts Clorinda in a. Suddenly, the room was ablaze with light. Light and dark seemed to bend to avoid him, leaving a haze around his body. bad light in a sentence 1) bad light stopped play 15 minutes before stumps. Gabe saw the screen light up with a text message. 4) Maybe it was bad light or bad mushrooms. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, hiding her face from the light. Keep reading for some 4th grade science vocabulary words and definitions for sound and light lessons, followed by a few online resources and a practice quiz. You let me see my Gabriel in a whole new light. It can't do any harm and it may shed light on his intentions. " (flashing, shining, glowing, blinding) He was angry because the film didn't portray him in a favorable light. Christ spoke in symbolism and parables when He was on the Earth and that metaphorical language is in the Old Testament too. The light yellow sundress had buttons down the front. ; Report after report showed the couple in a bad light. Then he brushed the sand from her pants, finishing up with a light slap on her backside. The restaurant offers sandwiches and light lunches and has a full dinner menu. His pupils were contracted by the bright sunlight and his light green eyes contrasted sharply with his bronze tan. And feeling the bright light that flooded the whole place and the warm air heated by the crowd, Natasha little by little began to pass into a state of intoxication she had not experienced for a long while. Han slammed the door open, and she squeezed her eyes closed, expecting the light from the hallway to hurt her. Yes! By the time she reached the top of the stairs, tiny flecks of light were dancing across her vision. Something about him touched her on a level that left her feeling at peace, as if he, too, understood what it was to face death each day and struggle to see the light instead of the surrounding darkness. Need synonyms for put in a bad light? Light from the hidden hall filled the wine cellar. George Orwell gave this piece of advice its epigram: "Good prose is like a windowpane.". Jackson took in the beauty of her body with the light of day. Bad light delayed the start of play for 30 minutes. . They rose and shone the light on her again. She flipped the light off and locked the door. Without the light in front of him, his progress was brief pictures taken by the flashes from the sky. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he started down the side isle. Sound and light are essential parts of our world, and they are also important when studying science. 313 217 Advertisement Carmen had chosen the colors pastel violet and light gray, with the theme being hearts and the flowers being forget-me-nots. Alex joined them at church half way through the sermon, looking handsome and sophisticated in a light gray suit. As the weather became colder, he went from bad to worse. Dean was knee-deep in a dream, trying to pull his Visa card away from Jeffrey Byrne, who was sitting on a cloud playing a harp, when his bedroom was suddenly filled with light. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in a bad light", or refer to the context using the word "in a bad light" in the English Dictionary. She'd thought it cloudy, for there was little light this morning. The Atlanta night was muggy and dark; a thin layer of smog trapped the city's light and made the sky glow an eerie yellow-orange. Do you think you're capable of that, keeping it light? In this week's study of Amos and Obadiah, we'll learn about the vital role of prophets and why they are asked to carry . She lifted her head from her desk and blinked, the first fingers of dawn rendering the light of the room grainy and grey. The day dawned cloudy and cold with a light rain that chilled her after ten minutes. The light faded from the vamp's eyes, and it slid to the ground. Adjectives modify nouns by describing their qualities. He was angry because the film didn't portray him in a favorable light. On the way back Nicholas drove at a steady pace instead of racing and kept peering by that fantastic all-transforming light into Sonya's face and searching beneath the eyebrows and mustache for his former and his present Sonya from whom he had resolved never to be parted again. The ship sloshed through dark teal waters toward a crescent-shaped bay with white sands that glistened in the midday light. ; Osborne admitted his comments had shown the sport in a bad light. The air was hot and dry, the two suns too dim to shed much light into the black fortress. Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore.It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school, and domestic. Join over 10,000 subscribers of our newsletter to receive updates about new features, exclusive offers, as well as a weekly vocab word and idiom in your inbox. Dean paused at the County's sole traffic light, a recent addition and, in some minds, a reluctant bow to progress. Noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket. : in a way that makes someone or something look good The news about his marital problems does not place/put him in a good light. He followed her out of the room, guiding her through the door with a light touch on her waist. Molly woke me with a rib crushing hug as she pointed to a single star-like dot of light gloriously hanging above us! 4th Grade Science Vocabulary Words: Sound and Light, How to Say Happy Hanukkah: Different Greetings & Wishes. Jan 29, 2013. got a 05 4300 towed into shop cranks wont start,whats been done so far is scan for codes no codes active only 1 inactive for brake switch.check eng light self checks, all fuses and relays good in fuse panel and batt box.removed fuel filter has plenty of fuel in fuel bowl,replaced filter and . You could see light through the towels when you held them up. He tore apart a demon and stood breathless, seeking his next opponent, only to see the body-strewn park was empty of living demons in the early morning light. She flooded the studio with light, then pulled another blank canvas from the closet and perched it on her easel. A flicker of light, and the clothing appeared on a slate grey slab serving as a bench near the door. He gazed down at her, his expression difficult to see in the fading light. Sentences She handed him a light blue shirt. Roving searchlights splashed the Undersecretary with brilliant white light. The image accompanying him into a light doze was that of the beautiful woman sleeping in the bed nearby. HOW OFTEN IS INFORMATION UPDATED? He was on light duty, working only with small animals; and part time. Carmen woke to a dim light shinning through her bedroom window - only the window was in the wrong place - and the bed was hard. I have a light schedule today anyway nothing that can't wait. The word is applicable to almost any context. First, I got a parking ticket and then things went from bad to worse when I got pulled over for making a Uturn. In spite of his size, his steps were light, as if he chose every one carefully. Jenn heard Jonny's door close, and the sound woke her from her light sleep. The Qatwali warriors had looked her over in full light, as if to ensure she was no threat, then dismissed her with a look that said she ranked lower than the tarantula cat clinging to one wall. His step was light as he crossed the room and gently lifted Tammy into his arms. Hearing these words our friends turned in the direction of the sound, and the Wizard held his lanterns so that their light would flood one of the little pockets in the rock. A light knock at the door made her stop in place. Wynn's gaze was on the figures across the lake, his impassive features bathed in green light. Alex turned the light off in the barn as he left. The stone flipped back and forth, winking at her as it caught the light. And I wouldn't be sitting here in this elegant room, listening to classical guitar music and sipping manhattans with the light of my life, Dean thought. beautiful in a sentence June 28, 2018 by admin A Butterfly was roaming in a beautiful Garden. (15) Poetry is the shadow cast by our streetlight imaginations. The light around the doorframe went dark, and the three opened fire. He said nothing, even as the last finger of light faded from the horizon and starlight replaced the sun. I did not want to put you in a bad light. She relaxed and enjoyed the continuation of light banter. All rights reserved. Natasha glanced at her and at the crack in the pantry door, and it seemed to her that she remembered the light falling through that crack once before and Sonya passing with a glass in her hand. Specks of light flashed in her eyes and then her knees gave way. The pillar of light was moving closer, enveloping everything in its path. The liquid was a light amber color and had bubbles in it. Dean had purchased a small tent and sleeping bag for the Iowa trip, both items light enough to be hauled on his bike. Then he caught sight of her in the light of the opening car door. 2) They perch too far away in bad light. in a bad light idiom : in a way that makes someone or something look bad The defendants were shown/depicted in a bad light by the lawyer. light (n): the form of energy that makes it possible to see things; something that produces light Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " The bright light hurt my eyes. Ahead of her, Katie stepped off the wooden porch into the ankle high snow and followed the trail Carmen had broken earlier on her trip to light the stove in the dairy. They'd have you sitting down under a hot light, spending a few hours while a gang of suits practiced twenty questions on you. Edith scrambled from the bed as Dean turned on the light. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or . 7) It wasn't bad light at all. The pot-bellied stove crackled with burning wood, and a light in the corner made the cottage feel even cozier. The food was heavenly, the duck crisped to perfection in a light, tangy sauce, the vegetables still fresh. They're pretty light on their feet for being so big. He shut the door and straightened his suit while his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Light snow had begun to falltiny crystals hardly visible in the light of the lamp across the street. The light in his eyes was response enough. His words made Rhyn's throat tighten. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Destiny selected a few light dresses and Carmen bought some clothes for the twins. Here are some examples. She heard no signs of war but saw the distant night sky light up with orange and red flashes. Matches to light the incense. Dean fidgeted in his seat, an arm's length from the door and half an arm length from a light switch. The stranger's kiss was light, his full lips warm and soft. Review 1 sentence examples with Bad Light to better understand the usage of Bad Light in context. The dual sub orbs were dim, casting a sickly light over Hell. The sheets were so fine and light they seemed to melt against her skin. ; All these users here presented me in a bad light. Let's look at some examples of phrases where this idiom is appropriate. He was in black, unaffected by the cold or the light settling over him, outlining him like glitter on black construction paper. Only first 15 results shown. She emerged into the bright light of a warm December afternoon and began to melt. To Be In One's Light. Bad is a versatile wordchildren can have bad behavior, a sandwich can have a bad aftertaste, and an athlete can have a bad game. Use In A Sentence: Ethan was really tired after the game. And while most defense attorneys advocate aggressively on behalf of their clients, they don't always believe in their client's innocence. In a gentle flicker of light, he was gone. She backed away slowly, flashing the light on the forms, and then ducked into the barn, grabbing a feed sack she remembered throwing beside the barn door. A dark form moved at the edge of the tree line and when she shined the flashlight in that direction, the light reflected off more than one pair of eyes. She paused, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim light. (11) He clashed against the streetlight and hurt his head. Knowing how to say happy Hanukkah is important for anyone who enjoys sharing holiday greetings with friends, family members or colleagues. Some swear words are extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways. It was hard to read his expression in the waning light. The books of Hosea and Joel remind us that Christ will always be there and always love us, no matter what low . Just you light out and make for that rock, Jim; and don't waste any time about it, either. The fire had died down, and someone had turned off the light to her bathroom, rendering the room completely dark. Her tone was light, but Josh scowled at her. Example sentences containing put in a bad lightfrom English sources Certainly the remarks of a concerned and very sweet editor, not wanting poor DSK to be put in a bad light. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, in (the) custody of (someone or something). (Typically used with the verbs "see" or "show," or some similar variation.). She shook out the sexual energy running through her and turned on a light, not wanting to be alone in the dark while the dead man in her thoughts began to sob once more. She appeared in no hurry and was dressed in only in a light sweater. And at that moment, though the day was still, a light gust of wind blowing over the army slightly stirred the streamers on the lances and the unfolded standards fluttered against their staffs. Outside the circle of light lay a small form, and a sweep of the flashlight revealed fur with copper highlights. You're a little light on free time yourself. In the light it was no easier to read his expression. Before he had reached the embankments that were being thrown up, he saw, in the light of the dull autumn evening, mounted men coming toward him. Megan helped and stacked socks and underwear in her pile and then brought her a light wool jacket, leather gloves, hat, and scarf. Her hand dropped from her eyes to reveal a furry, fanged monster from a nightmare framed against the light. Her green eyes pierced him to the core, and a light flush spread across her skin. Another vehicle came down the hill, a red flashing light attached to the top. Heart hammering, Lana rose to her tiptoes and gave him a light kiss on the lips. bad collocations 3) bad light was shed on both organizations. The lake blinked out for a second, the light gone completely, then blinked back on, this time much, much dimmer. He forced her head back until he could see her eyes, and she could see the unholy light in his. The Texas sun was gentle, and Yully enjoyed the light breeze and warmth after the Irish autumn. It was so light that he could see the moonlight reflected from the metal harness disks and from the eyes of the horses, who looked round in alarm at the noisy party under the shadow of the porch roof. Meaning: to physically block a light source. A reason why she was the only light in a very dark place. His healing hands were just the job to recharge ailing volunteers who slaved throughout the contest, often in bad weather conditions. Origen wrote "for Ebion signifies 'poor' among the Jews, and those Jews who have received Jesus as Christ are called by the name of Ebionites." Tertullian was the first to write against a heresiarch called Ebion; scholars believe he derived . She was dressed in a pair of light colored slacks, a pale blue blouse and was barefoot. He gave her a light kiss, unable to resist. The man A'Ran fought was more than a foot taller, with light skin and black hair resembling one of the observers. It was bad enough when people were kind. One arm tightened around her in a light hug, and then he released her, striding away after a screwdriver. Take to the future as to light. To light him up the river. Along the broad country road, edged on both sides by trees, came a high, light blue Viennese caleche, slightly creaking on its springs and drawn by six horses at a smart trot. A lake like this is never smoother than at such a time; and the clear portion of the air above it being, shallow and darkened by clouds, the water, full of light and reflections, becomes a lower heaven itself so much the more important. Light strobed through cracks in the boards, and the sidewalks teemed with shady-looking characters dressed all in black. Carmen turned the light off and shut the door. Sensitive to the light after years in the underworld, his head felt like it was going to explode. She cried out as he turned yet another corner and his fading yellow light receded into darkness. ; Amanda then gives Amandus information that casts Clorinda in a bad light. The outline turned to a bright square of light, and she followed him again. When the light bulb was cheaper and better, we ditched kerosene. She gave him a "you're-incorrigible" look as she switched out the light. For a few moments he teased her with light quick kisses, until she captured his neck with her arms and forced him to hold still. He'd always known the source of Death's magic was the souls, but he'd never seen his predecessor wield the light of the souls. Ukraine has attacked on Russian-occupied Melitopol in the country's southeast. He opened the windows, which did little to shed light into the stone room with its masculine, black dcor. The group was silent and tense, the warriors flanking Evelyn eyeing Kiera as much as the distant flashes of light. When she lifted her head to look at his face in the dim light, their lips were only inches away. I made my way back to the kitchen and turned on the gas stove burner for enough light to rummage through drawers until I located a box of wooden matches. Touching him was like sticking her finger in a light socket. Alex was quiet for a few minutes and then shut his light off. She was barely on her feet and debated whether or not she'd get up to turn off the light or fall asleep right there. She focused on the dim light of her microcomputer acting as a page marker in the antique book on her nightstand. 119 46 Howie's not a bad guy. Traffic was light and Molly kept us entertained with her chatter. It was dark in the room especially where they were sitting on the sofa, but through the big windows the silvery light of the full moon fell on the floor. Dade County was created on January 18, 1836, and was named after Major Francis L. We are responsible for the care, custody and control of between 4,000 to 4,200 persons incarcerated in our detention facilities awaiting trial, serving sentences of 364 days or less. It was Yancey, clad in boots, Jeans and a light blue polo shirt. - 20 examples of simple sentences "bad-luck". It wasn't a real kiss more like a light brush. 20 examples of simple sentences of bad mood. (13) (1) I clashed against the streetlight and hurt my head. It was light, a curved grey sword made of the same material as the beds and spaceships. When they had come to the edge of the forest it was noticeably growing light over the field. She was no more than a silhouette in the pale light. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers Definition of 'bad' bad (bd ) Explore 'bad' in the dictionary adjective Michael T. Dwan says he believed Kaleb J. Bobzien. The light was dim, and soon they mounted into total darkness, so that the Wizard was obliged to get out his lanterns to light the way. Dean biked to the jail in the failing light of the July evening. She wanted to see what the beast looked like, what kind of monster he'd be, yet knew if she saw him in full light, he was on his way to kill her. Suddenly the room was flooded with light and Dean shaded his eyes as turned to see him standing there. She tucked the creature in her hands under one arm and left the small room for a long corridor in similar dark grey which glowed more brightly from indistinguishable light sources. Stopping at a red light, she looked over at me. She hit every red light on the way and arrived at the airport fifteen minutes later than she had anticipated. This light banter was one of the things she had missed most about him - that and his confidence. Dean asked her about the motor home but she could give little information except to say it was boxy looking and blueor whiteor light colored. Bobzien, a resident of Bergen, was arrested in December and later indicted by a Genesee County Grand . 1198 526 I put out the light by the bed. The outline of the dairy was dim in the early dawn light, but the intermittent barking from Brutus was like a beacon. It feels warm today, but I always keep a light jacket in my saddle bags. Damian closed his eyes to the heat and light, tormented by his brother's death and his own cowardice. These were the questions each man of the troops on the high ground above the bridge involuntarily asked himself with a sinking heart--watching the bridge and the hussars in the bright evening light and the blue tunics advancing from the other side with their bayonets and guns. It is a ray of light in the darkness, a shade between sadness and despair, showing the possibility of consolation. The half moon.s light made the snow-covered forest glow eerily. She'd been sleeping somewhat well beside the panoramic window when purple light lit up the foyer. See also: bad, light Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. There followed a call from Groucho, whose name Dean learned was Coleridge, telling of a report that the Boyd pair was sighted in Kansas, stopped for a tail light violation on Sunday afternoon. She was soon soaked by a light drizzle and stretched to keep her stiffening muscles warm. She flipped on the light and opened the dress box. He'd never viewed the Code in this light, as more than his master. bad light example sentences 5) bad light, wide open and moving subjects. Standing there, silhouetted against the upstairs light, he was once again reminded of his prior night's dream. light always the bridesmaid 355 216 Carmen read to her from a book for a few minutes until she fell asleep and then turned the light off. He wants her bad enough. Apparently she saw the light and came up the stairs to talk. Privacy Policy. In this country, as in all others they had visited underneath the earth's surface, there was no night, a constant and strong light coming from some unknown source. The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Light poured in from a large window, and a fan overhead made the curtains flutter. In the dim light it was hard to tell what his expression was. She stopped at a light and glanced at a shop to her right where some people were standing around talking. Ayyub Aghazada (26), of Dorset Close in Antrim town, was charged with dangerous driving; driving whilst disqualified; failing to stop for police and absence of insurance on . It was a total mystery to her why Len and Howard couldn't light a fire in her the way Yancey did. His first kiss was light, as if he were testing her. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. - 20 examples of simple sentences "a bad job". Use "in a bad light" in a sentence Below are sample sentences containing the word "in a bad light"from the English Dictionary. She fluffed up her pillow and turned away as he turned out the light. A distant light was in Mansr's eyes, a faded glow about his face. It was in the first wash of light outside that suit-two-blue-gun got a good look at Dean's face. Suddenly an influx of light filled my house, though the evening was at hand, and the clouds of winter still overhung it, and the eaves were dripping with sleety rain. A light knock at his door distracted him from both painful thoughts. She was light as a feather and moved freely with him. I have a couple of polo shirts, but no light shirts. Put in a bad light synonyms What is another word for Put in a bad light? She left the bathroom light on and returned to her bed, chilled by the drafty chamber that was now hers. They did not know for some time after my recovery that the cruel fever had taken my sight and hearing; taken all the light and music and gladness out of my little life. Dictionary Entries Near in a bad light -ina in a bad light in a bad way See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style "In a bad light." The soft music and light clinking of glass were soothing. and put in a good light | English examples in context | Ludwig Sentence examples similar to put in a good light from inspiring English sources RELATED ( 1 ) reported in a good light similar ( 8 ) "The way we are going has put us in a good light and put Pakistan in a bad light," he added. Flipping a light on, he guided them to a corner and pulled the cloth from a painting. The Watcher nodded and disappeared in a wink of light. His gaze went to the Oracle, who had shed no light on what was going on in his underworld. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. I'm flattered that he based a character in his novel on me, but I think I was shown in a bad light. He turned the light on and rolled over to face her, resting on one elbow. Two bowed his head, and the green-eyed man was gone in a sparkle of light. He was fully clothed and wore a light jacket. POLICE saw a BMW nearly hit a kerb in Templepatrick and when the vehicle failed to stop for police, who put on blue lights and a siren, it then crashed at a roundabout. She popped open her halter, nearly spilling the contents, and took out her cigarettes, but didn't light one. The light beyond the solid French doors made her flinch, but she forced herself to cross the doorway. The keypad lit up, and light spilled from a door that opened slowly. The telephone in faraway Indiana rang, first in their agreed sequence, then twenty times before Dean gave up and turned out the light. Taran, she'll die before the last of the light fades from the sky! Name. Examples of 'bad light' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of bad light. Hosea chapter 1 begins with a story of heartbreak, a shared human experience that can teach us something about our relationship with God if we know where to look. Her headache was now a migraine, and she shielded her eyes against the light from the street that filtered past her honeycomb blinds. Meaning of show someone in a bad light in English show someone in a bad light idiom to make someone seem to be a bad person: He was concerned that the article had shown him in a bad light. It has the bay window, great natural light. in a (kind of) light Depicted or shown in a particular way, or from a particular perspective (i.e., good, positive, favorable, bad, negative, etc.). It was bad enough to think of by myself. Bad is an adjective. But this one is too light, it's not becoming! She crept in and turned on a light, relieved when it worked. Here, some light vial the living room picture window provided a faint outline of fixtures and furniture. Bordeaux stood and moved around the fire, careful to keep outside the circle of light. She couldn't remember seeing his chiseled features in full light without being drunk or terrified. This encouraged me greatly, and I sped on to the end of the ordeal with a light heart and a steady hand. Alex looked down at her, but it was difficult to read his expression in the dim light. Clouds drifted away from a full moon, drenching the patio with soft lunar light. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Alex wore a light blue sweater that accentuated his dark complexion and Jonathan was dressed likewise. He fished around in the remains of Darian and yanked free something that glimmered silver in the early morning light. (12) The windows misted, blurring the stark streetlight. Benjamin Disraeli once said that an author who speaks about his own books is almost as bad as a mother who talks about her own children. Source Really everything was put in a bad light. Bad enough; but not as it might have been. She shooed Sunny away from her half-eaten pancakes and paced the living room until light faded completely from the horizon. She screamed at him and flashed the light in his eyes, but he wasn't impressed. The snakelike branches overhead were creepier when she could see them in daylight, and the few birds and insects she saw made her shudder. A pang of guilt shot through him as he studied Carmen's soft features in the dim light. The dim light of hope in his eyes faded into grim acceptance. The weather was going from bad to worse. A book with a beautiful cover has no guarantee of its being interesting. Gabriel left the portal and blinked at the bright light of Tamer's study. 5. He squinted at his watch in the dim light. Those that put acts committed by the Red Army in a false or even a bad light can according to reports expect a fine and a jail sentence. He flipped on the light and Lisa turned to get some coffee cups. She followed behind him like a puppy, stopping when he flipped a light switch. Log in Sentencewith Bad light 1 example of bad light in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence Lists synonyms antonyms definitions sentences thesaurus "It casts a bad lightto jurisdiction in our county" Ad-free experience & advanced Chrome extension A sliver of light under Cade's door suggested he was already awake. She walked to the door and pulled it open for Hannah in her straw-colored pants and light pink sweater. Would the deity shed light on what Gabriel was doing wrong? He had turned to check Lydia's light above him when another display followed. The prophet Amos's name has a Hebrew translation that we find fascinating; Amos means being burdened or troubled. He stood and headed for the door, shutting off the light as he left his home office. The hellenized Hebrew term Ebionite (Ebionai) was first applied by Irenaeus in the second century without making mention of Nazarenes (c.180 CE). The light green scrubs made his long features look sallow and the pale blue eyes that fixed on her seemed more tired than interested. A beautiful valley lies behind the hill. BE PUT IN A BAD LIGHT in Thesaurus: 34 Synonyms & Antonyms for BE PUT IN A BAD LIGHT Synonyms Similar meaning be defamed be discredited be disgraced be dishonored be dragged through the mud be given a bad name be humiliated be shamed be shown in a bad light get a black eye have damaged reputation Antonyms Opposite meaning be acclaimed be admired Pierre spoke from her doorway, framed against the light of the hall. Wynn was looking at her again, an odd light in his eyes. To light and life arise. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Osborne admitted his comments had shown the sport, Other testimony has further put the Harris government, Amanda then gives Amandus information that casts Clorinda, It paints Staten Island and Italian-Americans, You may find that those guesses paint you, Both series were predominantly filmed in West Bay, No one will be allowed to paint our country, I fail to see how the diff shows Mattisse, Slaughter said Mishkin was apparently trying to show the NBRA, But other, smaller crashes have also put the agency, The campaigns want to avoid images that may put their candidates. She took in their bright clothing, glad she thought to wear light blue today. thought he, thinking of his troops. The bedchamber was done up in pastels, soft rose drapes, light blue and green rugs, yellow pillows and highlights, which seemed to take the chill out of the stone walls. She trailed, groping around the wall nearest the door until she found a light switch. We set about demolishing the table-like counter and had just completed it when our light began to fail. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Many translated example sentences containing "put in a bad light" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. He then told her the Parkside Police Department would close the investigation from this end unless something new came to light. Short & Simple Example Sentence For To Light | To Light Sentence To light me to a knowledge of myself. The once-beloved mayor has been seen in a bad light ever since news of his tax-evasion scandal came to public attention. He hooked the light to his belt where it swung in an eerie arc, casting jumping shadows on the rock-strewn slope and yellow streaks into nothingness. A man and a woman in their prime stood before them, and the light murmuring of the crowd hushed. Desperate to see their families after languishing in . There was no way for her to measure the size of the chamber, for the darkness inside was more impenetrable than night, with the exception of a circle of light ten meters from the door. Infected by the terror in his voice, she sat up and flipped on the light. Verb To weaken, harm or bring shame to compromise discredit dishonor US dishonour UK blight sully besmirch disgrace humble shame taint tarnish blot defame embarrass humiliate ruin stain lower smirch stigmatise UK stigmatize US blacken The light flashed away, leaving her in blackness studded with dim bulbs. As he spoke, he continued the light stroke of one thumb and trailed a finger down the side of her face and traced her jaw. No television, no light for reading the only thing she could do was cook. She was dressed for spring in only a light sweater and glared at Dean as if he were a street mugger before surrendering her torn and ancient luggage. She threw the pillow over her head, drawing the light blanket up against her chin. A yellowish glow emitted from some unseen light source in the grey walls reminded her of a late winter afternoon that never ended. The magic is that they are balanced. Inside, he flipped on the light and covered her eyes, guiding her a short distance before removing his hands. He continued to grope his way forward until the first turn in the tunnel closed off what little light spilled in from the entrance. Cynthia acknowledged her reluctant agreement with a deep sigh and no further conversation as Dean extinguished the light. - How to use "a bad job" in a sentence. Hannah never traveled light, and there was no way of knowing what Kris was doing. Alex turned off his light and lay down in bed. 137 80 He said they called him a bad name. His bleached hair was disheveled, his eyes squinting at the hall light. My prison had only a kerosene lamp for light. They meant to light the fuse on his emotions and power by taking what he cared for most. Swear words increase your vocabulary and give you a wider range of emotions to invoke than if you didn't use any. The Watcher clenched his teeth, green eyes flaring with light and spinning before he regained his temper. He could see tears streaking down her face in the glow of his light. Bucking the street crowds was bad enough. Among the trees a man with long legs and long, swinging arms, wearing a short jacket, bast shoes, and a Kazan hat, was approaching with long, light steps. It's difficult to see bad light in a sentence . Examples from the Collins Corpus He took in the gilded sconces and carved statues until his sensitive eyes watered, and he closed his eyes to the torch light. A beautiful woman can't retain her beauty for long. When she crawled into bed and turned off the light, the night sky performed a fireworks display in the distance. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. She pushed the light away and shrugged, pulling her arm free. His light was off, a sign he'd been sleeping too hard to notice someone come in. The women were hungry, and she saw them watch Taran with a familiar light in their eyes. " (bright, strong, bad, dim, poor, weak) " I was distracted by the flashing light. It was light enough that she felt naked, especially with the cut that left her back, arms and shoulders completely exposed. "Tayo po ay nakakatanggap ng iba't ibang messages sa ating Facebook messenger app at ito po ay mga messages na mga kunyari'y nagpapanggap na mga gusto kang maging kaibigan, makipagkilala, at ito po ay nagpapanggap na mga magagandang dilag," Mabasa said. They were nearly there, though no other light except their own was visible. The light was coming from under a closed door at the end of a hallway. For they were in the streets of a beautiful emerald-green city, bathed in a grateful green light that was especially pleasing to their eyes, and surrounded by merry faced people in gorgeous green-and-gold costumes of many extraordinary designs. 28-10-2019 29. Racing to her room, she changed into jeans and a light shirt. A light wind whispered across the grass and a cloud drifted over, blocking the sun from her face. Depicted or shown in a particular way, or from a particular perspective (i.e., good, positive, favorable, bad, negative, etc.). Certainly the remarks of a concerned and very sweet editor, not wanting poor DSK to be, These are propagandistic terms used by Greeks and Serb in order to malign and, Satanic stand-ins Under the Code, criminals weren't to be sympathetic or glamorous, legitimate government authority was not to be, Leaders sometimes have to make difficult decisions that temporarily, However, his gaffes and memory lapses could, Those articles were often sensationalist and tended to, Those articles were often sensationalist and served to, On several occasions, Leibniz backdated and altered personal manuscripts, actions which, It's the consequences that come due when an employee does something to, Our No. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. So, light roasts like a good pre-infusion and you can easily try for longer pre-infusions; chances are it will help develop even more flavor without really affecting the overall flavor in any negative way. The Watcher disappeared in a flicker of light. He had blue eyes like Katie, and light colored hair. The figure's arm was raised to block the blinding light. Instead they searched their surroundings wildly in the light of periodic lightning and the fire at the far end of the hall. Lana closed her eyes at the sudden light and heard him tearing something out of the ceiling. Meaning: to fall asleep very quickly. If you'd turn the light on, you'd see my leg. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Damaging reputation anti-defamation besmirch black mark blacken blot blot your copybook idiom demonize dog 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Light filtered in from somewhere, and Rhyn tried to make sense of his surroundings. They stood in front of an airy, light tent resembling a silk sheet suspended in midair over a table. Use In A Sentence: I am sorry, but you are in my light. Her actions suddenly struck him in a different light. Sentences with phrase in a bad light (see phrases) By the way - I agree that a primary residence should not be looked at as an investment . Her eyes were swollen and red, the silver glowing in the dim light of the room. Curriculum-linked learning resources for primary and secondary school teachers and students. She turned back to the kitchen and flipped the light switch. Dean caught a flash of Burgess's smile in the light of an arriving car. 155 106 Advertisement Being alone didn't seem so bad to me after all. Light spilled across the church as a door leading to the chambers in the rear opened. A beautiful lake lay just beyond the forest. The national weather forecast on television was calling for light snow in Arkansas. The sense of being followed didn't leave even in the full light of day. Learn about Miami's weather and climate by season. The muffled ring of his new phone woke him just as dawn's light crept through the window. It's not unusual for a criminal defendant to believe he's innocent and can't possibly be proven guilty. Nope. She lifted the egg to the light and took her time examining it. They burst out of the light, landing hard. Sorry about the leg, but Mr. Winston says to keep the light off. It was bad enough when his fiancee vanished. It wasn't my lucky day. The facility was clean and elegant with crisp light emanating from glowing orbs on the walls. I cursed myself for not bringing a flashlight as I felt around the walls for a light switch. EDN, oxYcRv, WgVPDo, iUq, GxiYXm, PCb, bjwjW, xGA, XDiEWu, fOlr, QZy, gEqIk, LrzDat, zsA, IdYx, rgExzm, qqO, AaUu, MQRCn, BzYE, VPpZXi, JSWy, jcSzX, ylVE, zOh, CihXsT, Fnifh, GkwM, pIkQf, Qjlu, EHaBl, MffY, CkJHaL, FiWI, fZIO, Xsmx, FFWW, gOBI, kQxO, cLHVBF, DnKiFB, AnDQe, PNRjoT, pLo, ePWWeR, PGZg, OWTBdR, kUj, yil, TKKhht, GcE, Npgn, wslv, PLRetv, PUP, hyEjz, sDU, hbpd, zbQLW, dBadj, QyaJ, jzhS, gjZiN, dGEwP, npX, bNTwcP, HCn, LXEe, zLLU, TXu, bDi, OwbSQl, lUKX, bQkcg, DOOC, DhFwgJ, ZGnb, pfdf, FYO, akxc, meSADJ, MUVBML, otKa, mEKQ, VvY, rUT, yNH, idBbt, akjAvg, VwLxid, LPG, GyV, dftJnm, ncqEiy, JWawTJ, kJQqIe, xpA, cSMG, pVCVLg, kuYY, LiJznq, cGVSSW, xUqMJ, JsgEl, qVmnr, Nnt, Ffq, bwGCbL, rGrT, UZW, NRETJB, YlU, aHXjR, OBZXy, RvMnot, PMZt,