The Archon of Tyrosh accepts the demands of supplies, horses and ships for the Golden Company, trading rights and a non-aggression pact for five years to Myr, and the Archon's daughter to wed a Westerosi noble of Aegon's choice. Cersei takes Joffrey's seat, who couldn't be bothered to attend at all. He cradles Elenei while she sleeps before putting her to bed, before he himself falls asleep. Robb's terms are not accepted, but Tyrion makes counter proposals, and send Lord Eddard's bones to him as a sign of good gesture, adding that his Robb's sisters will be returned when he releases Jaime, and their ancestral greatsword, Ice, will be given back when they bend the knee. Back then he may not have been totally passionate about it but he had the conviction that he was heading towards a certain future that he had believed in and wanted with his heart. At Deep Den, Ryam engages with the stationed Westerland troops after they refuse to surrender. Ryam, as well as a few of the noble lords are disgusted with the Freys and the Bolton betraying the Guest Right in order to rid themselves of the Starks. Many people are dead and still they want war. But when such actions are thrown around for so long, they might as well be a myth. In addition, he is to bear the title Prince of Summerhall until a second son of Joffrey is born (the first will be granted the title Prince of Dragonstone as in Targaryen tradition) and granted the right to command two hundred troops plus an additional five hundred under his personal command. It is a story from a songa fair maid stolen in the dead of night, and her brothers and her betrothed riding to her rescue. [Completed, 33,000 words, rated teen]. As Aegon proceeds to push further through now that the dragon has been wounded, he catches sight of the advance party making its way, but the Snow King knocks most of them aside, and gravely injures those it doesn't kill (including Edmure Tully, Howland Reed, Greatjon Umber and Tristan Rivers). After being surrounded in a crowd of cheers, Ryam asks for King Aegon to legitimise his daughter. Due to the companies known policy of never breaking their contracts, Nuadgan hopes to recall them without having to kill them first. She then pulls a gold dragon with King Robert's face on it and flips it in their air, when she catches it and reveals a silver stag with the face of Aegon the Conqueror on it. Tyrion Lannister is named Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of the West. In the cave, he discovers a tiny contraption that looks like a pyramid. the Riverlands receives the most while the Vale and Dorne receive the least due to war damages). He has begun to thin out the flock with six names already; Myranda Allyrion, Krista Rogare, Jeyne Lannister of Lannisport, Alys Payne, Joanna Swyft, and Mariah Gargalen, all of whom will be at court for Joffrey's wedding along with their Lord fathers and Lady mothers. Ryam is called up to the small council after the days procession has been finalised, Ryam seats himself next to his great-uncle Ser Kevan Lannister on Lord Tywin's right side (though because it was his seat previously anyways). Westeros is in turmoil as the War of the Five Kingdoms rages on. Ryam demands to know why they are not at their forges, in which they answer that they were ordered by Tyrion to build chains. Ser Damion says he cannot, because he is sworn to King Tommen, shocking Ryam that Tommen is still alive. Tywin also exercises he has greater authority by telling the City Watch to stand outside since the Kingsguard is here. Janos Slynt says that he should be executed, but many members agree that killing him would then bring Robb Stark running to their gates, as well as any lords that may support him in the Riverlands. As the 2nd and 3rd Fleets enter port, Ryam organises the combined forces into a new formation; He intends to take the two fleets with their numbers replenished from the remaining Lannister fleet and take the Westerland army and the 2nd Army to take the Iron Islands, while leaving Garlan behind with Damion to hold the city with the 5th Army, and let Randyll Tarly return with the 6th Army to King Aegon. Considering that I am the greatest strategist in all of Westeros, perhaps I should have planned it in greater detail. It is presumed after this event that Ryam and all aboard the fleet are killed in the storm. He calls his men to pull back to the ships, but is even more shocked when a second fleet engages the Tyroshi's, and manages to put them into retreat. Ryam loses against Robb, but put up a much longer fight that earns him Robb's respect. He was undoubtedly the worst king in the history of the Seven Kingdoms; Crueler than Maegor, unworthier than Aegon IV, and even more insane than Aerys II. You are speaking out of term, Lord Baratheon. Five kings are dead, three hands are dead, and every fucker who has any real metal is dead. But that cold place has its own dangers. Lord Petyr Baelish is to be made Lord of Harrenhal and Lord Paramount of the Trident. But she wasnt expecting Robb Stark not to be like the men she knew. Ryam asks what the downside is, only to be told that he's numb because he's on a very strong painkiller. Saedys father, Archon Kaatarr has remained the leader. ""Who do you mean? Yoren is in Kings Landing, recruiting for the Nights Watch. This was an obvious lie, but he felt that it might ease the tension in the room. As the second son, he was not expected to inherit, so he took up learning fairly young from Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, and also brief periods from Lord Stannis Baratheon, his uncle and Master of Ships, so that he could find use possibly in the future small councils. I still cry blood on occasions, but I have thankfully experienced it during periods of stress rather than a continual situation. The attacks from wights become a nightly event which causes the numbers of the 2nd Army to slowly decimate, with bodies now being used to fuel the fires erected inside the castle. The escort answers that she knows little of her, but can only say what is considered common knowledge, which Ryam relents to. Aegon sends an envoy with the enemy, declaring his claim to the throne, but returns empty handed. His second visit is to Sai Ri, who he asks to stay behind. I'm not lost, she says instead, a demure tone colouring her voice. [Completed, 51 chapters, 133,000 words, rated teen]. Ryam is quick to counter that the Stormlords only rally to Stannis because he is a Baratheon, not because it's what they believe in his right to rule. When you saw that you had black hair and they didn't, why is it that you never questioned it? It was because of his passing that I chose to step down and return to Storm's End. ""It seems that you've been hit in the head too many times; just to remind a luggard like you that what I wear is a crown of gold. To Meereen, to Vaes Dothrak, or to Asshai, I don't give a fuck. His mother on the other hand is another matter; Though she gave him Storm's End and Master of Ships, he was given nothing else from her after his birth, not even her milk when he was a child as she was still cuddling Joffrey. . Ryam says he will not go as he is contracted to fight and defeat Tyrosh. Ryam finds a little irony that she expects him to be ruthless despite the Tyroshi being well known for making the cruelest of torture weapons and their harsh treatments of slaves. Tobho explains he was commissioned to create a costly set of full armour by some lord (he believes it was the Hand, but doesn't remember which one) years before, but at the end he was exiled and never paid for the rest. Varys, Littlefinger and Pycelle remain at their posts, while Cersei is named Queen Regent. I am Daemion of Lys. The birds would still sing and the people would cheer for his coronation. All other Ironborn are to be relocated under these lords or others, and to swear oaths of fealty to their new Paramounts. The same day, Varys pays an unexpected visit to his office, asking if he could spare some time, which Ryam agrees to since the blockade has significantly reduced his workload, which is making him consider taking up the Master of Law position instead. After the meeting is over, Aegon asks Ryam to accompany him to greet the Tyroshi since he's still here. 15K 385 10. Aegon moves the capital and council to Harrenhal. Good day to you, Princess Daenerys. [1,400 words, rated teen], A fic that givesMissandei a bit more of a backstory. He has one dark blue right eye, and one left eye that "often changes between Baratheon blue and Lannister green" depending on what he wears. Remembering hearing about her going to the godswood often, he walk straight there. Ryam is revealed tohave survived the shipwrecking, but was half dead when he was brought to shore. Right there, standing here among us. As the two brothers argue, with Ryam even losing his cool and demanding Joffrey to "get off [his] arse and fight [him] with [his] own two hands like when [they] were little instead of hiding behind a thousand swords". NOTICE: This article is written to use more information provided by the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" than with the TV series "Game of Thrones", so characters, their ages and their fates will be different. This story begins after Episode 7 of Season 7 and explores the possibilities for Season 8. Due to his significant efforts in the three-way war with Lys and Tyrosh, Ryam gains a lot of influence in the Magistrate. As the dead cannot be killed without fire, it is necessary to keep an ample supply of it and to make use of every spark. Dans lrtro, ma vie qui sanamorphose An ordinary woman who dreams of being an actress.An actress who dreams of being an ordinary woman.Two paths that should never have crossed, and that will be intertwined through the years by the fury of fate.But under the beauty of the California sky, where the most beautiful stars of Hollywood shine, untouchable, unattainable, the reality turns out to be light years away from the one you imagine. Ryam leaves with a final word; "If there was someone with the right claim, right name, and was the right man for the role, then I would certainly bend my knee to them. Dowager Queen Cersei and King Tommen's bodies have not been found, but are presumed to be dead. Joffrey shows no consideration as he goes to prepare the catapults. A raven arrives telling of the Tyrell siege on Storm's End. He also points out that if the situation gets dire in King's Landing, run for Storm's End for protection. I didn't need to be Ryam Baratheon anymore. Let her rule after me in my stead should I fall in the coming battles." Ryam says that he's only here because no one else can, which Tyrion agrees with. He thanks Joffrey, who is less pleased with him getting a lordship and a seat on his small council. There are talks of a man in Essos called Nuagdan Ardjogelimt, who has become prominent in the Disputed Lands, even calling himself "King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea". King Robert was my father, but I was a son to Jon Arryn. a targaryen child born in dorne sent to be cared for in winterfell, for all reasons good and b Alaesys concerns never lied with politics or war, she was always a simple girl, daydreaming. The War is over but she doesn't feel that she will be able t. LOKI LAUFEYSON 33 parts There are also mercenaries and a few spare troops collected from the Crownlands, Stormlands and Westerlands. Ryam walks over to Aegon's side and tells him that a king is three things: Lawful and kind to his subjects, able to bring justice when necessary. Randyll Tarly continues to march down the King's Road, setting a base at Bronzegate. More dragons have hatched and Rhaegal has fathered more eggs also making the total dragons at thirteen including the ronin Drogon who continues his migration in Blackwater Bay. When despair hits her again, and the long war finally comes to an end, Daenerys and Jorah sail back to Westeros where House Baratheon, sits on the Iron Throne. Eddard Stark. All false creatures, these horned ones, they will all die before their time because they would ignorantly mock the gods. Ryam would accompany his family to Winterfell where King Robert would meet with Lord Eddard Stark. Ryam notes that there is no longer an Iron Islands for the Ironborn to return to, and intends to have them settle the Riverlands as they did before Aegon's conquest to replace the dead Riverman houses. I'm good at killing and I'm good at not dying. I just don't like any part of him or any side he shows." Are you at all sane? If Fire and Blood are all you are willing to offer, then I will not support your claim. Who do you serve dear nephew, truly? My Dearest Mockingbird 11. Lord Willas Tyrell serves now after I stepped down following the conclusion of the Dothraki Migration, and returned home to my family. With her loyal companion Jorah and close friend William, Daenerys sails in search of adventure and liberation back in Essos. Fantasy Romance R18 MAGIC HARRYPOTTER GAME OF THRONES. Six years after the death of her husband, Daenerys Targaryen copes with loss and grief while holding her Kingdoms together. He is then shown a blue winter rose growing in the wall wither and die, but then spring back up covered in frost turning purple as a large shadow emerges from the ice. [Completed, 23 chapters, 125,000 words, rated teen], A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Civil War has erupted across the Galaxy. Walking out through the River Gate and onto the White Hart, Ryam prepares the crew for sail. Though they are cryptic and he never truely deciphers them nor does he take them into further account other than his vision of his future wife. A storm starts brewing throughout the night. It is a tale that comforts men and reassures them. Despite wishing to avoid seeing Daenerys during his trip, he is compelled to visit as it is expected to pay respects to the Lord of the holding (in this case, the Princess of Dragonstone is Dany). As the Golden Company set their swords against the envoys, a young man steps forward from the crowd. Stannis is also reported to have doubled his navy over the year, possibly in preparation for invading. The Iron Throne is mine by all that is right. I struggled with the balance of power and my own hubris. As for the Throne, the answer is that the chair is a symbol of the old conqueror, so his throne shall be one fit for a new conqueror; built not on the swords of his enemies, but on the mettle of his allies, so wishes to build it of steel (hopefully, with the help of Rhaegal to make it Valyrian steel). After the Battle of the Blackwater, Ryam gained two scars across his right eye, which developed into Haemolacria, causing him to cry tears of blood in moments of extreme stress. But with the death of Jon Arryn and the arrival of the King, new dangers close in from all directions. Aegon also devises plans for their upcoming war against Daenerys, citing the new advantage they have with both Scorpion Launchers and Rhaegal in their forces. Daenerys Targaryen has been in exile for 9 years during the long war after she fled to Essos following the massacre of her family, who sat on The Iron Throne. The First Northern War, The Conquest of the Stepstones, The Diputed Lands Campaign, The War of the Pirates, The Second Northern War, The Broken Arm Battles, The Summer Isles Invasion, The Alliance of Seven Cities, The Great Dothraki Migration, The Return of Valyria, The Continental Conspiracy, The Third Northern War. The whole of the realm knows the story, even as far as across the Narrow Sea do they speak of such villainy. Westeros made a foolish mistake by hurting her loved one and challenging the Blood of Old Valyria. [Completed, 11 chapters, 15,000 words, rated Teen], This ongoing fic starts at the end of season 7, and is written in the style of the books, with different POV chapters from each character. Joffrey then leaves, and Ryam exhausts in relief. The treasonous Dowager Queen Cersei Lannister, and her brother, Ser Jaime the Kingslayer will be tried for murder and deception. The Lords of the Stormlands and House Florent from the Reach have now flocked to Stannis' side without the two armies battering each other as many thought. Rugen lastly mentions one interesting set of prisoners; Myrmen from Myr, who committed no crime but were ordered by the Queen to remain in the cells, due to the fact their ship had been hired by Lord Eddard Stark before his arrest. He rests the rest of the day, but is escorted back to the Red Keep (having been recovering in the Old Inn where the Myrmen took him. In the meantime, Ryam settles to handle the navy and keep the Blackwater Bay under moderate control to prevent a possible naval landing from Stannis. He wakes up in a bed, but feels terribly numb, except his right eye is sticky. Lightning strikes and a tree with a bleeding face emerges, and its red leaves shower the hart in red leaves, which heal its wounds. On the eve of battle, he is brought word of another victory for Aegon's forces, and the death of the Storm Crows commander, Daario Naharis, as well as the Unsullied Captain Grey Worm, and one of the Dothraki Bloodriders. . He spends the remaining days until the battle running over the plans for the defense with the Small Council, as well as spending every evening at the Inn on Eel Alley with the Myrmen, learning of Myr, and of the Bravo Code, in which they challenge any man with a sword after dark and the winner takes the purse. To his surprise, Ser Loras knocks him off, and despite witnessing an attempted killing by Ser Gregor, which lead to his brother Sandor intervening, he is sent away. Kinvara (Game of Thrones) Jon Snow Original Male Character (s) Original Female Character (s) Saera Targaryen Jaehaerys I Targaryen House Targaryen Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire) Jorah Mormont Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy Theon Greyjoy Viserys Targaryen (Brother of Daenerys) Robert Baratheon Cersei Lannister Jaime Lannister Edric "Ned" Dayne He yawns and pretends to leave, until Ryam mocks him for being a wimp, saying a nine year girl could beat Joffrey. Is it because I possess the blood of Aegon V that I am going mad? Upon their first meeting, Ryam finds her sharp tongue to be both an unpleasant shock, and a more comfortable reassurance that she isn't trying to hide anything from him. Though the enemy could have replicated the Scorpion Launchers to be used against the dragon, it was Daenerys' own orders that made it illegal as to prevent her 'child' from being killed in such a manner. The only ones who ahve her attention are her "children". Watching the fire in the Bay, Joffrey makes large complaints about the ships they had to sacrifice in order to pull this trap off, as well as having Bronn pull the chain to cut most of the fleet off from their escape route. Realising what he had been doing, he stuffs every sheet into an evelope and seals it immediately. This war was never going to end as soon as a new boy sits the Iron Throne. Ryam explains his trip to the Stormlands, which makes Tommen sad since Myrcella isn't here anymore and now Ryam was leaving, which meant that he still had to deal with Joffrey. Ryam tries to sit up, but realises his left arm is in a sling. When he finally finished the conversation, he said goodbye to his uncle, saying that he will miss conversations like these again. He dreams of nine dragons adorned in Gold, Silver, Yellow, Green, Orange, Red, Blue, Black and White marching into a snowstorm, where a Bronze dragon thrice the size awaits them. Deciding to call the battle to a truce, both sides return to their respective camps to wait out the coming storm. [Completed, 42 chapters, 160,000 words, rated explicit], King Joffrey Baratheon has been poisoned at his own wedding. The prince offered the men holding it a chance to walk away from battle and still retain their pride in the face of that Red Witches magic. I don't know. Tyrion then walks over to her, going into detail about Robb's victory and correcting the misinformation about it. Completed kinginthenorth direwolves starks +10 more # 14 snow and stars| jon snow by cap's girl 143K 4.5K 36 They face the challenges of a modern-day life without any supernatural powers, dragons, nor positions of power, yet with a dash of their canon characteristics. Though Aegon wanted to keep me at court, I was a Hand meant for war, and with no war I wanted peace and to rule over my own lands.Lord Mychael "Silveraxe" Fell, whom we named our eldest son Mychel after died this year having served loyally under my father as well as me for many years and I am saddened to see him go both as my Master of War and my closest ally. Saedys has been a good wife to me, even after all these years where I have been gone for years on end fighting wars to keep our realm prosperous and safe for our children. That being said, this is a rec list I made a several weeks back. Though my other family is trying to kill us, so that cannot be true. ), it is the 998th Lord Commander who is accepted to being the identity. But even after he returned to Westeros, he was never offered the crown again, even when the fact that his elder and younger brothers had been illegitimate and ineligible to succeed by law. Harry Potter Games of Thrones fanfic: The Snake amongst the Sheep. He had discovered that he was considered dead and that the rumour of Joffrey killing him results in Ryam deciding to rescind his old life and abandon Westeros altogether. Ryam objects as he is doing it, but they persist. The letters were sent originally to Maester Frenken at Castle Stokeworth and to Lord Gyles Rosby. Its your turn, I got last months., Christ, you dont have to go on, said Tyrion. The way he's acting is not making him a popular king, and with a war, there are easily four other kings that would fill his role better, and possibly a fifth on another continent. It makes me embarrassed thinking about a being addressed as such by the royal family.For the future, well let's just say that I won't be relying on my dreams to tell me reality anymore. Ryam demands to know why this is only brought to him now, to which Varys said he never saw the letter, only hearing "the twitters of my little birds", and that only few people have the authority to withhold this information; King Joffrey, Queen Regent Cersei, Hand Lord Tyrion, Commander Jacelyn Bywater, or even Maester Yandel who is in charge of the documents in the Red Keep but highly unlikely. Joffrey blurts that he had attempted to seize his "slut" from his room while he was here. Purple welts would scatter his abdomen like a disease, yet he never lost. Many of the nobles of the city also pay a visit to this Sept, while the common populace visit the Great Sept of Baelor during these times. On the south bank of the Blackwater, Aegon's camp is set up within view of the city, but too far to be reached by the catapults from the city walls. The Nightfort is the new capital of the Lands of the Wall and the Gifts known collectively as simply Wall. The letters had been handed directly to Lord Tywin, who took to sorting them personally (with or without the rest of the small council is unknown to Ryam). Cersei rips this up despite being sealed with Robert's seal. Ryam Baratheon officially recognised as Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. The ship masters are sent word to allow the Meerenese Targaryen fleet to pass into the Blackwater. Over the course of the coming days, Ryam hears rumours of marriage proposals being organised for his sister, Myrcella to Prince Trystane Martell of Dorne, but pays no mind since he thinks he misheard. Tyrion assures his nephew that this is all for the war effort and that . This is just for fun and for me to unwind. Ryam is shown a letter from a report about the Stormlords rising in rebellion, crowning a new Stormking independent of the Iron Throne, which shocks Ryam when he learns it's his own unborn child. He picks through the first five, most are just reports about the movements of shipping from any ships that have made the journey back. most unfortunate of curiosities; if you were to become King tommorow, what is it that you would set about accomplishing first. Joffrey is immediately moved to take the throne, but Ryam never questions the haste. He returns to his office, to find that Joffrey is already waiting their for him. ""The last time I heard someone say "I am the King", I had a big falling out with him. 481 Stories. It is a losing battle for Ryam's crew despite how bloodied they get, but the fighting stops as the crew of the Black Bertha overtake his ship. For the longest time of my life, I have not known that proud. Days after Tommen's flight, Ryam later hears that Storm's End has fallen to Stannis, and that the Steward, Ser Cortnay Penrose had been assassinated. one that carries Emperor Palpatine's consciousness. Within the few months since the failed invasion of Stannis', a lot has taken place; The Old Inn on Eel Road is renamed the Blood Tear Prince Inn after Ryam since he had stayed there, which has seen more popularity with Ryam's Bloodied Tears (or also known as the Silver Cloaks, which they wear to signify their allegiance to Ryam, as well as equipping an armguard to their left arms only). The next day, though Ryam is heavily injured and keeps his arm in a sling (having been moved onto a weaker painkiller made from ginger, turmeric, and holy basil, which now make his arm barely bearable), he attends the ceremony where the Small Council are to grant honours and rewards to the survivors. While he wishes to keep his brother by his side, he is unsure how this will end. Weeks after the Riot had been successfully quenched, Ryam later hears of Tommen's plight to Rosby, but hears two conflicting accounts of either Lord Gyles Rosby or Ser Jacelyn Bywater being in charge of the escort, but cares not as long as Tommen is safe and away from the city, knowing full well that the city wouldn't be safe forever, especially when the food has begun to run dry even for the nobles. William Broom hated his posting in King's Landing, but being a Lannister House guard, he had little say in the matter. OC? Ryam tells Kuristo that he saw the Nightingale, and she truly is the most beautiful in the world. Cersei needs a distraction from the mounting problems Margaery Tyrell and her father have steeped upon her and Elora is all too willing to help. He mentioned he was captured and placed in imprisonment after many rich men tried to cut his arm off to take the Valyrian Steel for themselves, but couldn't as his arm was resilient to restraints. For richer or for poorer, how will the future bring fortune upon us? The tunnel curled away coldly into infinite dark, the light that showed the rough walls dwindling as it snaked away. At his own wedding, Joffrey has a black haired youth presented to the feast, having dressed him up and had heated metal plates pressed into his arm, openly stating "it's like he's still here." When I am king, I will have your head! Nuagdan calls it a fool's dream, since only a claimant to the throne can bring them home, and even then the lords will only revolt since they have no legitimate leader. They gain a small notoriety due to them being survivors of the Blackwater, and that they relate more with the smallfolk of the city. Ryam assures her by reminding her that he has Baratheon features, so the rumours cannot be true, even shooting down the prospect that he might be someone else's son (possibly Renly's or even Stannis), stating there was no way their mother would let anyone crawl into bed with her, reminding her that their mother is not a lion that can be so easily tamed. When word reaches Nuagdan that the Golden Company are breaking their contract and are making a rush to Volantis, Nuagdan takes half the total men and chases after them. Authors note:This isnt a happy hooker fic but neither is it solely filled with angst and abuse. He finds an order from the White Hart which is carrying an unauthorized cargo holding of weapons and armour. Present are his brother King Joffrey, his mother Queen Regent Cersei, his uncle Lord Tyrion, Lord Varys, Ser Jacelyn Bywater, Bronn and himself, as well as other members of the court. Darry is given to House Harlawn, Oldstones is granted to House Blacktyde, Cape Wraith to House Goodbrother, Blackhaven to House Botley, Castermere to House Farwynd, Tarbeck Hall to House Kenning, Clegane Keep to House Merlyn, Whitegrove to House Saltcliffe, and Dustonbury to House Volmark. Though Ryam is tempted to ignore them, he notices that the escort is a women with amber eyes and blue-green hair, which compels him to accept. Taking the fight outside, Savayio (the one who threw his glove) draws his estoc, while Ryam unsheathes Red Water. Ryam was escorted in by Beth Cassel, the daughter of the Stark's master-at-arms, Ser Rodrik Cassel, at Ryam's insistence so Tommen could take in Arya instead. Hey everyone, here is my first Game of Thrones stand-alone story featuring an OC character in the canon. Ryam believes that if he had at least made himself present in the Stormlands before Stannis' could win then there was still a chance for him to win, possibly be the beacon needed to bring the Stormlords to their side again, believing that his host could have at least summoned three houses to join them before the battle. Sansa Stark/Original Male Character (s) Asha Greyjoy/Original Male Character (s) Ros (Game of Thrones)/Original Male Character (s) Chataya & Marei (ASoIaF) Arianne Martell/Original Male Character (s) Margaery Tyrell/Original Male Character (s) Sansa Stark. She has accepted this but was in no rush to become one. He is able to exercise enough authority to give commands to other mercenary companies on behalf of their contractors. The trade between King's Landing and the Free Cities are being taken by Stannis' fleet that encircles the Blackwater Bay from Claw Isle to Massey's Point. Ryam curses the flame god for all this fire (after King's Landing and Lannisport/Casterly Rock), as he attempts to send the ships protect the bay, and to save all survivors. Aegon of House Blackfyre, I do not know, but if he is, then you will see the black dragon flying over my castle, over my camp, over my banner men until the day I die. He is only more shocked to discover that the girl is his betrothed Saedys of Tyrosh when Arianne greets her. Neither Stannis nor his mother liked the idea of his existence, and Ryam himself acknowledged that he may hate him also, not for being a bastard, but having felt a bit jealous of Edric for receiving King Robert's attention. State and religion are seperated from each other, but a new title Shield of the Gods is created to ensure the Crowns protection of the religion which is coupled with Protector of the Realm. I only know what I can see and what I can learn from a man. Tragedy can lead to opportunity, wars can make or break kingdoms, and the North will once again be a force to be reckoned with. Jon had had enough of Lady Stark calling him a bastard and insulting him. Though Ryam is aware of Joffrey's devilish smirk, he later learns his mistake. With the city starving, it would only be a matter of time before the Tyrell army is forced to come face them in battle or lose the war starving in the city. When asked what to do with his mother, Ryam replies he has none, saying they can toss the mad woman's corpse off the rock for all he cares. ""You make it sound like all this is my fault. [Completed, 25 chapters, 155,000 words, rated mature]. They take the Kingsroad down to the Stormlands, but Ryam sends Arthur Ambrose and Philip Plumm to secure Bronzegate along the Kingsroad while the remainder travel to the ruins of Summerhall via Fellwood at the crossroads connecting to the Roseroad. She asks Ryam if he is married, which Ryam says no, but states that he is also to be married to the Archon's daughter Saedys. The Kingdoms were bleeding because the wrong person was sitting his arse too comfortably on that same throne, and four other wrong people said they should also be king. He never met him in person, but he was described to have all the Baratheon features, with his mother's large ears. Only blood pays for blood, and king's blood will pay for a king's death. In an attempt to regroup at the red keep, Ryam leads the splinter group down Muddy Way after the Hook was barricaded. He also announces that he will wed Arianne and the united forces with take the Iron Throne. Littlefinger volunteers to offer the proposal, since he is only a minor lord. Tommen is playing with his kittens, and Myrcella keeping to herselfafter her friends had left the room. Ryam visits Tommen, who is being kept under guard by Ser Osmund Kettleblack on their mother's orders. I am the Queen! A message tied to it's neck tells that Aegon and the rest of the army will be on the move immediately. Speaking on the subject, Tywin asks him if he had taken any consideration for marriage, which he replies that he hadn't, only to be reminded that it is is duty not only as a prince, but as the new Lord of Storm's End to continue his line. Plots and betrayals encircle around them. The Wall remains mostly intact, but now has a large gaping hole where the ruins of Castle Black once were. He's a beautiful sinner and she can't help but love his wicked heart. It's safe to say that I hadn't met family until I had the chance to take it myself. Ryam rebukes by asking if his mother knew of this, which Tyrion replies that it was for that reason she has not attended, before asking again for Ryam to leave, which he complies to. However, it turns out that she had died in the storm the day before the battle, having given birth to a daughter before passing. I the thing is, Cersei raised her head again, allowing the candlelight of the room to reveal the pretty blush on her cheeks, I am to be wed in a fortnight, she lies. Aegon's demands, as discussed by the war council, are as followed: No one expects them to actually abide by these demands, but they hope it at least forces their hand to act brashly. The escort says that she is to married off to a lord as part of an agreement in order to keep the peace between the king and the archon. Ryam excuses himself to return to sorting out the navy. Completed jonsnow joffreybaratheon kingslanding +22 more # 5 KINGDOM FALL | ROBB STARK [1] by Angie 495K 15.1K 104 Rumours spread of Stannis' use of the Dark Arts, citing that he also used the power of shadows to slay Renly in his tent. Not knowing what significance it meant, Ryam folds the paper into his pocket and leaves. Varys cites that while an admirable gesture, the most he could sum up during these troubled times is 1200 if he included diverting 400 members of the City Watch. He chose against using the new red and yellow tunics bearing the lion and stag of the King's Landing Baratheon's since Stannis' Dragonstone Baratheon sigil is also red and yellow due to the addition of R'hllor's burning heart. . In secret, he has taken Sai Ri as his paramour after several more nights of "bed warming", but has still been pressed by the matters of marriage. While rummaging through his current works he finds an entire left arm guard from gauntlet-to-couter-to-pauldron with chainmail wrapped beneath it, and the metal is decorated with swirls designed to resemble flames. High Plains Robert (author -> Robert Baratheon) Our second child and first son, as well as my heir, Mychel is six-and-ten now and already married as well to Dyanna Selmy, one of our own. I have taken only what has been rightfully mine since the day my brother died. He goes into more details, and eventually cuts into asking if she wanted Chella as a bodyguard, but she declined the offer. Varys makes the suggestion to send him to the Wall to take the black, stripped of all influence, power, and honour. The Battle of the Godswood is a defeat after the sudden appearance of Drogon, who is back in action quicker than anticipated. 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