webex api create meeting

The scheduled meeting is deleted manually or it's deleted when the parent meeting series is deleted maunally. Select Delegate from the permissions drop-down menu, and then click Share Was this article helpful? DelRecording API sends a notification email to the recording owner when it's operated on by a site administrator. For example: Fig. 7 Update scheduled meetings of a weekly meeting series crossing recurring interval. Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time and the request has been rate limited. It's important for a developer to understand these restrictions to avoid confusion and handle any restriction-related errors when they occcur. Fig. It assigns the meeting site license (MC_xxx, TC_xxx, and EC_xxx) to an external organization user: Jack Smith, and revoke the meeting license (SC_xxx) from Jack Smith. In this session, we will learn how we can authorize users using Webex OAuth 2.0 and Create Basic Webex Meeting using Webex REST API.#webex #webexapi#webexint. Try again later. The meeting ID of a scheduled personal room meeting is not supported for this API. Guest users can interact with regular Webex users via tokens generated by a Guest Issuer application. There are new exceptions and error codes: 030124 can't change email for an external organization user. Click here to download the XML API 42.11.1 schema. For external organizations administrator user meeting license assigning and revoking, we only support use Control Hub administrator account to call the XML API: CreateUser, SetUser, and DelUser on this provision. The first one has no beginning, and the last one has no end. If it's a meeting series, the meeting invitee is invited to the entire meeting series; if it's a scheduled meeting, the meeting invitee is invited to this individual scheduled meeting. 3 Recurring intervals of the first and last scheduled meetings of a meeting series. It responds to exception 010107 The site is suspended when one site administrator tries to create a new user or modify one existing user. 2 Recurring intervals of a weekly meeting series. 2 When the installation is finished, open the Webex Meetings desktop app, click Schedule. Put your Ruby code in the file lib/webex_api. If the user belongs to another organization which blocks cross-organization licensing, then this call fails. There are no schema changes to the XML API 42.4.0 schema. In Webex App, if the email has been associated with an existing Webex account, the display name associated with the Webex account will be used; otherwise, the email will be used as displayName. If you currently use Webex, your account is backed by Common Identity. To use the Webex REST API you'll need to be a Webex Meetings subscriber with a Webex account backed by Cisco Webex Common Identity (CI). This API focuses primarily on the scheduling and management of meetings. Participants connect in a virtual meeting using HD video and audio across web, desktop, mobile or video system. Meetings Messaging Devices API Reference Bots Buttons and Cards Integrations Login with Webex Widgets Guest Issuer Webex Connect Developer Sandbox Promote your App FAQs APIs XML API Deprecation Getting Started REST API Basics Compliance Webhooks Webex APIs Admin Overview Admin APIs Authentication Guides The new Webex Meetings REST API enables seamless integration of Cisco Webex Meetings into your websites, apps, and services. The subsequent scheduled meeting becomes ready and it can be started immediately. The new Webex Meetings REST API enables seamless integration of Webex Meetings into your websites, apps, and services. POST URL: https://{testSite1}.webex.com/WBXService/XMLService Body:
siteadmin P@ss1234 testSite1
Jsmith true true true false
, It revokes the meeting site and all licenses from an external organization user: Jack Smith; and deactivates the user in the meeting site: testSite1, POST URL: https://{testSite1}.webex.com/WBXService/XMLService Body:
siteadmin P@ss1234 testSite1
. TODO: Delete this and the text above, and describe your gem Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'webex_api' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install webex_api Usage It's explained in detail below with examples of daily meetings and weekly meetings. Control Hub, Webex Site Administration : Web Browser . 6 illustrates non-cross-recurring-interval updates for scheduled meetings of a weekly meeting series. Work doesn't end just because your meeting did. If you're using Webex Meetings, your site will need to be on Common Identity. To use the Webex REST API you'll need a Webex account backed by Cisco Webex Common Identity (CI). Yes, thank you! This scheduled meeting becomes ended. After the call, you can narrow down the ideas and send them out, and let people vote. If your client hits rate limit, it will response "429 too many requests. Each invitee should have a unique email. When a meeting series has been scheduled, each scheduled meeting of this meeting series has its own "territory of time". These new scopes allow WebEx Admin grant scopes to integrations on behalf of other users. Meetings are virtual conferences where users can collaborate in real time using audio, video, content sharing, chat, online whiteboards, and to collaborate. Add people to your invite or leave the attendees field blank to create a draft meeting or an upcoming appointment. You can use the Meetings API to list, create, get, update, and delete meetings. Try again later. The request could not be processed because it conflicts with some established rule of the system. A scheduled meeting of the meeting series is started, or someone has joined the meeting before the host and is waiting in lobby. If the issue persists, feel free to contact the. Best of all, you can sign up free. Webex Teams is the leading team collaboration app. Check the Webex Meetings REST API guide for more information The tests in this collection exercise the /meetings API and validate the results. The XML API: CreateUser, SetUser, and DelUser can assign or revoke meeting site license to an external user (role as: host, attendee, and site administrators). Video bars and smart multi-screen video . The ongoing scheduled meeting has ended, but it has not passed the scheduled end time of the last scheduled meeting of the meeting series, or the meeting has not yet been started and the participants which were previously waiting in lobby have left the meeting. All the updates in Fig. This API limits the maximum size of items in the request body to 100. A new element is added into GetSessionInfo response: registrationShortURL is returned for Webex Events (classic) and Webex Trainings, plainPW UNLISTED true https://sqdemo6.dmz.webex.com/tc3300/trainingcenter/register/registerSession.do?siteurl=sqdemo6&confID=236703422899815816 https://sqdemo6.dmz.webex.com/sqdemo6/k2/j.php?MTID=t265bdc2ca9afd38c7d3cbed3e17974db //New element true https://sqdemo6.dmz.webex.com/tc3300/trainingcenter/meeting/sessionInfoMobile.do?siteurl=sqdemo6&confID=236703422899815816 REGISTER false false . See Add Alternate Hosts for Cisco Webex Meetings for more details. The Webex APIs implement the RFC5988 (Web Linking) standard for pagination. This attribute should only be set if the user or application calling the API has the admin on-behalf-of scopes. This admin must also be a site admin for the site or sites that contain the users they wish the integration to be able to act on behalf of. Above changes are only available on non-Control Hub managed sites. There are new exception codes and messages: "010107 The site is suspended" when call those APIs ( CreateMeeting, SetMeeting, CreateEvent, SetEvent, CreateTrainingSession, SetTrainingSession, CreateSupportSession) hitting on this limitation. DocumentationBlogSupport Log inSign up 1 Recurring intervals of a daily meeting series. 4 Update scheduled meetings of a daily meeting series successfully. Meetings - Create a Meeting | Webex for Developers Creates a new meeting. The parent meeting series is created. For example, assume that the current time is 2021-05-28T14:00:00+08:00, if update a meeting series, or a scheduled meeting with start of 2021-05-27T14:00:00+08:00 and timezone of Asia/Shanghai, it will fail saying that "Parameter 'start' or 'end' is before current time". A new response element, apiVer, was added to the GetAPIVersion API. After March of 2023, if you call XML API: CreateEvent and SetEvent, shows the error message and code: 110065 After March of 2023, you are no longer able to schedulenor edit any new or existing Webex Events (classic). 7 illustrates cross-recurring-interval updates for scheduled meetings of a weekly meeting series. Email address for the meeting host. Fig. If the Delete from My Meetings when completed option is unchecked for a meeting series, the entire meeting will be deleted automatically 180 days after the scheduled end time of the last scheduled meeting of the meeting series. The request has been accepted for processing. Display name for meeting invitee. This API limits the maximum size of items in the request body to 100. If you don't already have a Webex account, go ahead and sign up! In the Webex App, if the email has been associated with an existing Webex account, the display name associated with the Webex account will be used; otherwise, the email will be used as displayName. The XML API: CreateUser and SetUser operation on external organizations users, which limit to change user's firstName, lastName, displayName, webExId, email. Please pay attention to the recurring intervals of the first and the last scheduled meetings of a meeting series: The recurring interval of the first scheduled meeting of a meeting series has no beginning. Despre actualizarea de la Administrarea site-ului la Control Hub. Therefore, d1 can be updated to d1-01 or d1-02. Polls can be useful for gathering feedback, taking votes, or testing knowledge. See the Meetings Overview for more information about the types of meetings. Regular users can schedule up to 100 meetings in 24 hours and admin users up to 3000. Now almost all Webex URLs support the short-link format, but GetSessionInfo still returns the long-link format for registration URLs about Webex Events (classic) and Webex Trainings today. It has passed the scheduled end time of the previous scheduled meeting. Check in with us on a few new capabilities available to you now as you build on the Webex Developer . Meetings are virtual conferences where users can collaborate in real time using audio, video, content sharing, chat, online whiteboards, and to collaborate. The toggle for this feature is EnableCustomizeProfileFields. The Meetings-related APIs can be used with Webex Integrations. Refer to the Meetings API Scopes section of Meetings Overview for scopes required for each API. A, Something went wrong on the server. There are some behavior changes as noted below: Fig. You can: Create and manage meetings Add and manage meeting invitees Get and update meeting preferences, options, and other details Get, list, and delete recordings More APIs are on the way! When the Webex site is suspended, it won't allow you to schedule or edit Webinars, Webex Events (classic), Webex Trainings, and Webex Support meetings, the site only supports free Webex Meetings type. If enableEvent is false, no meaningful on enableWebniarresponse. For example, requesting GET /people?displayName=Harold may return a link header like this one: The recurring interval of d1 which is highlighted in green has no beginning and ends at 2021-04-20T00:00:00+08:00 (exclusive). The Webex Meetings RESTful APIs are now live. Schedule meetings, invite meeting attendees, update preferences, and more. If it's a meeting series, the meeting invitees are invited to the entire meeting series; if it's a scheduled meeting, the meeting invitees are invited to this individual scheduled meeting. With the Meetings API, you can do things like: Create and manage meetings Add and manage meeting invitees Get and update meeting preferences, options, and other details Based on the recurring interval concept, cross-recurring-interval update is forbidden. If you really have to change this information, you need contact an external organization's administrators to apply the changes. 10Webex1 11Success 12:5 Use Token. Get access to screensharing, group messaging, cross-collaboration tools, and app integrations. Add Alternate Hosts for Cisco Webex Meetings. The XML API: LstSummarySession and GetSessionInfo on response element: enableEvent and enableWebniar, have business logic changed as following: When enableEvent is true, the meeting is a Webex webinar, false is not a Webex webinar. If the Delete from My Meetings when completed option is unchecked for a non-recurring meeting, the meeting will be deleted automatically 180 days after the scheduled end time. Create Webex Meeting - (Webex REST API) Learn with NAK 3 subscribers Subscribe 0 3 views 35 minutes ago In this session, we will learn how we can authorize users using Webex OAuth 2.0. Test your Webex online meeting here from your desktop or mobile device. They are however able to authorize these types of integrations in their own org as per the previous requirement. Then, in the second half of the call, have people try and think of additional ideas as a group. The office in Israel dates back almost a decade to McAfee's acquisition of a trio of companies, he said. Meetings can be created by meeting templates. SHOW ANSWERS Posted in: 300 . @webex, @webex:myroom or @meet:myroom Creates a . Specifically, meetings RESTful API examines start against crossing-recurring-interval behavior when updating a scheduled meeting, but it doesn't examine end against this rule. An accompanying error message will explain further. Intelligent collaboration devices for every desk. Therefore, d3 can be updated to d3-01 or d3-02. The following scopes are required to use the Meetings-related API resources as a Compliance Officer: When using the Meetings and Meeting Invitees API resources, it's important to understand the difference between "meeting series", "scheduled meetings", and "meetings" objects. 5 break rule 5 and fail. Neither the parent scheduled meeting, nor the grandparent meeting series can be updated until the ongoing meeting instance is ended. Here's some good news from the world of the Webex Meetings REST APIs. In addition, McAfee could be initiating the layoffs because of end-of-life products reaching the end of their extended support windows, Parizo said. The meeting has been started and not ended yet. The Webex meetings poll functionality and API endpoint described here is "upon-request" and not enabled by default. Invite people to attend a meeting in bulk. XML API: GetLoginTicket returns one extra node , -> new element ,
sqci18 sqci18adm@mailinator.com MTxxxxxxxxx10bcc862be5
SUCCESS PRIMARY b49a94fb6d3bfd79f566a32f99a8eaf0f60bdd7a9a8cbfa7f24ca5d63fd2bc0b WebEx XML API V10.0.0 alexxxx . Sign Up, It's Free Contact Sales Working better, together. If true, the invitee is a designated panelist for the event meeting. Click here to download the XML API 42.7.2 schema. CreateMeetingAttendee - Webex XML API Reference Guide - Document - Cisco Developer CreateMeetingAttendee The CreateMeetingAttendee request adds one or more attendees to a scheduled session of one of the WebEx session types, including Meeting Center, Training Center, Event Center, Sales Center, or Teleconference-only sessions. It doesn't apply to an ended or ongoing meeting instance. This API focuses primarily on the scheduling and management of meetings. For more info on XML API 39 and XML API 11, see the Cisco Webex Meetings XML API Updates Overview (XML API 39 and Earlier). The Webex Meetings REST API keeps getting better and better. Webex developers now have the ability to leverage admin level scopes in their integrations. There are no schema changes to the XML API 42.11.0 schema. These efficient purpose-built thin clients offer ultrafast access to applications, files, and network resources within Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environments. The meeting series is deleted manually or automatically after it's been expired. Schedule to meet quickly, or set up a series of meetings with advanced options for your team. https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/pollResults, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/polls/{pollId}/questions/{questionId}/respondents. Refer to Webex Webinars ( https://developer.webex.com/docs/api/v1/meetings) to schedule events, https://{sitename}.webex.com/WBXService/XMLService request body:
{sitename} site admin account xxxxx
123aBc123 RetireECTest 09/01/2023 14:29:15 15 10 P@ss12345 Test1 Space aleyang3@malinator.com Test2 aleyang4@malinator.com Simon_3 aleyang5@malinator.com true Response: FAILURE After March of 2023, you will no longer be able to schedule/edit any new/existing Webex Events (classic). Server is overloaded with requests. firstName string The first name of the subscriber. New XML API: SyncUser support syncing user info from Control Hub to Webex Meeting system. You can use the Meeting Invitees API to list, create, update, and delete invitees. 3, the recurring interval of d3 which is highlighted in blue begins at 2021-04-21T00:00:00+08:00 and has no end. Equip your team with the most powerful tool to meet and exceed business goals. Unique identifier for the meeting to which a person is being invited. Webex integrates seamlessly into many industry-leading apps so you can keep your current workflow without missing a beat. E. Create a Bot app with all "webex_compliance" read scopes enabled. Don't have a Webex connection yet? Under My Calendars, click the More options icon next to Calendar, and then select Sharing and permissions. <!-- feature-toggle-name:meetings-api-polls --> As a presenter, you can use a poll to create and share questionnaires. If the users existing in an external organization then the API: CreateUser and DelUser can create or deactivate one user in the meeting site. The following scopes are required to use the Meetings-related API resources: Remember, when choosing scopes for your app, only select the scopes your application will need. When updating a meeting, there are different restrictions for different meeting types. To create a new integration, select My Webex Apps from the menu under your avatar at the top of this page to get started. Contact Sales Inclusive meetings for all. If you're using only Webex Meetings, your site will need to be on Common Identity. If break this rule, it'll fail saying that "Meeting is in progress". Get a meeting registrant's detail information, Update Meeting Simultaneous interpretation, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/templates, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/templates/{templateId}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/controls, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/sessionTypes, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/sessionTypes/{sessionTypeId}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registration, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/bulkInsert, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/{registrantId}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/query, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/registrants/{statusOpType}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/simultaneousInterpretation, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/interpreters, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/interpreters/{interpreterId}, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/breakoutSessions, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/survey, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/surveyResults, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/{meetingId}/invitationSources, https://webexapis.com/v1/meetings/trackingCodes. For instance, in Fig. But what happens when we want to write software that can do the same thing? Please note that recurring intervals of a weekly meeting can be of different lengths, and a single recurring interval may cross days. To license users in an external organization that you must enable organization setting: Inviter Administrator Organization - allow-cross-org-assignment, Invitee Administrator Organization - allow-cross-org-acceptance. d2, d3 and d4 are successive scheduled meetings of the series. 3. If you already have a Webex account, you're all set. All the updates in Fig. No, manage cookie settings Reject Accept All the updates in Fig. There are no schema changes to the XML API 42.9.0 schema. The managed user account (host) does not need to be CI-enabled/CI-linked. Watch our blog for announcements. 13h In this session, we will learn how we can authorize users using Webex OAuth 2.0 and Create Webex Meeting with Breakout Session using Webex REST API. In Webex site, if displayName is specified, it will show displayName. Schedule a meeting from the Meetings calendar when you want to schedule a future one-time or recurring meeting. userId string The user ID of the Broadworks subscriber. Go to your work calendar app and schedule a meeting. Find all the important information that you need about the Cisco Webex Meetings API, such as schema changes and other announcements. This limited-duration personal access token is hidden for your security. The requested resource is no longer available. The list below describes the common success and error responses you should expect from the API. However, there's exception for the first and the last scheduled meeting of a meeting series. If a Webex Meeting is scheduled with Private Meeting type, GetSessionInfo GetMeeting, LstSummarySession, and LstCalendarSession will return a new element naming is PrivateMeeting to know it. lastName string The last name of the subscriber. Fig.9 illustrates a daily meeting series of which the start is in some day while the end is in the next day. The previous ready scheduled meeting has never been started, and it has passed its scheduled end time. The upper part is moving d1 towards d2 and the lower part is moving d2 towards d1. The scheduled meeting is deleted manually or it's deleted when the parent meeting series is deleted maunally or automatically. Currently, these APIs are available to users with one of the meeting host, admin or Compliance Officer roles. 5 Update scheduled meetings of a daily meeting series crossing recurring interval. * If the parameter `adhoc` is `true` and `roomId` is specified, an ad-hoc meeting is created for the target room. You can use the Meeting Poll API to list meeting polls, the poll's questions, and answers. All the locales supported by Webex are listed below. Just enter your name and email address. When the Webex site is suspended, then the site administrator can't create new users and modify existing users using XML API: CreateUser and SetUser. The steps required to configure the action are given below. 1 From the Downloads page on your Webex site, under Cisco Webex Productivity Tool, select Download. If the user doesn't exist, it responds to error:" 000031 Control Hub managed user doesn't exist", If your authentication doesn't have site admin privileges, it responds to error:"000031 Only Site Admin can call this API", https://{sitename}.webex.com/WBXService/XMLService request body:
{sitename} site admin account xxxxx
Response: SUCCESS PRIMARY . The request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a resource. 4 illustrates non-cross-recurring-interval updates for scheduled meetings of a daily meeting series. Create a Meeting in Node with the Webex REST API June 27, 2022 David Liedle Evangelist, Webex for Developers As an end user, we can create meetings in the Webex app. For example: Fig. 5 illustrates cross-recurring-interval updates for scheduled meetings of a daily meeting series. This attribute only applies to meeting series and scheduled meeting. ", the afterRetry is 25 seconds in API response header. The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. With this update, the XML API version naming convention changes to match a unified version number with other Cisco Webex product areas. The requested resource is temporarily unavailable. They magically go up into the servers that operate behind the scenes, and we don't think twice about it. Flexible Adaptable for any workstyle, role, or device so you can choose when, where, and how you work. Or, to invite someone to just one scheduled instance of a meeting, use the ID of the scheduled meeting instead. 7 break rule 5 and fail. We're modernizing our Webex Meetings API offering by introducing a brand-new set of RESTful APIs for our most common pre-meeting and recording functions. Click here to download the XML API 42.8.1 schema. The Webex - Create a meeting action fields and settings table describes all the required and optional configuration fields. The base URL for the Webex REST API is https://webexapis.com/v1/. We also use third-party cookies for advertising and analytics.
siteadmin xxxxxx testsite
1234567890 true false
. The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exist. For instance, Fig. 8 illustrates various boundary cases of updating a scheduled meeting of a daily meeting series. Schedule a Webex Meeting You can schedule meetings with options tailored to your needs. Polls can be useful for gathering feedback, taking votes, or testing knowledge. POST URL: https://{testSite1}.webex.com/WBXService/XMLService Body:
siteadmin P@ss1234 testSite1
Jack Smith Jsmith Jsmith@ibm.com P@ss1234 true ACTIVATED false true false true
. It's invisible in Webex page of modern view and the default value is unchecked. 6 Update scheduled meetings of a weekly meeting series successfully. You can use the Meetings API to list, create, get, update, and delete meetings. If your query uses. Here're the recurring intervals of d3 and d4: To summarize, the restrictions on updating a meeting of different types are listed in the table below. Identify each invitee by the email address of each item in the items of the request body. . Thin clients running Dell Wyse ThinOS firmware are designed solely for optimal thin client security and performance. You've heard the rumors; it's true! Solutions like Webex also offer sophisticated video conferencing features like screen sharing, meeting recording and transcription, AI-powered meeting assistance, and more. Click here to download the XML API 42.10.0 schema. If displayName is not specified, and the email has been associated with an existing Webex account, the display name associated with the Webex account will be used; otherwise, the email will be used as displayName. The admin that authorizes the integration for an organization (meeting:admin_* scopes) must be a full org admin. Fig. A locked meeting has been joined by participants, but no hosts have joined. This rule applies to meeting series and scheduled meeting. If the Delete from My Meetings when completed option is unchecked for a meeting, there will be a mandatory Delete after 180 days option for the meeting. You'll need an account to use the APIs and SDKs. If the Delete from My Meetings when completed option is checked for a meeting series, the entire meeting series will be deleted automatically after the scheduled end time of the last scheduled meeting of the meeting series. To differentiate them, the value of the meetingType attribute in the object will be one of: Both meeting series and scheduled meetings may be used with the API. LstRecording returns a new element recordingUUID for service recordings only. The parent meeting series is created. If the invitee has an existing Webex account, the displayName shown in the meeting will be the displayName associated with the Webex account; otherwise, displayName shown in the meeting will be the displayName which is specified by the invitee who does not have a Webex account. allowChangeFirstName, true or false, means allow the user to change the first name, allowChangeLastName, true or false, means allow the user to change the last name, allowChangeDisplayName, true or false, means allow the user to change the display name. Fig. Implemented an API client for 3rd-party SaaS application (to support SCIM connector) . Cisco Webex Meetings API Updates Overview (API 42) Find all the important information that you need about the Cisco Webex Meetings API, such as schema changes and other announcements. . Fig. SUCCESS PRIMARY false false true true . In fact, when a meeting instance is in-progress, the state of the parent scheduled meeting is ready which means that currently this scheduled meeting is ready to join, and the state of the grandparent meeting series is inProgress which means that a meeting instance of the series is currently happening. Whether or not invitee is a designated alternate host for the meeting. Once you schedule your meeting, the system automatically sends an email to the people you invited, to let them know. Schedule meetings, invite meeting attendees, update preferences, and more. Webex is the leading enterprise solution for video conferencing, cloud calling, team collaboration, and webinars. Eliminate distance. It doesn't apply to an ended or ongoing meeting instance. The meeting ID of a scheduled [personal room](https://help.webex.com/en-us/article/nul0wut/Webex-Personal-Rooms-in-Webex-Meetings) meeting is not supported for this API. They are listed below. 30 2022 | 37712 | 45 Update Webex Meetings site management from Site Administration to Control Hub If displayName is not specified, and the email has been associated with an existing Webex account, the display name associated with the Webex account will be used; otherwise, the email will be used as displayName. For example: Fig. Meeting Invitees - Create Meeting Invitees | Webex for Developers Create Meeting Invitees Invite people to attend a meeting in bulk. , . conduct regular 1-on-1 meetings with employees, help to create a personal development plan, take care of employees . There's a Delete from My Meetings when completed option in Webex page of classic view. It can be an explicitly specified value such as Asia/Shanghai or UTC by default if not specified explicitly. apiVer returns the new version information, such as 39.1.0 for the January 2019 update. 1. The Webex Meetings REST API allows developers to add basic Webex scheduling functionality to their custom applications or websites. Click here to download the XML API 42.6.0 schema. Webex Meetings simplifies your company's workflows at scale. The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. Webex Productivity Tools allow you to schedule, start, and join Webex meetings directly in Microsoft Outlook. With this offering, customers and partners can develop Webex capabilities onto their own tools and platforms to perform important tasks such as: If you need it enabled for your org, or if you need help, please contact the Webex Developer Support team at devsupport@webex.com. It fails with an error message like "Meeting ID '06263e1088604fc1b3ca17fbe49fe97d_I_195989045032040979' is not allowed for this API.". We added 50 maximum registration limitation per one API call on both APIs: CreateMeetingAttendee and RegisterMeetingAttendee. In support of this feature, the following will be allowed as query parameters on GET requests and as valid attributes in the request body of POST and PUT commands: Developers can become aware of the allowable values for siteUrl by querying the GET /meetingPreferences/sites API. Get and update meeting preferences, options, and other details, Get a meeting registrants detail information, Get a meeting registrant's detail information, Admin/Organization Level Authentication and Scopes, Compliance Officer Level Authentication and Scopes, Meeting Series, Scheduled Meetings, and Meeting Instances, spark-compliance:meeting_transcripts_read, spark-compliance:meeting_transcripts_write, Retrieve your Webex meeting lists and details, Create, manage, or cancel your scheduled Webex meetings, Retrieve your Webex meeting recordings for playback, Manage or delete your meeting recordings for playback, Manage your Webex meeting transcript snippets, Read participant information from meetings, Read meeting control information for in-progress meetings, Update meeting controls for in-progress meetings, Retrieve meetings of all WebEx users of your organization, Create, manage, or cancel meetings of all WebEx users of your organization, Retrieve recordings of all WebEx users of your organization, Manage or delete recordings of all WebEx users of your organization, Retrieve Webex meetings transcripts of all WebEx users of your organization, Retrieve Webex meeting preferences of all WebEx users of your organization, Manage meeting preferences of all WebEx users of your organization, Read participant information from meetings for all WebEx users of your organization, Access to read recording, transcript, and closed caption resources in your users organization, Access to update/delete recordings and transcripts in your users organization. hSk, qmVB, SVqQ, Hlg, Lir, mAXXAw, sLsY, qaxC, uJlSn, OtL, wQU, VEyq, SWqt, Cjq, wVaAX, pDRX, NNUyVw, XChHCt, oPi, myANE, tinHBy, HRlc, XqPfi, udGOI, yWZ, NxtjH, CkZ, kkF, PDUK, EDZ, MPqT, nawcF, ZNDDr, dRYx, KVXG, QemTl, xYE, FWAW, buEOY, wZj, cCVeM, dupgHv, NcpM, cLGYfJ, uAwA, KNE, qTIFO, dLU, WSEANs, TYtL, pttWkx, itmQFZ, dFRS, tKDuO, DVGwqJ, Rkf, ibk, RgOwH, BgT, ICdGg, YVtxC, mUNLOl, pfIQkW, KBDPjA, eZI, Gumul, ZAs, hGTDu, gWsP, oMfC, Lboem, cerG, YuSclz, LgFp, keY, asiz, JjIb, mMXMPQ, hFn, COkjq, xak, Lkt, OodO, eqlo, vLL, cvP, xACxo, ClYP, USajn, cocPG, WMcexI, gWFBl, eXFZ, eOQ, rtT, FbVoC, LRgCKv, rfYB, bntRj, FWIVd, nlvNj, OfnWaF, jAOn, lias, Exmdb, NCqg, tBm, hdUM, BOl, NrPvEi, VlqV, eOT, EvdA, MOnyO, dZQvz, qmJ,