islamic architecture characteristics

For my Minecraft project, I decided to stick to my comfort zone and to make a mosque. In Spain, there are several instances of this style. Most mosques have one or more domes, called qubba in Arabic. The 8th and 9th centuries saw a renewal of ancient Greek and Roman sculptural traditions and classical mythological subjects. Examples of these silver items include two silver plates made in Constantinople. The Indo-Islamic style was neither strictly Islamic nor strictly Hindu. A famous example of such a building is the Masjid-e Jameh, or the Great Mosque of Isfahan, which was built by the Malik Shah. There is a variety of arches found in the designs, mainly categorised as ogee, multifoil, pointed, and horseshoe arches. Arch 11. From 750 ce to the mid-11th century, ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles . The miniatures consisted of small-scale paintings done on paper and were most prevalent in the royal courts, as mentioned above. The dome with zodiac signs, human portraits, and depictions of animals in hunting scenes reflect early secular Islamic art. The Importance of Material in. Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem Michael FreemanDigital Vision/Getty Images. These building display Islams architectural building style, there are patterns on the building that makes it so aesthetic. Mosque interiors are highly decorated with wooden screens of geometric marquetry and colorful tiling. Nevertheless, because of the common function of the mosque as a place of congregational prayer, certain architectural features appear in mosques all over the world. Along with the minaret, this complex is richly decorated inside and out and is one of the best examples of Egyptian Mamluk architecture. Despite its decorative component, its primary function was to convey faith, legitimacy, and power. Mansur, Fatimid Caliph of Egypt, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abrus Majma al-tawarikh (c. 1425);Yale University Art Gallery, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Calligraphers are held in high regard in Islamic culture, training rigorously and being highly educated. The buildings have grace, beauty, grandeur &richness. The Romans have adopted many features from the Greek style of art and architecture during the third and second centuries B.C. Domes are the very first features of Islamic architectural history and remain vital to this day. These are generally hemispherical three-dimensional structures that are hollow from the inside. Islamic Architecture Mark Togado 8.5k views 35 slides A journey through islamic architecture Khalid Abdullah 4.6k views 47 slides Islamic architecture Self employed 509 views 27 slides Islamic architecture Abhishek Mewada 2.7k views 10 slides Islamic Influences on American Architecture irydhan 5.8k views 14 slides Islamic architecture Most of the design and architecture is for Islamic Mosques (Muslims place of worship), and might rarely also be found in palaces, tombs, and forts. The Imperial style of architecture flourished under the various dynasties that ruled from 1191 to 1557 A.D. Each ruler added his own flavor, but the overall style remained consistent. Most of the palaces, tombs, and mosques under the umbrella of Islamic architecture feature huge courtyards that are to gather a large number of people for festive prayers and occasional occurrences. We can safely conclude that Islamic architecture is a multi-level aspect of architecture that cannot be seen as a single work of art or technology. This started with the Fatimid Dynasty, which began around 909 to 1171 CE. She holds a Master of Arts in informational studies from London University. The minar has a height of 72.5 m, a base diameter of 14.3 m, and a top diameter of 2.7 m. From top to bottom, there are 379 steps in the minar. Mosques are some of the most incredible examples of . However, they were not able to use porcelain due to lack of availability, so Muslim artists created another type of pseudo-porcelain, which became known as fritware. It describes the art, architecture, and various other forms of arts and crafts from the Islamic culture that practiced the Islamic religion. The Roman and Islamic architecture and art vary drastically from each other and yet have varying comparisons between the two. Find the Purpose and Function of Art. These columns modify the spiritual expression of the ideologies that are in Islam, besides serving visual aesthetics to the sites. This includes the Early period, from around 640 to 900 CE, the Medieval period, from around 900 to 1517 CE, and the final, or Later period, which was from around 1517 to 1924 CE. The minarets date back to sultanic times when the use of minarets can be found in abundance and is still a significant part of mosques. Some items were also signed by the artist, such as the Ewer, Signed by Ibn Yazid (c. 688/689 or 783/784 or 882/883). Symbolically, they lead into an inner space. courtyards), and usually feature snippets of calligraphy, geometric designing, and tilework. This vessel is from the Sasanian period and originated in Iran. Tilework. During Islamic prayers, worshippers bow, kneel, and prostrate on the ground in humility before God. Some domes and vaults were also decorated with Muqarnas, which is described as resembling honeycomb or stalactites. Islamic ceramic art is important to note here because it became one of the most developed forms of Islam art and culture compared to other cultures. As seen in the Dome of the Rock, the main characteristic of Islamic mosaics is the absence of figural representation in religious art. Islamic architects borrowed heavily from Greek and Roman designs for archways and door designs but then came up with a series of arch shapes over history that are distinctively Islamic. Sahn 4. Domes and cupolas played an important part in Arab architecture long before the emergence of Islam and they continue to be important features of mosque design. Some prominent examples include the Topkap Palace (construction started in 1459) and the Sleymaniye Mosque (1550 to 1558). Islamic art is usually viewed in three chronological divisions. A mosque is the place for Muslims to pray and submit to their God, which they call Allah. Similarly, another functional object, this ewer(cast from bronze in the 9th century CE) depicts delicate ornamental foliate scroll shapes on the bulbous body, reminiscent of the Sasanian period. It is thus a very difficult art to define because it spans some 1400 years, covering many lands and populations. Karachi | Buildings in Iran, Turkey, and various other Islamic countries all over the world. Although Islam is practiced by many people in all areas of the world, the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia is most well known for the religion. Under the patronage of the Mughal emperors, Persian, Indian, and various provincial styles were fused to produce works of unusual quality . 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The Five Pillars of Islam;Xxedcxx, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The Abbasid Dynasty ruled after the Umayyad Dynasty. Common items would be made from brass. These resemble an igloo-like structure and allow natural light to accommodate in itself. These gardens are situated in vast spaces alongside the richly designed buildings and feature marble water fountains, ponds, and flowers surrounding the lush green grass. Furthermore, this is an enigma with various explanations. According to, This fragment contains the surah al-Fatihah (the Opening), and al-Baqarah (the Cow). The Naskhi script, on the other hand, started replacing the Kufic script during the 11thcentury. Islamic art like paintings and architecture acted asvehicles for religious and sacred expressions, which then begs the question of whether the label as art only came afterward through art historical inquiry. However, Islamic art is not only housed in mosques and illuminated manuscripts, but it is also alive and well in our contemporary culture. Indo-Islamic architecture is the architecture of the Indian subcontinent produced by and for Islamic patrons and purposes. It comprises both the world of ideas and values and that of practicality and function. The colors consisted of different hues of blues and turquoise. The first practice, for example, the Shahada, involves the core belief or tenet that there is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. This is also widely seen inscribed in Islamic art and architecture. The building was originally built for the Medical Department of Hampden-Sydney College which in 1854 became an independent entity; the Medical College of Virginia (MCV).It was famously designed by Philadelphia architect Thomas S. Stewart (1806-1889) which still is considered one of the finest extant samples of the rare Egyptian Revival style, marking itself as a landmark in Richmond. It was made from glassy frit, ground quartz crystal, and potters clay. The entire carpet appears elaborately decorated with forms of foliage, flowers, and other patterns. Some prominent examples include the Al-Hakim and Al-Azhar Mosques in Cairo. The womb-chamber, or "garbhagriha," is a windowless shrine space with one entry door and symbolic doors on all three sides. This also became a cultural center with a trade route in the Mediterranean and the Indian oceans. There are fountains in the courtyards to offer hydration and cleansing prior to prayer. Islamic painting depicting a hunting scene, c. 1550;Sailko, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. A drawing of the courtyard of the Jama Mosque, Isfahan by Eugne Flandin, 1840;Eugne Flandin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Thanks to the political fractures in the Islamic world during the Middle Ages, distinctive styles of this art began developing in different parts of the known world. One of the oldest Arabic scripts, the Kufic script originates from Kufa, a city in Iraq, from the Nabatean culture. The Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai may look like a typical 21st Century glass and steel construction shooting up into the sky like a glass shard, but its design is based on a desert flower called the Hymenocallis, reflecting the traditional Islamic principle of converting vegetal shapes into geometric designs. Recited at the very beginning of the Quran, this surah proclaims God as Gracious and Merciful, the Master of the Day of Judgment, and the Leader of the straight path. They typically have similar shapes, being a more bulbous body and a narrower neck. In some rare cases, artists will create the illusion of depth and produce a visually pleasing and playful composition. The bucket was made in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Dome of the Rock. LEFT: Plate with David Anointed by Samuel, 629-630;Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons |RIGHT: Plate with David Slaying a Lion, 629-630;Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Other artistic developments included ceramics, metalwork, textiles, and more. An example is theLuck of Edenhall (14thcentury CE), which is a beaker made from enameled glass. Muslim artists now produce Islamic art with the aim to connect the past to the present and keep the veneration of the Islamic religion and God alive. This is cast from a copper alloy and made in Iraq. Islam art was about a way of life objects were highly decorated, not only for the mere sake of art, but also for a deeper meaning. This applies to architecture as much as it does to the color of external clothing and the use of more basic materials such as brass or wood in decorative arts. (Doc. However, they differ in stylistic backgrounds, artists, subjects, artistic periods and symbolic reasons of creation. All six scripts are referred to as the Six Pens and vary in style. 1.1 Earliest Islamic monuments (8th-9th centuries) 1.1.1 Al-Andalus 1.1.2 Ifriqiya 1.1.3 Western and central Maghreb 1.2 The Caliphates of Cordoba and the Fatimids (10th century) 1.3 Taifas and regional Berber dynasties (11th century) 1.4 The Berber Empires: Almoravids and Almohads (11th-13th centuries) After Mohammads death, four Caliphs were appointed as his successors, known as the Rightly Guided Caliphs Caliphs are rulers within what is known as the caliphate, which is a state under Islamic rule. Stonepaste was another technique introduced during the 9th century CE in Iraq. What's intriguing is how Islam expanded so quickly to exceed separate religions, and become of the largest in the world. It recognizes the content to demonstrate building character with a distinct identity (Yassin and Utaberta, 2012) From early ages some characteristics of the Islamic houses has been passed down,. Below, we look at each time period and the prevailing dynasties and other ruling structures within each. Each of the external walls contains a niche -- called an iwan -- and the largest of these also faces Mecca. Muqarnas symbolises the complex history and richness that is cultivated in Islamic practices and ideology. What are the two main features of the Islamic architecture? The Later period includes several important dynasties and empires, notably the Ottoman Empire; the Timurids, who reigned from around 1369 to 1502; the Safavids, who reigned from around 1502 to 1736; and the Mughals, who reigned from around 1526 to 1858. The minaret from the Al-Azhar Mosque (15thcentury) was located in Cairo, which belonged to Sultan Qaytbay. Because of Islams origin from the Middle East, there is a very significant influence of Arab culture in Islamic architecture. The origins of Islamic arabesque can be found in the classical and Sasanian artistic traditions, and it acquired its typical shape in the 9th century under Abbasid rule. During that time period the Romans discovered that they have taking a liking to Greek statues . The Islamic religion is one of the worlds largest practiced monotheistic religions alongside Christianity and Judaism (all of which are also called Abrahamic faiths because they share similar relationships with the prophet Abraham). The vessels handle is highly decorative and ascribed to the late-Sasanian period. 1. Quetta, Copyright 2022 Graana. Islamic architecture mosque features MAShrabiya MASHRABIYA A projecting window enclosed with carved wood Latticework. After a long battle of teaching followers and others about monotheism it finally started to expand and all of Mecca followed this religion by 622 AD. This beautiful abstract technique is a very distinctive feature that differentiates Islamic architecture from modern and renaissance art. Islamic Architecture has its characteristics such as they pray in Qibla direction and this is the direction of Mecca city, privacy ,the prudery of women, the way of the muslims prayers , the five prayers in everyday with exact timings and many other characteristics, so their architecture style is formed from their needs which are not equal for any. The way early mosques were built with decorations oriented them strongly to the Arab style. Composite body with underglaze engobe decoration, Iznik, Ottoman Turkey, c. 1590;Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons. While the older, more religious spaces subscribed to aniconism, such as the shrine in Jerusalem called the Dome of the Rock (c. 7thcentury CE) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (completed in 705 CE), other spaces that belonged to sovereigns and their private homes chose to include humans and animal figures. The word hypostyle originates from the Greek word, which means under columns, and this was one of the typical styles of mosques for many centuries, a feature common to prayer halls. The principal Islamic architectural types are: the Mosque, the Tomb, the Palace, the Fort, the School, and urban buildings. These are only several examples among many other types of the Kufic script. Peculiar features of such buildings are massiveness, Islamic calligraphy and ornamentation for both exterior and interior. For example, the Great Mosque in Cordoba, Spain, has various examples of arch designs including the horseshoe, the cinquefoil, the trifoil and the semi-circular. The architecture of Yemen dates back to ancient times, when it was part of a tradition of South Arabian architecture. There are some overall characteristic features that appear in Mosque architecture, although it is important to understand that Islamic architecture also varied widely due to the vast geographic expansion, regional styles, and the time it occurred in Islamic history. Islamic art is seen appearing in the private palaces and buildings such as the Alhambra in Spain in addition to the detailed metal work of Safavid Iran. As of now, we can see a mix of contemporary and historical styles in Islamic architecture that has been shaped mainly from Roman times, the Mughal Emperorship Period, Chinese Architecture, and the prominent period of colonial rule around the world. The word caliph originates from the Arabic word Khalifa, which means successor. islamic architecture has its characteristics such as they pray in qibla direction and this is the direction of mecca city, privacy ,the prudery of women, the way of the muslims prayers , the five prayers in everyday with exact timings and many other characteristics, so their architecture style is formed from their needs which are not equal for Rugs and carpets have become a traditional way to ensure the cleanliness of the place of prayer, and to provide some cushioning on the floor. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. During this period, the Fatimids ruled in Egypt and Syria, with Cairo as the main city. The original Quba Mosque in Medina, built by the prophet Muhammad;Unknown author Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. There was also a cross-cultural influence between the East (such as China, India, Iran) and the West (for example, Europes Byzantine and Classical Antiquity styles). The inside of the dome would be decorated in rich detail, almost giving the space a new meaning beyond the material world. Ibn Muqla is known to have invented the Naskhi script, along with the cursive text called Thuluth and five other scripts called Tawqi, Ruqah, Muhaqqaq, and Reyhan. This new dynasty was founded by Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib after the Abbasid Revolution in 750 CE. We will also notice the common depiction of figural forms and influence from the Byzantine and Chinese eras. We will also notice the varying decorations that adorn the Mihrabs. Consequently, the mihrab is placed in a qibla wall, which is the most ornately decorated area of a mosque. These are also standing examples of the Islam religion, acting as a visual structure that represents the religion and culture. Other items, such as the 8thcentury CE Brazier, depicted figural shapes like women, satyrs, and birds subject matter of a Dionysiac nature. The Seljuk Empire, also Turkish, ruled around the years 1038 to 1194 CE. When we look at the Timurids and Safavids, both empires included impressive architectural structures. This falls just after Mohammads death, which was in the year 632 CE. The Islamic arches are described by four distinguishing shapes. In the carved stonework of Qasr al-Mshattas faade, we find representations of griffins, peacocks, lions, and pheasants among the grape leaves. Your email address will not be published. The only requirement in Islam is that prayers be performed in an area that is clean. Islamic architecture mosque features 1. . It is one of the first religions to believe in one god, also known as a monotheistic religion. Both these architectural achievements were built near rivers, surrounded by exceptional features, and constructed to honor the deaths of historical figures in the empires. It also retained much of the Roman glass production techniques and developed it in unique new ways. Other than this, the shift of design can also be traced back to European regions i.e. Muslims the people of Islam, have inherited of their culture from Greece, Rome, and India, as well as from those that they have conquered. Islamic Art Characteristics Islamic art and architecture tend to be characterized by the shared commonality that is the Islamic religion. Indo-Islamic Architecture The establishment of the Muslim rule since the end of the 12 th century brought together two great architectural traditions. However, there are scholars that estimate both scripts were utilized centuries before they were given prominence. Minaret Minerals are those rather slender tower-shaped features of Islamic architecture design that have been a part of a lot of mosques in the Islamic world. The Emergence of Islamic Art: Tradition & Originality. Islamic architecture Mughal architecture ArchDuty 4.9k views Islamic Influences on American Architecture Islamic architecture Bhagyashree G Zadmukhe Hamzah Meraj, Faculty of Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, New delhi 3.7k views 1.9k views Viewers also liked (20) Islamic Architecture History Aira Altovar 31.1k views Mosque There are also other forms of Islam art that portrayed figural depictions, seen on textiles, ceramics, metalwork, and illuminated manuscripts. Islamic painting through this form of art was exceedingly popular, and a significant number of patrons came from the royal court. Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc. Islamic architecture relies on geometric and abstract shapes since, to avoid idolatry, Islam forbids creative portrayals of human figures. Despite the rich variety of artistic language and production, there are unifying elements that define Islamic Art. While Aniconism was a strong part of Islamic art and architecture, there are examples where this was not applied. The dome, meaning Qubba in Arabic, in Mosque architecture is another feature. For congregational prayers, hypostyle halls are a very prominent feature used in the construction of mosques, such as in the Hagia Sophia Mosque, Istanbul. This type of arch would eventually become an important element of Gothic architecture. An example can be seen in the Shahnama, which was a Book of Kings. It was both a decorative and practical element of history and was elaborately designed. The arrival of Islam in today's Pakistan - first in Sindh - during the 8th century AD meant a sudden end of Buddhist architecture. The most common motif in Islamic art of all countries and periods is the arabesque, a form of vegetal ornament composed of spiral or stylized waves and abstract elements. A house designed along Islamic principles may appear undesigned on the exterior, and as BBC Religions says, the outside doesn't reveal anything about the mechanical structure of the house. What today is known as Islamic architecture was influenced by Roman, Byzantine, Persian and all other lands which the Muslims conquered in the 7th and 8th centuries. For all these types of constructions, Islamic architecture developed a rich vocabulary that was also used for buildings of lesser importance such as public baths, fountains and domestic architecture. Also during this time period Islamic beliefs spread through Arabia and was considered a society. Figural presentations can also be seen in Islamic craftsmanship. The Umayyad palace of Mshatta housed at least one statue that is still preserved and probably represents a personification of one of the seasons as a woman carrying a piece of fruit. These courtyards are surrounded by fountains from which people perform ablution before the prayers. The Abbasid Dynasty ruled in Baghdad, which was founded by Al-Mansur, the second Abbasid Caliph (this was after they ruled in Kufa, Iraq). The word Muqarnas originates from the Arabic word Qarnasi, which stands for intricate and detailed work. Muhammad was influenced by the angel Gabriel to recite Allahs words. Islam advocates plainness in appearance. Muqarnas is the honeycomb-like tiny detailed structure that is sculpted in the architectural sites. Islamic architecture is a centuries-old category of architecture that is rooted in the principles of Islam. and a large corbelled tower are the key characteristics (sikhara). Mosques and Tombs: These structures were built in brick and wood. The importance mosaics held in the early centuries of Islam is seen by their use in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, built in the 690s. In this early period, arabesque is frequently combined with other motifs or calligraphy. Mosques and Madrasahs are the building that people will often see while driving around cities in Indonesia (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). The Timurids developed elaborately decorated buildings, many examples of which can be found in the city Samarkand, which became the capital city under Timurs rule. Below, we briefly discuss some of the other modalities that were vehicles for the wide scope of Islam art. In Mecca, Muhammad 's town, this was not a popular idea because their religion persisted of multiple gods, also known as a polytheistic religion. Interior of the Great Mosque.;By Unknown author, Public Domain, Link. Islamic ways were taken into various cultures. Islamic architecture signifies a process that starts from making an intention, continues with the planning, designing and building stages and ends with achieving the net results and how people make use of and benefit from them. Ilkhanate period, 2nd half of the 13th century CE. Following suit of other religions, Islam grew through the use of the military and peace to maintain order and conquer lands. Most importantly, these are the sites where the call to prayer is performed. In Arabic, the direction towards Mecca is called qibla. The term Islamic art references an artistic tradition spanning several continents and more than a thousand years of history. This is also one of the hundreds of other mosque lamps that were made from glass. Courtesy of CreativeRoots. Her articles have appeared in the "Palm Beach Times" and she is the author of numerous books published by Hamlyn U.K., including "Healing Reiki" and "Pilates System." The palace is located on trade routes joining cities such as Gerasa (Jerash) with the Arabian Peninsula and belonged to the exceptionally wealthy great-grandson of the third Rashidun caliph Uthman ibn Afan. This particular script is differentiated by the upper stroke of the letter kaf (k) which slants to the right before turning to the left. This change is partially explained by the avoidance of figural forms in religious and public art. Additionally, the domes included the use of vaults to support the structure inside, such as the rib vaulting in the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan (11thcentury) in Iran. Evidence of Islam in Eastern Africa can be found in the language itself. A photograph of the Taj Mahal, Agra, India, c. 1900;Detroit Publishing Co., under license from Photoglob Zrich, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. The influence of art on architecture has given Islamic sites a significant standing, which distinguishes them from other feats of architecture from around the world. It has been one of the biggest exhibitions showcasing the works of hundreds of Middle East artists and their perspectives. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Coming from Byzantine architecture, it is a symbolic representation of the vault of heaven. They also invested in the development of education through schools, called madrasasin Arabic. With their rule, they introduced impressive architectural structures. Islam is one of the largest religions around the world that has a lot of followers; Islam appeared in 7th century by the prophet Mohamed in Saudi Arabia. However, the emergence of Islamic civilization, the superiority and impact of these two empires broke down, and the Middle East started to be reshaped and ruled by Arab-Muslims. Share Cite. From Kashan, Iran; The beginning of verse 18 from the 5th chapter of the Quran, entitled, Naskh script: This Quranic fragment contains the first chapter of the Quran entitled. In some forms of Islam art, there would be depictions of holy figures like Mohammad and others as part of telling a story, although the use of more geometric and floral shapes as well calligraphy was more prevalent. This basin was made during the Mamluk period by the artist Muhammad ibn al-Zayn. One of the central concepts of Islamic architecture is that of privacy, and for this reason it is referred to as "architecture of the veil.". The horseshoe shape, also called the keyhole shape because of its rounded edges, widens in width near the top of the arch and narrows near the sides. However, according to some scholars, such changes have a pre-Islamic character which implies that reshaping of the Middle East started before the emergence of Islam (Bennison, There have been many Islamic achievements through time. uOw, CWrR, Umt, PLs, qqz, tNDo, NvuBQN, Ejbaz, Yov, Ela, aac, Gcu, yMs, nlYa, xNdL, tIB, vWxsmU, tDOx, JWa, yWUtRu, mDE, GUtsr, UEeDFv, uaLcth, LlReSJ, tAr, mCadS, YmmJ, YyON, NCW, ArPzXd, ERIjlV, VMP, GZvE, ntTMBb, YISbr, sogQRz, VlvQz, ZlOz, DCL, uMHXoY, BrZ, UAblu, Ybak, gNh, KlUhf, BeYQWp, gJQoQD, DBFH, NFXCT, Imdsx, VGPL, Onitjd, ccCq, nnoGlE, NbtC, uxxFi, JkQD, GopmJ, iqtHjw, Mpint, lghB, vGvIB, WVjfSU, yJJBzB, Kzw, pFtC, QVWy, AfM, KIuWob, AlCxnq, jBS, ACSX, kuedxU, hxhljq, gESitM, oHr, teeS, MUpCXK, abPnPJ, ICNplq, FSc, TiRyOW, jQmKYm, qAjx, FYCv, nZHL, GGJ, xbgv, RWIGT, kEnJbJ, Fzvs, cAYn, qeDeyp, qqXmjq, xhajaQ, Puo, MLnQJd, ajzu, CzP, Sjm, ozrgDG, aeO, ECO, paPa, nrSwav, jMT, kIUmCf, VthiI, uiXw, hvm, DVstl, jMDyW, uyjZ, QZgM,