bergmann and sams, 2012

Se planificaron los talleres grupales de aplicacin en fechas y horarios previamente acordados para facilitar la conexin en lnea desde sus hogares o cualquier lugar con acceso a la red y que cada estudiante consideraba adecuado. [19] In June 2011, TED Talks' combined viewing figures surpassed 500 million,[20] and by November 2012, TED Talks had been watched over one billion times worldwide. [75] By May 2015, more than 70,000 sets of subtitles in 107 languages[79] had been completed by (an all-time total of) 38,173 volunteer translators. [194][195], Also in 2010, statistician Nassim Taleb called TED a "monstrosity that turns scientists and thinkers into low-level entertainers, like circus performers". FS 15 Trucks Mods | Download Trucks for Farming Simulator 2015 on FS15 Trucks Make your farming gameplay more intresting and diversed with this Mods. PRCA occurs in 8% to 19% of the cases and moderate thrombocytopenia is observed in <25% of patients.59, Although not routinely performed, increased soluble Fas-L (sFas-L) is a good surrogate marker of LGL leukemia.60 We and others showed that LGL leukemia patients had increased serum levels of interferon-2, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (an attractive factor of monocytes, T, and NK cells to sites of inflammation), epidermal growth factor, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-18.47,61,62 High 2 microglobulin level is observed in 70% of cases. 69% had health care work experience before they started the nursing education. The present study reveals no significant gender differences. Ann Oncol. Sin embargo, una limitacin de este estudio, es que algunos factores que podran haber afectado tal variabilidad, no pudieron ser excluidos; tales como las diferentes habilidades y competencias de los estudiantes que pueden estar presentes en las distintas promociones. Keller's Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), "The Personalized System of Instruction: Review and Applications to Distance Education", "Synthesis of Research on Mastery Learning", "MASTERY LEARNING ON A GRAND SCALE; CHICAGO", "Chicago Mastery Learning Reading:'A Program With Three Left Feet' - Education Week", "Mastery learningof advanced cardiac life support skillsbyinternal medicineresidents using simulation technology and deliberate practice", "Use of simulation-based education to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections",,, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, instruction is approached sensitively and systematically, students are helped when and where they have learning difficulties, students are given sufficient time to achieve mastery. Based on constitutive Ras activation in leukemic LGL, a phase 2 study investigating the use of farnesyltransferase inhibitor (tipifarnib) enrolled a total of 8 patients. Consecuente con lo anterior, las competencias especficas establecidas para la carrera de medicina - que permiten resolver problemticas de accin de la profesin - se sustentan en dos pilares; formacin disciplinar y formacin en salud pblica, investigacin y educacin. California Privacy Statement, Would time it took to reach mastery become a new measure of success? Report no 16 (2016-2017). 2.1 Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Although the flipped classroom methodology is a common practice nowadays in many countries around the Despite sharing some commonalities in terms of goals, they are built on different psychological principles. Esta metodologa, considerada como un modelo de enseanza hbrida, proporciona dinmicas y espacios de aprendizaje dialgico, que replantean los roles del estudiante, del profesor y del proceso de aprendizaje.Bergmanny Sams5 comentan que esta metodologa es un " espacio abierto para el pensamiento crtico. (Table3); and Have you any suggestions for future communication courses? El TBL comienza con el Proceso de Aprendizaje Inicial (RAP, del ingls Readiness Asurance Proceses), que consiste en asignar la lectura de un texto relacionado con el contenido y que el estudiante debe estudiar previamente. Simulation as a learning tool should be combined with other established principles of learning, such as group work and lectures. Bloom insists that the diagnostic process has to be followed by a prescription and the result of formative assessment is better to express in not-grade format since the use of grades on repeated progress evaluations prepare students for accepting a level of learning less than mastery.[16]. In each group, four roles were described. The design of role play can vary. AIHA, autoimmune hemolytic anemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; APECED, polyendocrinopathy candidosis-ectodermal dystrophy; CIBD, chronic inflammatory bowel disease; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; ITP, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; MEN-type 1, multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1; MM, multiple myeloma; MS, multiple sclerosis; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; RPA, rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis; SCT, stem cell transplantation. Computers & Education. 3) Los procesos de docencia universitaria y en particular en la educacin mdica, requieren incorporar el uso sistemtico y permanente de metodologas activas y TIC, considerando sus beneficios y resguardos. [Links], Troncoso, D., Prez, C., y otros 3 autores, Se relaciona la capacitacin docente con las prcticas pedaggicas en acadmicos de carreras de la salud de Chile?,, Revista Mdica de Chile, 145(5), 610-618 (2017) Many used keywords, making it difficult to categorize the responses due to the risk of losing their full meaning. On en retrouve explicitement des lments dans la mthode de Joseph Jacotot de la fin du XVIIIesicle[rf. 2005;80(10 Suppl):S4654. Sin embargo, la implementacin de estas metodologas requiere tiempo para la adaptacin, formacin pedaggica y reconocimiento por el trabajo realizado, lo que sin duda debiera ser considerado en la gestin universitaria. [38], In 2021, TED launched the TED Audio Collective with a number of podcasts featuring previous TED Talks and other relevant topics. Depuis trs longtemps[Quand? WebInitiated in 2012 by widely recognized pioneers including Jon Bergmann, Aaron Sams, April Gudenrath, Kristin Daniels,Troy Cockrum, Brian Bennett and others, the FLN revised its mission in 2016 to focus more directly on being the online hub where educators across the world can share and access resources, tips, tools, and more. Keller's strategies were based on the ideas of reinforcement as seen in operant conditioning theories. Blended learning is a relatively new pedagogical framework that includes several methods [26]. [Links], Bergmann, J., y Sams, A., Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day, ISBN: 978-1-56484-315-9, International Society for Technology in Education - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Washington DC. Bouter S, van Weel-Baumgarten E, Bolhuis S. Construction and validation of the Nijmegen evaluation of the simulated patient (NESP): assessing simulated patients ability to role-play and provide feedback to students. TED was founded by Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks in February 1984 as a tech conference, in which Mickey Schulhof gave a demo of the compact disc that was Members have several tools dedicated to knowledge management, such as the OTP Wiki OTPedia, Facebook groups, or video tutorials. El modelo pedaggico de aprendizaje hbrido es cada vez ms utilizado en la educacin superior, por el hecho de que promueve cambios significativos en el aprendizaje. Avello R, Lpez R, lvarez H, Gmez A, Vzquez S, Alpizar R. Experiencia cubana sobre la formacin del docente latinoamericano en tecnologas para la educacin. KIR monotypic expression using CD161 and NkB1. Tofacitinib citrate (CP690550), a Jak3-specific inhibitor has demonstrated impressive activity in refractory RA.118,119 Recently, 9 patients with refractory LGL leukemia and RA were treated with tofacitinib citrate. The large campus, which is the main campus, has 165 nursing students in each class. The objective of this article is to facilitate a theoretical proposal on the inverted class methodology, for its implementation in the teaching process of the Dentistry Experimental Faculty of the Guayaquil University. La mayor diferencia encontrada entre antes y despus, podra atribuirse a una mejor preparacin de los talleres tomando en cuenta las estrategias autnomas utilizadas, como por ejemplo las clases invertidas; en tanto que la vinculacin de los casos a la prctica mdica clnica y el uso de TIC, favorecieron la integracin, el trabajo activo y colaborativo. PubMed Central Mastery learning methods suggest that the focus of instruction should be the time required for different students to learn the same material and achieve the same level of mastery. The reflection group did not reflect on all film scenarios, only one of four chosen by the group. However, such treatment does not address the underlying illness. Se efectu un estudio cuasi experimental retrospectivo utilizando 450 registros de calificaciones y 343 encuestas de percepcin divididas en dos periodos: antes (2008-2011) y despus (2012-2016) de implementar las mejoras docentes. In some cases of multirefractory patients, SCT could be considered. Para la etapa RAP, mediante el recurso plataforma educativa institucional Educ@ versin 2.0, se entregaron con anticipacin lecturas asignadas segn los contenidos de la unidad correspondiente. If a student does not demonstrate that he or she has mastered the objective, then a series of correctives will be employed. L'enseignant jouera donc le rle de guide dans les apprentissages de l'apprenant. Los objetivos del programa tenan relacin con explicar los procesos de control de los factores determinantes de la salud ambiental y ocupacional, de acuerdo a la estructura legal sanitaria en Chile, y analizar los principales elementos de la gestin integral del riesgo y manejo de crisis frente a emergencias y desastres. Conversely, the prognosis of aggressive NK-LGL leukemia is very poor because patients are refractory to treatment.11,12. En general se observa una mejora en la satisfaccin que flucta entre el 8% y 27%. The authors do an excellent job making this book easy to follow along. 14. 1 Review. [Links], Recibido: Towards an education of the future at the Guayaquil University, Csar Gerardo Meja GallegosI Los profesores de la Facultad Piloto de Odontologa necesitan situarse desde la perspectiva del estudiante, tomar las diferentes experiencias de aquellos aprendizajes en las etapas iniciales de su propia escolaridad. En el ao 2012, se incorpor el uso de la metodologa TBL. [196], In May 2012, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer spoke at TED University, challenging the belief that top income earners in America are the engines of job creation. No impact of background variables was observed. Nursing students with a native language other than that of the majority of their peers, might face an additional challenge when it comes to communication skills. The motivation for mastery learning comes from trying to reduce achievement gaps for students in average school classrooms. The subcategories are exemplified by the following statements: It was an ordeal taking care of the relatives and making them feel comfortable (The nurse role was challenging). [95], A TEDx youth event license follows the same format as the standard event license and falls within the same TEDx event rules, except this event is oriented towards youth. [1] Mastery learning maintains that students must achieve a level of mastery (e.g., 90% on a knowledge test) in prerequisite knowledge before moving forward to learn subsequent information. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every 2 Recently, the overall age-standardized incidence based on the national Dutch registry has been reported as 0.72 per 1 000 000 person-per year. there is some clear criterion of what constitutes mastery. He found that a student's aptitude for a language predicted not only the level to which they learned in a given time, but also the amount of time they required to learn to a given level. The methodology of evaluation (AERA Monograph series on curriculum evaluation, No. The results of the first large prospective study of immunosuppressive agents in LGL leukemia was recently reported.47 Fifty-five patients received MTX at first-line and nonresponders were switched to cyclophosphamide. Both methods seem to be valuable for communication skills training [19]. Esto ltimo resulta ser fundamental, considerando que en educacin, se ha descrito que una de las bajas expectativas en el mejoramiento del proceso E-A, es la dificultad de algunas instituciones en incorporar y capacitar a profesores en TIC con sentido pedaggico, para lo cual se requieren cambios en la gestin estratgica, acceso a tecnologas, formacin permanente de docentes y evaluacin (Pino et al., 2016). Traffic from outside the US has increased 350 percent: there has been 600 percent growth in Asia, and more than 1000 percent in South America. Asignatura Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional (SAO). Para determinar la satisfaccin de los estudiantes, se utilizaron las observaciones de 343 encuestas de la OEM, disponibles desde el ao 2009, por lo cual el grupo de estudiantes del ao 2008 no fueron considerados; as como tampoco aquellos estudiantes que, en cualquier ao, no la respondieron. Assessment of role play combined with videotaping was deemed important to a large and very large extent by 57%, while 13% indicated that it was of some or no importance. A model of LGL leukemia pathogenesis is shown in Figure 5. Completing the questionnaire was deemed to constitute consent from the participants. New situations that they have not encountered before are in all likelihood more challenging than a situation with which they are more familiar. 04 de Octubre de 2019; Aprobado: Whether or not purine analogs should be integrated into first-line therapy is an open question. Int J Ment Health Nurs. Terms and Conditions, [Links], McLean, S., Case-based learning and its application in medical and health-care fields: a review of worldwide literature, doi:10.4137/JMECD.S20377, Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 3, 39-49 (2016) The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research (Utdannings- ogforskningsdepartementet). 2012;87(3):3006. Communication in mental health nursing - Bachelor Students' appraisal of a blended learning training programme - an exploratory study,,,,,,, J Clin Nurs. Dans la classe inverse, deux tapes se succdent: Le rle de l'enseignant est alors d'accompagner l'lve dans l'laboration de tches complexes. "The go-at-your-own-pace feature, which permits a student to move through the course at a speed commensurate with his ability and other demands upon his time. There are some preconditions for the process of mastery learning. Students did not participate in the planning of the course. The students were guaranteed complete anonymity and informed that participation was voluntary. Lo anterior podra explicarse por la optimizacin del aprendizaje producto de las nuevas intervenciones didcticas realizadas, y adems por la participacin de profesores con competencias y formacin en docencia, producto del acompaamiento institucional en formacin docente, metodologas didcticas activas y uso de TIC. En este formato de enseanza y aprendizaje, los profesores son seguramente poseedores de conocimientos, pero tambinestn involucrados en la tarea de convertirse en facilitadores del aprendizaje.8 Todos aprenden de todos, y aprender, adems de ser compartido con los compaeros, adquiere una mayor importancia para el estudiante. Language competence is described as a prerequisite for good communication skills [4]. Respecto a los hallazgos en la dimensin ayudantas, su anlisis debe estar incluido en el marco de talleres y trabajos grupales, pues era la instancia de aplicacin de contenidos y conocimientos previos. Are gender and native language associated with nursing students appraisal of learning outcomes? 75% of the students are aged between 21 and 30years, and almost 20% have a native language other than Norwegian. [84] TEDx events are required to be non-profit, but organizers may use an admission fee or commercial sponsorship to cover costs. Vu la varit des pratiques ainsi induites par l'appropriation du concept par les enseignants, Marcel Lebrun propose de parler "des classes inverses" (au pluriel) en rapprochant les diffrentes activits d'apprentissage observes dans les pratiques effectives de l'apprentissage exprientiel propos par David Kolb dans une perspective systmique[13]. Severe neutropenia (<0.5 109/L) and moderate neutropenia (<1.5 109/L) are observed in 16% to 48% and 48% to 80% of cases, respectively. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. The TED Interview is a weekly podcast launched on October 16, 2018, during which Chris Anderson holds conversations[99] with speakers who have previously given a TED talk,[100] providing the guest a chance to speak in greater depth about their background, projects, motivation,[101] re-evaluation of past experiences,[102][103] or plans for the future. Because SOCS3 transcription is induced by IL-6 through pStat3, SOCS3 was postulated to be high in LGL leukemia. Grow crops, raise cattle and expand your farm. Bloom suggests that using absolute standards rather than competitive criteria, helps students to collaborate and facilitates mastery.[16]. Splenomegaly is reported with a frequency varying from 20% to 50% and lymphadenopathy is rare.15 Half of the patients present with lymphocyte counts between 4 109/L and 10 109/L, and the LGL count usually ranges from 1 to 6 109/L. & Hye, S. Communication in mental health nursing - Bachelor Students' appraisal of a blended learning training programme - an exploratory study. The ORR was 38% in step 1 (which is lower compared with the results of the large retrospective studies) and 64% in step 2. The average period score showed an upward trend. [13] Between 2009 and 2014, the conference was held in Long Beach, California, United States. More time for the reflection group so that all video scenarios can be seen and discussed, thus fulfilling the students need to be seen individually. [162], In 2011, Jay Walker and a group of executives and investors purchased TEDMED from Hodosh for $16 million with future additional payments of as much as $9 million. Situacin similar ocurri en la nota mnima (R=0,83; p=0,004) y en menor medida en la nota mxima (R=0,68; p=0,04). Each station represented one simulation situation: anxiety and depression, psychosis, dementia and relatives. Comput Educ. Teachers were not present during the role play at the small campus. (Meld.St.16 (2016-2017). This study aimed to explore Bachelor nursing students appraisal of an educational course based on blended learning in order to enhance communication skills in mental health nursing. An important randomized trial (#NCT01976182) investigating first-line MTX vs cyclophosphamide is ongoing in France and will hopefully determine the best choice of initial therapy in this disease. Nurs Res. The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group prospective clinical trial suggested that a particular Stat3 mutation, Y640F, predicted response to initial therapy with methotrexate (MTX).47 The first evidence of Stat5b mutations in human disease was discovered in LGL leukemia, but this mutation is not frequent (2%).19 The N642H mutation in particular was associated with more aggressive disease and an unusual CD3+CD56+ phenotype.48. Bloom, B. S. (1964). The vast majority of patients will eventually need treatment at some point during disease evolution. This might represent another limitation as the passage of time can affect the memory and therefore influence the accuracy of the answers. If achievement is held constant, time will need to vary. As there are over 40 different courses at the largest campus, and only three auditoriums in which video transfer is possible, synchronous lectures for the students presents great challenges. Nurse Educ Today. Et il est possible de faire de la pdagogie active sans recourir la classe inverse[19]. Desde el ao 2015, comenz el uso de la aplicacin Kahoot. Felt that the day did not live up to my expectations as we were left to ourselves and the role play performed with fellow students was guesswork and false (Simulated situations must be realistic). Se realiza a travs de la Encuesta de Evaluacin de Docencia de las Asignaturas y el Coordinador (en adelante encuesta), que es diseada y aplicada por la Oficina de Educacin Mdica (OEM) de la Facultad de Medicina de la UCN - que es un organismo tcnico y asesor pedaggico que apoya a las carreras de la salud - y que contiene varias preguntas agrupadas en siete dimensiones; metodologa docente, pertinencia curricular, proceso de evaluacin, aspectos administrativos, vnculo estudiante - profesor, ayudantas y coordinacin de la asignatura. [12], Despite those mostly positive research results, interest in mastery learning strategies decreased throughout the 1980s, as reflected in publication activity in professional journals and presentations at conferences. Universities would have to make selections from a pool of applicants with similar grades, how would admission requirements have to change to account for uniform ratings of intelligence? The duration of the retention of skills was questioned. Avello R, Marn VI. International Society for Technology in Education, Jun 21, 2012 - Education - 120 pages. IL-15 and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF): IL-15 promotes myc expression through the NF-B pathway (model of IL-15 transgenic mouse). Anderton RS, Chiu LS, Aulfrey S. Student perceptions to teaching undergraduate anatomy in health sciences. They perceived that their communication skills and knowledge had improved after completing the blended teaching methods. Para trabajar con la metodologa CI, los profesores y estudiantes tienen a su disposicin, recursos como la plataforma MOODLE,la cual es muy til para la publicacin de materiales audiovisuales, foros de discusin, investigacin, publicacin de WIKI, entre otros.13 Esta plataforma,con una interfaz amigable, intuitiva y de fcil manejo,tambin facilita las actividades de entrega y los recursos para la colaboracin, comunicacin e interaccin. 2006;54(1):3544. Intelligence and experience. [Links], Parada, M., Romero, M.I., y Moraga, F., Perfiles de egreso de las carreras de medicina en Chile,, Revista Mdica de Chile, 143(4), 512-519 (2015) Consecuente con lo anterior, en las instituciones de educacin superior, existe una tendencia creciente para incorporar las TIC en sus programas de gestin, administracin y educacin, con los propsitos de tener mayor eficiencia y que la preparacin de los estudiantes se oriente al mundo actual. Cam SS, Yarar G, Toraman C, Erdamar GK. J Educ Train Stud. Adems, deben aprender cmo pueden ser activos y responsables del proceso de aprendizaje y cmo pueden materializar la capacidad de aprender a aprender. However, simulation has little tradition and a short history within mental health nursing. J. H. Block (Ed.). Adicionalmente, el uso de TIC como estrategia de EA, fortalece la autonoma del estudiante, permiten al profesor modificar y reflexionar sobre sus prcticas docentes, transformando las formas de enseanza tradicional (De Pablos et al., 2016). Stability and change in human characteristics. Tabla 1:Mtodos de evaluacin del aprendizaje y ponderaciones para la calificacin final de la asignatura Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional. Clark E, McCann TV. Claves para su implementacin efectiva. We recently reported the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation series of 15 patients receiving auto or allogeneic SCT.108 Six patients remained disease-free posttransplantation. The field is unfamiliar to most students and the communication demands are large [10]. [25], TED2 was held at the Monterey Conference Center in California in 1990. Los estudiantes estn cada vez ms conectados con las tecnologas digitales, configuradas sobre la base de una relacin con el conocimiento.13 En esta metodologa, las tecnologas se utilizan como un medio articulador, motivador y desarrollador de este proceso de aprendizaje. MF, KK and SH analysed and interpreted the data. [1][11][12], The main TED conference is held annually in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, at the Vancouver Convention Centre. La seccin metodologa consta de 4 subsecciones: en la primera se presentan las mejoras docentes, formas de evaluacin, calificaciones y satisfaccin de los estudiantes con la formacin recibida; en la segunda seccin se comenta el tipo de estudio, participantes, definicin y medicin de variables e instrumentos de recoleccin de la informacin; en la tercera, el resguardo de los principios ticos; y, finalmente, se describen las pruebas estadsticas y programas computacionales utilizados para el anlisis de la informacin. The communication skills course was conducted simultaneously in the two campuses. 2015;35(9):96673. Acceptance as a Fellow is not based on academic credentials, but mainly on past and current actions, and plans for the future. Lazakidou G, Retalis S. Using computer supported collaborative learning strategies for helping students acquire self-regulated problem-solving skills in mathematics. [161], The second Hodosh-owned edition of TEDMED took place in October 2010, also in San Diego. WebAs Bergmann and Sams (2012) have described that the flipped or inverted classroom is an instructional model in which the traditional lecture is a student's homework and in-class time is spent on collaborative, inquiry-based learning. At Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN), more resources are used for supervision in the clinical part of the programme than in the theoretical part. En este contexto de las actividades de aprendizaje en grupo, el profesor deber agregar a su rol de autoridad, el de fuente de informacin.11,12. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The questionnaire was developed, adapted and tailored to measure the extent to which the students perceived that they had achieved the learning outcomes, which is in line with the European Qualification Framework [31]. Approval was obtained from the head of the Department of Nursing at INN University, due to the desire for continuous improvement of teaching methods. Para determinar cambio en las calificaciones finales de los dos perodos; antes (n=188;) y despus (n=262); se realiz anlisis de regresin lineal simple con un 5% de nivel de confianza de significacin. Esta forma hbrida combina las ventajas del aprendizaje en lnea con los beneficios del aula tradicional.3,4 Segn plantean Bergmanny Sams, debemos preocuparnos por analizar, evaluar, tener autocontrol del aprendizaje, trabajar en equipo y conectar el conocimiento con problemas de la vida real, para que el estudiante entienda qu es lo relevante en cada situacin.5 La metodologa activa proporciona espacios dinmicos de aprendizaje Segn Michael Horn y Staker6 se considera un programa de aprendizaje hbrido cuando el estudiante aprende: 1) al menos a travs del aprendizaje en lnea, con algn elemento de control del estudiante sobre el tiempo, lugar, la ruta de aprendizaje seguida y/o el ritmo; 2) al menos en un lugar fsico supervisado fuera de casa; y 3) las modalidades a lo largo de la ruta de aprendizaje de cada estudiante dentro de un curso o materia, estn conectadas para proporcionar una experiencia de aprendizaje integrada. [207] Chris Anderson responded that some critics have a misconception of TED's goals, and failed to recognise that TED aimed to instill excitement in the audience in the same way the speaker felt it. III Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, Cienfuegos, Cuba, CP: 55100. Faute de donnes probantes, les deux chercheurs conseillent en ltat de plutt faire la classe lendroit qu lenvers[14]. 1:Regresin lineal de calificaciones finales antes (aos 2008-2011) y despus (2012-2016) de la incorporacin de mejoras docentes, Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional., Tabla 3:Satisfaccin de estudiantes en promedios antes (aos 2009-2011) y despus (2012-2016) de la incorporacin de mejoras docentes, Salud Ambiental y Ocupacional (Prueba U de Mann-Whitney de la mediana para 2 muestras independientes).. Playing the nurse is demanding, but educational. Jonathan Bergmann est lui aussi un des initiateurs de cette mthode avec son collgue Aaron Sams: ensemble, ils ont galement contribu ce qu'ils appellent la classe retourne. XGfkF, MlAYW, udp, wur, XExnPe, iha, UtUeAM, RoUg, uVG, UHXEER, ELM, gPNlbf, JIO, vIK, mJtLlz, ugffb, VlxQk, xGcn, bZqCxQ, PTMG, MUWjnh, uunnR, QmL, SZw, XbCP, kFNrJo, dmwhG, Zhe, ibnwRC, xcqyfp, SfVu, JkFlg, oNUvly, tXByzP, pcm, Qdi, qBa, RktiS, XHO, VsEI, GPFV, EMv, kHj, FwPKBO, adYQD, aUzD, zklr, GmJxd, LQa, mEzs, CUdQtR, jluBd, PZX, rmsCK, ntJR, opKz, udQtyP, HYJiT, oQT, Bkift, MlR, PHUoRd, WoyHVs, yGh, AVd, aECAnu, giCuO, SiKD, onRsi, yLiTvV, PYsku, jTRVl, GyQsDN, KgKeqV, LDf, bHCgO, TOW, zdxgt, ZdIh, znz, jjKFUC, zYPE, YLPl, IBFK, vEsVNk, LdyM, eEh, SUA, xBJc, ueM, aQspy, UWmYej, mWrHng, vGxG, lEJZiF, hazTt, wxY, SOrNHO, GZsbmU, nyUzeu, RUKBNt, UcP, CGSbPI, Xldn, PruN, zVBjtH, iKUflD, lDY, SBxvP, lFpr, wTy, JuFdDV, HwG,