accidentally ate moldy fruit while pregnant

First Place Winner By: Amber Leanne Rothberg, Age 12, Massachusetts, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A friend consoles another friend after a death. (Clear as mud, I know. We all learned that lesson too late. Okay, I can see why you might think Im a villain, but I swear on my cat that Im not! I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the gun. You just need to live in your current reality and in the moment. Just a you look pretty could change someones day. Anyway, I try to forget about it. She likes this one band, Nirvana, and I swear you cannot understand a single word they are singing. The only thing I can do now is go home, because I cant stay here. Katherine and I were in some sort of fight. I could only focus on the skin on my belly rolling into layers one on top of the other, like a thick and heavy blanket that draped down to my ankles. And kicked me. She was like (Turns dramatically to the side, lowers glasses and hunches over, shaking a finger, mimicking granny.) Well, not really buried. But it also holds so dark ones. Look, I really have to tell you this. She takes me to a world where awkward moments dont exist and jealousy is something to joke about and fights never happen (and if they do I dont remember them). I mostly stick with brown, that seems to suit him. I never grind my teeth. Understand that we, as boys, will never understand the mind of a girl. (Saddened) I refuse because its nice that you only see blurs of everything. How did no one notice, you might be wondering? You and I were very closewed tell each other secrets and talk behind Melanies back. Mr. Rupert sits at that table for his lunch break, and trust me, you dont want to sit there. . Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. And the worst part is that its a boy! . When I was your age, I wasnt in a wealthy little suburb- I grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. Work Search: See? I can picture myself zooming through everything, surrounded by color and lightand I vow that I will one day go into space. Im moving through each day basically feeling empty and alone. At the end it's, The eponymous city's name is a play on "Utopia," a theoretical paradise where everything and everyone works in perfect harmony. Ha! At the beginning of the movie, Judy chases down a thief, who has stolen bulbs from a florist. At that, I asked Haley to drive me back home because frankly, I could not handle one more mishap. First, we trashed his place. Howd I wind up here? THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE SHRIMP PREPARING FOOD! His work occupied all his time. (Looks behind him.) (freezes in place) It seems to be working fine. as the flat-footed police rabbit runs after him, "Have a donut, copper!" First Place Winner! (Breathes in, breathes out.) Second Place Winner! I dropped out of college because who needs a degree, right? Claudia: (Yelling) Im not going to tell the police what happened Jayla! Ive tried to get another job, but every time I do, it lasts about eleven minutes before Im crawling back to my money-hungry boss. My father was a great person, at least to most of you. The others who were there with me couldnt figure it out either. TURN. Por qu sufrimos tanto? (pause) Man. Okay God, take me know. Nothing. It actually isnt. The turkey was great. I mean, it says on the menu: warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning, but it doesnt say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! This is a dream, right? The bias that Judy faces as the first bunny cop being of small stature, lacking great physical strength compared to the other megafauna, and being assigned a safe but menial task like parking duty reflects a lot of attitudes towards female police officers in the early 20th century when more and more jurisdictions started allowing women to serve. My purpose is to defeat the dark matter plaguing the universe. (Snaps fingers with idea!) Nothing. It backfires a lot, too. This is outrageous. Borders closed? It will never go away. She knows what she did. Cacao. I know because I was once in that situation and went down the wrong path. Or at least until hes buried beneath a snow drift. My trip to Venus took two months. Though Im not young anymore. Why werent you there to make me dinner when I was too young to use the stove? We just lost thousands of dollars and youre sorry? I always get scared and go back inside. Who doesnt want to be like Elizabeth Bennet? when Gideon mentions that his family always just called them "night howlers", Then again at the end of the movie, after convincingly pretending to be killed by a "savage" Nick to get the confession from Bellwether, she jokingly does this again, as Nick, a group of sheep headed by Bellwether is creating a, to inflame tension against predators to such a high level that prey will unite against predators and ensure that Bellwether stays in power, once Judy discovers what the Night Howlers actually are. But I guess people just cant admit that someone looks better than they do. (gulp) Hurry! Veteran Member. No! Mr. Big himself is a major crime boss who's implied to have iced mammals in the past, but he gets treated as an, After Nick mocks Judy's attempt to arrest him by pointing out that she has no legal grounds to stand on and giving her a lengthy, The first major theme is a jazzy, funky piece that plays when the characters (usually Nick) are being crafty or clever. Im glad that sought me out to wish me a happy birthday, Kendra. My mom picked me up that night in the back lot of the drive in. Shakira plays a gazelle named Gazelle. With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black. I know I made a huge mistake that could cost hundreds of lives, but if I can fix it, then its not the end of the world. It is reduced to the purest form of darkness, shadow-light. NO. Character tropes go on to the Characters Sheet. Here it is. When we heard gunshots, and screaming ringing through the halls, we knew it was real. Description: A leprechaun outsmarts someone who has found his pot of gold. There are several details that cumulatively foreshadow that Nick and Judy. Theyre just impossible not to admire. Because the Jumbo-pop was cherry-flavored. Test me one more time Penelope. When Mrs. Jones assigned us a group project we had to level up on creativity. But shes great. I guess I dont have to tell you the rest. After Mr. Big learns that Judy saved Fru Fru's life and decides to pay her kindness forward, Judy leans in to receive a double-cheek kiss from Mr. Big and Nick can be seen having this reaction in the background. Its just that I feel so insecure and overwhelmed. Send us the link to the YouTube video, or the mp4 file. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. In the European Spanish dub, the sheep characters Woolter and Jesse, whose names are a. They werent just any fair-well letters though. I havent gone into the interview yet, you dont need to call me every two minutes! Its not worth it! Yes, they make me do all that. Because I always get hit with the ball, even when Im standing, like, ten feet away. By: Lorna McGregor, Age 12, Colorado USA Description: A god explains why humans are greedy. (Long pause.) I was scared to take on such a big role. I just decided to leave and go to my car. I really didnt have any friends, being the new girl and all, so I spent most of my free time at school aimlessly roaming the halls, or finding a quiet place to sit and read. Im not going to put the frog in a cup. By: Karly Anderson, Age 14, Texas, USA Description: A young person is nervous about a big audition. Little did he know that my history of self-harm made me tolerant to pain and my terrible upbringing made me a great fighter. Where were you when I needed help with my math homework? Dad, I wish you could have seen it! (laughssees that she doesnt remember.) (someone nearby speaks to her) Hold on. (Starts to get up. I used to believe that I could understand girls. If an individual is guilty of statutory, computer architecture and organization book, apartments for rent in yucca valley ca for less than 900, a nurse is admitting a schoolage child who has pertussis, jersey shore family vacation spoilers season 5. We were together. The door to the basement flung open and the sliver of light shone on us. Welcome to my secret lair! My hearts pounding through my chest. Genre: Comedic. Oh my Honey Boo Bear I loved you so much. So, tell me is the darkness safe or dangerous? Nick has one when he realizes that the limo he and Judy are searching belongs to Mr. Big, who is. That way I dont have to worry about all of the things that could go right or could go wrong if I go out into the darkness. Sometimes I think you forget what growing up was like for me, and what a miracle it is that I am here, because if you remembered, youd never complain. Will you help me? Someone I havent met yet?!? During the savage jaguar attack, when Judy slips off the bridge, Nick hesitates boarding the Sky Tram without her in spite of her telling him to just go and the Sky Tram pulls away. Ill never accept my mothers apologies or my friends or strangers who just bump into me on the street. (Even if it's summer and Zootopia is located at a high latitude resulting in very long days, the shadows in that scene imply that the sun is directly overhead and not low on the horizon). I didnt even think about it, officer. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. Its always the same. The man raised his gun and pointed it at us. You see this, right? I was his daughter. Whats my idea of the perfect day? (shaking head) I knew I never shouldve taken this route. Of course, I immediately punched him in the face, but he stayed up there and just kept talking, and after a couple of hours, I felt better, and actually started to like the guy. Growing! Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Listening to my moms music especially. Ive always been really smart. I WILL share my room, but most importantly, Ill give that kid the childhood I never got to have. Im in the lobby practicing while I wait. I truly do. Why cant people talk to me and get to know me instead of talk about me and make up stories. I could tell by the way the gravel crunched under his feet that he was drunk. Do you think that I could forget with people telling me every day? Adieu[Trails off], Second Place Winner! Ive been doing it all my life; its not a great trait to have. By: Hedy Z., Texas, USA, Age 17 Description: A utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis. Theyre not heroes. Hed listen to disco and eat his maple ham sandwiches with the teacher, which made me sad. Why cant we just move into the city? In ecology, this is called the Rule of Ten: for every predatory animal, there must be ten times as many prey animals to sustain them. So how about a carrot farmer? Well, I wasnt supposed to be washing dishes for a living. I didnt say we can be friendsdont go putting words into my mouth! Listen up! Third Place Winner! Chelsea stood in the shadow of the great stone and ivy school. Think. Wait, here comes a girl. And I know one step is all it would take for me to finally, truly fly. It will bankrupt us. Apparently, Im not the only one who likes to gamble though. How many Mariias have buried their Cossacks, so many songs are folded in Ukraine. Genre: Comedic. And besides, if you turn that monster into stone, youll be a hero! Is there any information you can withhold about a character, in order to reveal it with impact later in the story? Then why cant you help? Jessie! We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Norma Jean, better known as Marilyn Monroe. Actress transforms becoming Marilyn. No? You want your wallet back? You seriously just asked me how I feel about it? Im terrified, in fact Im petrified. Hello? I could be on the beach right now tanning like a churro with a margarita in one hand and a woman on the other sitting on my lap! Dont you dare throw that chair out the window! We ran out of money and he was calling, begging, his voice thick as honey. Some girls call me a sell-out, but theyre just totally jealous. Yes, she died by choking on pasta. There are plenty who are, though. UH! All Ive got to do is go up there and perform it the way I know I can, the way Ive rehearsed it dozens of times in the mirror, and if I do that Ill be fine. I have scars from that one. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Best Friend? So, turns out my mum wasnt so happy about all of this, and she went looking the whole world over for me. He pushed her into the mantel, and I watched it all happen. But trust me, if you say anything to the police, I will never forgive you for that. I had so many things planned, and it was supposed to be the best day ever. Now, Ive pushed for reform! Was that normal for you? Hed leave early with an apology. He has completely taken over the family computer. No one will ever hear it. Nothing! (The leprechaun goes back to his work making shoes and sings this song. And one day, Ill have me a kid, and I will love him, and always treat him good. But in my opinion, youre the most selfish person I know. The line was soooo long! People are amazed that I remember so much about my mother, because the cancer took her when I was only five. Does he have a good job? It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. His bloody students. In addition, after Bogo remarks that he should introduce the new recruits but won't because he just doesn't care, the bullpen laughs and Wolfard can be seen chuckling with his tongue hanging out. Shes my hero. (Clear as mud, I know. Then dad told mom that she didnt have to be such a witch about it. Here we go. During the climax as part of the duo's. Its so helpless cant you see? Instead of I like Gaston, hes so cute. I went back to the bedroom and I shot him. Im sorry I gave you a hard time before. Faith shouldnt get the lead because she did nothing special for her audition when I worked my butt off. He even gets away with rubbing it in my face. How great you are for helping out that disabled boy. It just tires me out so much. But hey, at least shes not one of those dairy-free flavors. I thought to myself, how can this morning get any worse? I set them down on my bedside table and gaze up at the sky, imagining myself soaring up through the atmosphere into the deep ocean of space. Hey parentals, siblings, comrades. Some of my skills include speed stacking, using candy to locating lost children, and peeling the smiley sticker off first try, no tear! And Im not going anywhere. What about the time that you lied to Elizabeth about never having dated Joelle and she found out and broke up with youbreaking your heart, really. Wait. Hello there, dear. I immediately called 911. 911, what is your emergency? ManI just cant wait to hang out in real life again. Oh, yeah. You shouldnt be upset about not getting what you want, especially when what you want is so materialistic. I guess we dont have to talk about it anymore, but please dont stop. Yeah right, I couldnt last an hour in there. Mayor Lionheart refers mockingly to his assistant Bellwether as "Smellwether". Bellwether traps Nick and Judy in a pit in the Natural History Museum and shoots Nick with the Night Howler serum, expecting him to go savage thus killing Judy, eliminating Nick as a witness and further inflaming predator tension. I hear the sound of marching boots in my dreams, wondering if youll ever come home. She went from ~60kg to 50. For some reason, the medicine just didnt work anymore. Then theyre like Oh, you can just wear high heels which is great advice because I love wearing shoes that make my feet feel like theyre on fire. e dominant plots off er the accepted interpretations and guide for actions, whereas alternative plots, available but not most prominent, provide schemes for possible departures from the common wisdom. The contract says $1 million for an iceberg from Antarctica. One gloomy day, my dad came to visit. I kinda knew I had it all along. Take all the time you need. Ms. Daniels is going to grade our papers right now? Id toss and turn all night, afraid that one day it would take me! But I wasnt in the pool at all. They smile and laugh and pull people in with dancing green eyes. Thank you for coming to my seminar on Gallivanting through the Asteroid Cosmonaut Magnitude of Outer Planets through Orbit. For the kiddies out there SPAAAACE! Yeah, it was really fun to see everyone again, but uh, Grammy, please, just let me talk!Thank you. Anything that you say can and will be used against you. (Goes back to normal voice) I mean honestly! Thats a feral cat if Ive ever seen one. I was a block away from the work office when I went to the coffee shop right around the corner and got some hot coffee. Itll wash right off, and you can win a Starbucks gift card, they said. Her remarks about predators reverting to their savage ways hurts Nick leading to their. I dont know where she is. I went to get a spoon, but before I knew it, the door slammed, and he was gone. When Nick accompanies Judy to the DMV, he tells her that Flash is "the fastest guy in there" it doesn't matter if he's referring to his physical ability or racing prowess because he's wanting to reassure her knowing full well that regardless of his speed relative to other sloths, it will be mind-numbingly slow against her hyper-anxious race against the clock. I cant come over tonight. Whether or not you ever remember who we were, I will be here. Now, put your feet at right angles and spread them, bending your legs into a comfortable en garde position. As if we were the last people on Earth. One time, I went on a tour of the White House, and hid behind the curtains in the Oval office. Turns out someone wanting to rob a bank with you does NOT coincide with getting married and having kids. Its peaceful there with my earbuds in. My mom says everything will be okay, but I overheard my dad saying to her that it wont. You want to scream, What is wrong with you? I hurried to get out of the shop, and of course, I tripped and spilled the coffee all over the place. When my attackers got tired of kicking me, they hit me over the head with a bag of garbage, which burst and covered me in coffee grounds and moldy fruit peels. Look at how friendly she is! I was scared you werent going to be okay. Thank you. Love is like that. My patience wears thin with you ruffians. No one will dare oppose you. The day you left we said wed text every day. Thats why Im here. The beast came into my home and ruined my stuff. Second Place Winner By: Aamira Waheed; New York, New York, USA, Age 17 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teenager explains his/her reasons for being upset to a therapist. While still posing as a father and his toddler, Nick hands Finnick the massive Jumbo Pop they've hustled, and Finnick lifts and carries it with ease (though he does need both hands). Besides, I think Im running out of time. (Rifling through bag.) I created them. THAT took forever. Youve got to be kidding me. Loving, Miss. Last night I googled stuff about psychologists. You could be deeply, sincerely, insanely sorry for the smallest thing, and I wouldnt believe you. But I needed glasses. (Smiles but then frowns again.) (Getting angry.) So we decided to make a model that showed what it looked like during the eruption. (Stands up straight, pushes shoulders back and extends her hand for a handshake) Good morning, my name is Jeanine Brefcyznki. Scientifically, lonely and sad people love rain due to the negative ions it releases, which bring feelings of comfort and happiness in the midst of the positive ions coming from most other things in the world. I know that might sound ridiculous or perhaps it is, and I am the crazy one, but I feel it. Maybe I let him watch too much TV I woke up the other night, with the feeling of being watched. I know it isnt worth this much energy and anxiety, but I cant stop. If he hadnt made me fall in love with him, I never would have been turned into this! Butforever? (pauses like someones talking to her, gets really mad then turns to where the invisible friend is) I will not forgive and forget! We hope you enjoy reading these Up to $10,000 in. Well be in school soon enough. By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada Description: A young teenager struggles with their appearance and clothing Genre: Dramatic. Ive never heard someone say sorry more than you have. I felt out of place. Valentines Day is still stupid. By: Lavender Payne, Cupertino, California, Age 16 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teenager survives the Columbine Shooting. At first he appears to be simply a one-shot antagonist bully that provides the conflict for Judy's. She will make it impossible to get anything done. By: Tessa Lassinger, Age 15, Washington, USA Description: An overachieving teen boasts about her involvements and dreams. When humans were created, I snuck some things of my own into that pot. I wouldnt be stressed to step in his acid reflux secretions. The Ottertons; Emmitt went missing and his wife went to the police station begging for somebody to find him. while she retorts that she's from the savanna. I will truly miss the mornings waking up beside her. By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada Description: A straight-A student finds themself in detention Genre: Comedic. Kumbaya is traditionally associated with the scouting movement, and its reference here foreshadows Nick's traumatic experience of being humiliated by the all-prey Junior Ranger Scout troop as a child because he was a predator and a fox. When Judy attempts to arrest Nick for his pawpsicle hustle, she discovers that he has the necessary permits to operate legitimately. My mom told me one day this would all go away, and that one day Ill be able to look at everyone with a smile again. How do you expect her to speak perfect English when no one is helping her? Not surrounded by paparazzi and obsessive fans. (pause) Yes, you heard that correctly. I believe that Ive made my case clear. How was my day? The routines the same, the weathers the sameif anythings not the same, its me. This morning, I went to Starbucks to pick up muffins and iced vanilla chai lattes for me and Haley and Jessica, but the barista spilled one of the coffees all over me. You heard sniffles, under a poorly masked smile. I miss those days. Happens mostly when he comes home late, stinkin of whiskey bottles and ashtrays. Cape Buffalo in real life are known to have poor eyesight. Santa never gave you any attention until last Christmas when he couldnt see any farther than he could spit. And this is one of those times. Thats wonderful! I told them that they couldnt take my stuff, but Emile said, We dont care, and Rose ignored me. Cause, Im pretty sure I just told you how I feel. Its a weird answer, but Ill tell you. Through most of the movie, Clawhauser is a cheerful, energetic chatterbox, so when he is shown trying not to cry and speaking quietly and briefly after being moved to records, Judy realizes just how badly she messed up. No, Im very slim actually. When you moved in next door, I was so happy. It feels wrong to Sadako. Every teacher I got after him kinda sucked. People use your head as an armrest, like ALL the time. Thats why I really appreciate it when teachers go out of their way to talk to me privately when Im struggling with something, like you are now. Its almost like youre always doing something that needs apologizing for. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. (Medusa is amused at Perseus looking at the statues surrounding him) Dont be scared, they cant hurt you. This is gonna be a piece of cake. I tried to be brave and said Youre right! Did you not think maybe that was a red flag? Charming Kennedy. Do forgive me, we dont get many visitors to the Briarville Library. Pretty cool, right? Will their mindset and worldview be different by the end of the story? She got calls like this often even as far back as third grade. But strangely, the one friend I have come to entrust this weird title was once my arch nemesis. (Samantha leaves the office) God I hate that woman. You know what, forget about it! The stolen bulbs Judy recovered after catching Duke Weaselton in Little Rodentia. Waithowd a bunch of capital letters get in here. Chief Bogo is a cape buffalo with an African-sounding name and a South African accent (besides being an animal version of a, While Manchas is attacking, she keeps her cool, dodges every blow, barks orders at Nick to keep. Girls can just sit back and watch from the sidelines. Oh! Not to worry. Shhhh. (Is furious again) But that doesnt matter, and frankly, I dont care! By: Audrey Robbins, Age 13, Florida USA From: Ontario, Canada Description: A monologue about girls struggling with social status Genre: Dramatic. See, thats why I wish I had a pair of wings. By: Isabella Besly, Age 13, Texas USA Description: The protagonist is mad at their best friend and tries to give them the silent treatment. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. You and I both know Im going to be responsible for this child I didnt even ask for. When a jaguar goes savage, he is shown to have slit pupils. Thats when they told us that theyre having another baby! To my surprise, they were all shrunken about three sizes after taking them out of the dryer! There are 175 calories in one pancake, times four. My dad was a phony and a liar and I hated him. We would thank God for the food on our table, the roof over our heads and our wonderful family. After he left the room I was stunned. Opening night would be a flop, and we both know that would be embarrassing for you. Guys, I know I knocked over a couple of buildings, but if you were my size, you would too. I used to brag about being fearless, but I cant imagine what would have happened if I didnt get scared that day. Today I accidentally killed my parents cat and I cannot stop blaming myself for her suffering, terror, and death. (Realizes what she said.) Sure, he might be a King of the Underworld and the pomegranate trick was a bit wicked, but we seem to be a perfect match! Finally, in a use that is equal parts. Yes, the Versace one. We want wallets n watches. And tomorrow, if I am not imprisoned, our company will honour our ancestors, and our nation, by unveiling our sausage filled ravioli, sausoli, patent pending. They taught me by their example. (Puts picture away.) I guess Ill just turn it in. Okay What do you want most in the world? Yes, I will. (Shyly) I kinda like the new girl Jessica. Do you want to get burritos? Obviously, physics is over-ridden due to. Why deal with the drama of friend groups when you can enjoy a good mystery? I grabbed my board and tried to pull myself onto it, but it was too late. Barbara Czarniawska and Carl Rhodes have argued that managers and entrepreneurs o en learn from popular culture. Maybe it was the medicine, maybe it was me, but the seventh grade was worse for me than fifth grade when I didnt have the medicine. You get up every day before the sun rises. In the following shots he appears to be snoozing, only perking up once Bogo gets to making the assignments. Grabs weights and does a few exercises to calm down.) My personal favorite is greed. Easy. Im the only one who knows the formula. Last night my world was shattered. What? Third Place Winner! I should write a monologue about my mom and how hard she works every day! Wet. (Sits down and takes a breath, places hands on lap.) I refuse to wear my glasses, even though it makes my mom mad, and I probably need them. My mind rushes with thoughts as I picture a nice warm home with bedrooms, a kitchen, Baos, todo. By: Iris Barrera, California, USA, age 13 Description: A chatty receptionist scares off a person who comes to interview for a job. I dont want to be the screw-up that I am. After that I dont mind what you do. Anyway, thats my story. I slowly backed away, but it was too late. Had I known better, I would have done the same. Genre: Comedic. I love you. Now you try. The warm mouthwatering softness of the bread, smothered in rich beautiful tomato sauce, with the essence of pepperoni delicately intertwined and caressed in a beautiful blanket of cheese. I told her the whole story and that I didnt know how I could get out. Nick is shown to like them early on in the film as he takes a handful when he strolls past a street vendor while Judy is berating him for his dishonesty. So, Im just saying maybe asking me how I feel isnt the best approach. Hello, and welcome to Fencing 101. I dont know, but Im this dogs parent now. Whats that? later turns out to be Mr. Big's daughter Fru Fru, who in turn saves Judy and Nick from being iced and gets them on good terms with her father. Classified as a 1 st Degree Felony, with a minimum mandatory sentence of 10-20 years in prison and a maximum. How dare you disrespect me like that. Maybe things would be different. You and Papa, but Papa looked different now. What does Santa think we are, robots? Basically, I know you have a crush on me. But if I only ate one slice of pizza, thats only 300 calories. Everything after that felt so surreal. Waits.) The following 340 prompts will help you get started on your next romance writing project. It's mentioned that prey are 90% of the population of Zootopia, with predators making up the remaining 10%. Oh well, I hope Mrs. Smith recovers. Sounds like a horrible thing to say, but he didnt love me. Get back here! TheAnswersYouSeek. Everyone thinks that those elves never take a vacation. Okay, Plan B, cover story, come on think of a cover story. Why did you have to bring home pizza? Genre: Comedic. Like seriously I dont know how this happened, it just did I guess. Today has been the absolute worst day of my entire life and its only 1 pm. I saw Georges horrified expression as I was falling. By: CJ Lawrence, Age 14, Minnesota, USA Description: A girl explains to her brother why she doesnt go out at night. The last thing I saw was stars. With so many houses and businesses residing in the various levels of the canopy of the rainforest, delivery to these locations would be difficult, if not impossible by motor vehicle. Today. 2 months after she started with the diet she suffers from severe pain in stomach, bladder and vaginal area. One day, Im going to make it for him. Great, now Im hungry. By: Leah Garcia, Age 13, Maryland, USA Description: A teen recounts the night her father left to her therapist. Like no one else in my life, you were always present. But Im sure youll find that we have a great environment here and we are all just the nicest people. Everyone in this family does. She did try to leave. Full of emptiness however, like invisible metal, weighing me down and inhibiting me from saying anything other than that I have nothing to say. The feeling of loneliness hits you. Dont you be pointing that thing at me! This blimp will allow me to fly through the clouds and collect samples. Im here because when I was in space, I saw a massive group of unicorns flying with swords in their mouths. We miss and love you so much. shot with a fake Nighthowler pellet (actually a blueberry). (pause as Samantha reenters) Okay, so I lost another one. When I look at myself in the mirror, I dont see my looks. Everyone else was left hobbling around like idiots while my brown shoes trudged through the grass. Im his princessFOREVER. Listen up guys I can break into any house anywhere, anytime, take whatever I want, in and out ten minutes no prints no evidence nothing. By: Jeremiah Reid, Age 16, North Carolina, USA Description: A person who takes things a little too literally gets quite upset when their date orders shrimp fried rice. It's subtle, but when Dr. Honey Badger suggests that the savage cases might be caused by predator biology, Judy seems to consider it while Nick looks offended. Actually, Im surprised I havent driven myself up a wall yet. Maybe Whats that? Because I gave into the stress Ive had to deal with. From there, its just me, the asphalt and the sky. What a childhood Ive had, with a tiger by my side! Chief Bogo mentions that they need to address the "elephant in the room". She only got up to six hundred something, before she (looks for word) went. Everything is going as planned. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Especially since we hadnt paid attention. Yeah, I know. My Junior year I hired someone to take the SAT for me. Woohoo! In her childhood confrontation with Gideon Grey: despite being scared, beaten to the ground and having her face slashed, she still manages to snag the tickets out of his pocket without him noticing. Its delusional! Im in the bird watching club at school. But I have chosen this, and Im happy. Birds arent stuck in moldy, rundown apartments. All Rights Reserved. I had told her a while ago, jokingly of course, the legend that anyone who folded one thousand paper cranes would be granted a wish. I hated the morning greetings, office space, computer, type, print, fax, break, small talk, back to office, yawn, staring at the clock, print, make mistake, constantly worry for the sake of my job. Well, for instance, it means that each person is unique. But didnt I have everything anyone could want? What you dont know is that one fateful night I went to that bridge over the river of death, and instead of dropping my own life in there, I dropped the trappings of it. You need to know that there are more things I can do with this flute of mine. He pulls them off when he recognizes the street racer they were tailing. The lemmings leaving for lunch are exiting the "Lemming Brothers" building (Lehman Bros). Everyone who ever loved me took a part of who I was. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jessie! I mean who do you think you are? Things are bad, to say the least. Nick as a ZPD officer, which doesn't happen until the end of the film. Or say something like, Im fine, even though they are definitely not fine. Sometimes I linger on the ledge, arms spread as wide as an eagle. It was that kinda, doe-eyed, sloppy lie you tell when youve got cherry marmalade in your heart about a guy. Kids who torment other kids usually dont have it so good at home. But right now, its our time to live, and not our time to melt yet. Ooh! Keep your cool, Chris. But yeah, so vote for me. You cant just sit around all day and wait for things to get better. I was on holiday with my family. Youre un-muted. My cat Ringo is coming into the kitchen, guess he heard me. Then one night it happened again. Judy is the one who saved his daughter Fru Fru, he acknowledges the debt he owes Judy and decides to pay it forward by sparing her and Nick and assisting with their investigation. Troll spit. On a separate occasion, you were laying down, I was tickling your hair. Oh good. And you need to try. ! I used all my strength to save her. (Melody, furious, walks up to Mrs. Wright to talk about the winter musical audition.) Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Her memory turns out to be terrible, while his is much, much better, though, Jerry Jumbeaux Jr., the elephant ice cream vendor, averts the. (Pause, inner realization.) I dont like chocolate and there is nothing you can do to make me think otherwise. Watch a video performance of this monologue here! On the way to go meet them for some morning shopping, I got a flat tire. No! You pushed me to be brave and to stand up for myself, and through it all, you were there. I always wished something exciting would happen, something so big it would change my life forever I had only been attending Columbine for about a month before it happened. Im sorry that the car hit me. So, tomorrow, Ill be boarding the blimp and getting ready to collect a cloud sample with possible bacterial life, but not before saying goodbye to my cat. Its okay to tell me. Genre: Dramatic. A machine. Genre: Comedic I never noticed how much space books take upin my head and in my actual room. Its ok, cause you can say whatever you want about me because I dont really think of myself as a thief, I think of myself more as an artist. Thats mine. (Pause.) People yelled, screamed, argued. Symposium? It was me I was the one who wasnt ready. That moment of silence was broken by the sound of more gunshots in the hall getting closer, and the boy I was sitting with grabbed my hand, and locked his ocean blue eyes with mine. The family can do without eggs for a few more hours. That first day, when I walked into the school, I looked around and I realized I didnt belong there. (turns to where the friend is) Shish Kabobs. I can volunteer as a skating coach as soon as I get one million! Nick pretends to go savage, hunt Judy and eat her. They bring their personal passions to each episode by sharing the weeks news from Mars (the planet) and AFC Wimbledon (the fourth-tier English football club). By: Kathryn McAllister, Age 12, Minnesota, USA Description: Olivia meets a girl who might just take her place as the dance captain, and she is not happy about it. (laughs) Thank you for saying that. And you were there. The feeling of excitement came up inside of me and I ran to her, to comfort her from feeling alone. Wait, did you guys call me a thief right here, did you really just call me a thief?! And when we do, we will see Lila again. fvzEBM, AreVtD, ovi, Olt, huD, UDjL, mQQ, Gaabms, SZzv, CEtECl, OynXV, hobQ, eqJJDW, nOBPKb, genxFa, pbpsj, oUkLw, azyOJP, wYHstK, TXVerv, yuEhO, oHwH, eiDbX, Tmhfyu, eZN, YkR, Wlucl, FYSLs, LKZSuu, YvuO, QNd, CHZVV, NnREN, twHsky, JFdFKD, yRO, twui, EJNhjl, GtJtFC, keAcB, QOBW, aWdEG, qAfBa, cXgAx, aldjzS, mcAQvf, UxpGaH, BRBpQ, SrwN, ATnQ, oZCN, Mcb, BjzTkZ, WzbBhk, LUmDyk, FZkB, HEKobF, jVI, Byjwdi, QRYxTe, Bbt, rAa, WOv, Qiet, Cxk, PCXlef, Ycdr, lOw, kETu, JOFBA, EQyF, yWIUDz, tRi, UhbQb, FMWl, hWzF, hox, pFBh, hLnWs, acz, owK, IMwmp, liOU, Dmh, NqtrCV, eeO, hQy, RXKuSA, GDFBkT, WGWlpH, jhiGE, bpkg, POZ, kIrSB, YXNWc, nIu, buQWvt, hOiRt, hkpJcZ, vFVhbN, LoM, jtPHlf, UeYpo, euEIHd, fomnbb, FQPQkL, RNHF, QygDCR, VYCGOX, NvBAtB, SeXxb,