a farmer paragraph 150 words

We get our food because the farmer grows crops and carries the agricultural activities. These blogs offer insights into the daily life of a farmer, as well as tips and advice on how to be a successful farmer. Whether you are looking to start your own farm or just want to learn more about this important profession, these blogs are a great resource. Paragraph on Father - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words A father is the second caretaker of a child after your mother. First of all, a common characteristic of the farmers of Bangladesh is illiteracy. They simply used the labor that the farmers could provide to them and reap benefits from them. Answer the question below. Sentences: 22, Words: 200, Characters: 1042. I am a professional Blogger, SEO Expert, Web Developer, Publisher & Digital Marketer. They earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. Sometimes, they dont even have enough food to eat. An ideal farmer is an important person in society who plays a big role in the economy of the country by producing food. The government should take steps to educate all farmers and give them good seeds, fertilizers and improved agricultural knowledge. He works hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing crops. They toil day and night to produce food for us. However, there are a few farmers in our state who have no land of their own. A farmer is a person who grows crops. Indian farmers have to bear the pang of an uncertain monsoon. By: Haque, Words: 425, For Class 9-10/SSC. After a while, his young son or daughter comes to the field with a bowl of rice. Write a minimum of 3 techniques and their effects. The farmer is an essential part of the food chain. Describe how a rural farmer in Bangladesh cultivates land. Usually, he lives in a village. So, we should actively try to develop the agriculture of the country. 3.150,000; South Australia, 1,042,000; Queensland,' 1 257,000 being an increase on the corresponding period of last year of 106,000 for New South Wales, and of 322,000 for Victoria. A farmer is usually poor. Sometimes he works in the rain, too. They work very hard all day long. Output Frase will output your rewritten paragraph below. Without farmers, we wouldnt have the food that we need to survive. He contributes to the economy of the country. Sample paragraph 1: 1) Topic sentence: Name the text and show the them then provide an argument on the theme/ make a point on that theme. He consults with the agriculture officer if he finds any problem in the field. The next time you sit down to enjoy a meal, take a moment to think of the farmers who made it possible, and give them thanks. They work tirelessly to ensure that we have the food we need to survive. Without farmers, we would not be able to live healthy lives.Farmers produce a wide variety of food, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat. There are however a few farmers who don't have any land. It is welcomed mostly by people of all age group including kids, adults and older people. Overall, there are seven stages in the recycling process, beginning with garbage collection and ending up with reusing the material again. Youll be amazed at how much work goes into producing the food we eat every day. He wakes up at dawn and go to work. The job is strenuous and requires discipline and patience. Kindness is an attribute that is essential in every individual. My name is Kenneth Jerome Verrette, I am 23 years of age. Farming is a demanding profession, requiring long hours and hard work, but it can be extremely rewarding. The Life of a farmer Farmers are the mainstay of the society upon whom, we are highly dependent For each slice or piece of food we have. The farmers also had to suffer under the British Rule. Their wealth is their piece of land. Perhaps it is because farming is seen as a simple, unskilled job. Farmers supply the nation with food. Some farmers have a radio set. Then he takes bath and goes to the market for buying his daily necessities. Indian farmers are given several benefits by the Government. He works from morning to evening. Thirdly, inadequate measures on the part of the government to protect the farmers and their interest has also been a reason behind the bad condition of the farmers of Bangladesh. Farmers take great pride in their work and are always striving to improve their methods so that they can provide the best possible products for their customers.If you are interested in learning more about farmers and their work, there are a number of great blogs that you can check out. Their lives are devoid of modern facilities of living. Very early in the morning, he goes to the field with cows and a plow. If the farmers of the country prosper, the country will prosper eventually. Our economy is also largely dependent on it. His family lives in a small hut in the village. He might have land, cattle, and agriculture. A farmer is someone who grows crops. Because of them only we are able to live on the planet. These farmers are known as "landless farmers". If there is good harvest, their children get food, and clothes. Farmers are our greatest pride. As brazilwood produces a deep red dye, it was highly valued by the . To prevent this damage from being substantial, farming is being scientifically taught to the rural people involved in Agriculture. He lives from hand to mouth ( . Thats more than one death every day. He works very hard but leads a very simple life. THE WEEK." Nunquani allud nntura, allud saplentladtxit." Jdvsnl* " Good nature and A large number of people are directly or indirectly engaged in agriculture. one paragraph, 150 words, College essay writing service Question description Watch these videos titled "Story of Stuff" and "Food Inc.", as well as the reading below title "Waste Equals Food". Welcome to Thenextskill.com. He works in the field all day, ignoring the sun and rain. As agriculture is an important element of the country, so is the farmer. He is illiterate. There is no opportunity for traveling or entertainment in their life. These contracts specified that farmers had to perform all farming activities on the land given by the Zamindar. They cant afford to spend extra. It is his favorite pastime. You live in your own fun, don't worry about anything. A farmer is a person who cultivates lands and grows crops. Farmers work long hours to provide for their families and their community. In fact, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, agricultural machinery was responsible for the deaths of 917 farmers in 2010. He leads a very busy life. Here he gets information about the events that took place in the locality. After the harvest season, he can work in a somewhat relaxed mood and engage himself in some other activities such as making baskets, fishing, weaving fishing nets, putting fences around his house and fields, etc. They work long hours in all weather conditions to ensure that we have the necessary supplies to live. He works in the field all day, ignoring the sun and rain. 114 samples of this type. A farmer wakes up before dawn every day. So, they sell lands and take money from the village Mahajans at a high rate of interest. So, he cultivates the land of others. In middle school, three to five paragraphs (500-900 words). In spite of all these difficulties, the farmer is always smiling. He has to sell paddy to buy clothes. Life of a farmer is very difficult. They often rely on manual labor and simple tools to cultivate their crops. Most farmers in our country live under the poverty level. The life of a farmer is a very ordinary life. He bathes and then takes his mid-day meal. However, more than often, these Ryotwars were evil. A farmer is a person who plows lands and grows crops. Some paragraphs begin with indicative questions and keywords that indicate the context in which they are discussed. They toil day and night to ensure that their crops are healthy and yield a good harvest. If you are kind, your attitude and behaviour proves you different from the crowd. You have entered an incorrect email address! Paragraph on Farmer- 150 Words Farmers work long hours to provide for their families and their community. Thus, in the development of the national economy, farmers should be helped by agricultural subsidies by the government. Farming is a difficult job because farmers have to deal with the weather, pests, and other problems. They earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. This work is very important for this country. Thus Farmers are the most important people in the world. They provide food for everyone and help to keep the economy stable. They do not get holidays like other people. Sometimes, nature is very rude to them. He is very diligent and works hard to maintain his family. He lives from hand to mouth. Hey thanks. He works for an hour or two and takes his supper. Pages 150 Words How many paragraphs is 150 words?-----Our main goal is creating educational content. Notice Writing | Format, Template, Examples and Topics of Notice Writing. We should all do our part to support farmers, whether its by buying local produce or donating to organizations that help them. There is no electricity and no modern facilities. Very soon he goes to bed and falls asleep. Message Writing | Message Writing Format, Examples and How To Write a Message? At that time he returns with a very tired body. We should improve their overall condition by taking concerted action. However, droughts, excess rainfall, floods, cyclones and pests often damage crops. He goes to bed early. A FARMER a) Who is a farmer? HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Farmers are the backbone of India and the Indian Economy. In Portuguese, brazilwood is called pau-brasil, with the word brasil commonly given the etymology "red like an ember," formed from brasa ("ember") and the suffix -il (from -iculum or -ilium). Life of a Farmer - Short Essay 1 Introduction: The farmer is one of the most useful people of since the beginning of civilization. He must work in the fields, in both the sun and in the rain. As our country is the agricultural one, it conveys a vital understanding regarding the farmers. The survival of him and his family depends on the crops of the land and much on the nature. He rises early in the morning and goes to the field with his plow and a pair of bullocks. The British also destroyed several industries whose raw material was provided by agricultural activities. Its very sad. To improve the lives of farmers, the government should provide subsidies and loans on easy terms. he suffers a lot when the harvest is not good due to natural disasters.A farmer grows crops for us. 1 Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector Why are knee surgeons excited about this breakthrough knee strap? He has to maintain a big family. Sentences: 11, Words: 100, Characters: 530. You can also include that as a sentence in your paragraph. His life is a life of endless struggle. There are many different types of farmers in India. The word is out that J Drew is hanging out with DEELISHIUS! These are the farmers who work hard in the field to keep the wheel of the countrys economy spinning. We use water every day for drinking and household purposes. Thus the whole nation lives on their labor. They make different types of baskets, fences around their houses and fields and do other types of work. Most farmers do not have their own land. He does not get enough rest and sleep. Sample Answer 1 (The Life of A Farmer Paragraph for Class 6 in 100 Words): A farmer is someone who occupies farming as a profession. The emotion and the pain of a father can't be explained in words but can be felt in every stage of life. But polluted water is harmful to health. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. My Childhood Memories Paragraph 150 Words :- Childhood is said to be the best part of life. The next time you sit down to enjoy a meal, take a moment to think about the farmers who made it possible and give them thanks. It might be assigned by a school teacher to test the student's knowledge of the topic and their ability to formulate thoughts concisely. Indonesian farmers decry palm oil export ban as prices plummet Small-scale farmers say Jakarta's ban on palm oil exports has thrown their livelihoods into jeopardy. They are the backbone of the food system, and without them, we would not be able to survive. In these essays, the life of a farmer and his joys and sorrows are depicted in simple words. Which season effects Indian Farming the most? Write a paragraph about why farmers are important, and share it with your friends and family. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. Plants are inextricably linked to our life, and we are both dependant on one another. During the cultivation season, he goes to work before the daybreak after having a little breakfast or whatever food he may find in the house. A paragraph is defined as "a group of sentences or a . A farmer provides food to the people of the country. General Condition of Farmers in Bangladesh: The life of a farmer is a difficult one. He lives in our village. He plants seedlings in rows and grows a lot of crops. So they have to cultivate other peoples land. Farmers have to work hard in all kinds of weather conditions. They should be encouraged to use tractors instead of plows during the Mandhatta period. But when they get a good harvest they can live at ease for the time being. The person who grows crops is a farmer. They are hardworking. A season of the bad crop will inevitably increase the price of crops and be a burden on the commoner. He works hard all day long. Unfortunately, most of the farmers in our country are poor and have no land of their own. He works hard in the farms in all weathers. But in fact an ideal farmer is the wealth of the country. Farmers of the Country in the Past: Bangladesh has been famous as a fertile country for centuries. I hope you are doing well and had a great weekend. . Sentences: 20, Words: 100, Characters: 532. He has to work very hard in his field. He gets up from bed early in the morning and goes to the field. They grow crops and vegetables which are essential for our daily life. A farmer cant live a good life despite his hard work. Farmers take care of the land and the animals, so that we can enjoy healthy food. His wealth is his crop. For the farmers' growing and reaping . The farmer is a key player in the economy. He grows various crops including paddy, wheat, pulses, onions, chillies, oilseeds, sugar and cane. If he is able to produce good crops, his face beams with joy. In this way the beautiful life of the farmers can be developed. In our country, farmers lead very miserable life. Activities of Farmers: The farmers of our country remain busy most of the year in their fields in plowing, harrowing, sowing seeds, putting insecticides and fertilizers, weeding, and harvesting. Therefore, along with the government, we should also make the farmers of Bengal educated and aware. : (800 words): . He is often poor and illiterate. Required fields are marked *. Willie Sheard Obituary (2014). He eats day after day. To feed the mouths of so many without fail for years is a tough job. The life of a farmer in India is hard. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Paragraph On Indian Farmer - 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children Farming in India is a crucial task that keeps the economy of our country functioning properly. Write an email of about 150-200 words to your best friend, Joan, who is a professional event planner. These schemes include the Kishan Vikas Patra and Pardhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna. What are the means of entertainment in the life of a farmer. They work hard to grow crops and raise animals. Thank you for supporting farmers. The fruits of his labor provide the nation with rice and other crops for its survival. However, it can be a very rewarding job because farmers get to see the fruits of their labor. You don't have your English 1101 credit." You stand there, clad in cap and gown, and you have to defend you did indeed earn an English credit this year. So there is no doubt that the development of the country depends on the welfare of farmers and the improvement of agricultural production. Answer: The Indian Government has implemented several schemes to benefit the farmers. We hope this article has given you a better understanding of what farmers do and why they are so important to our world. Monsoons in the Indian Subcontinent and often erratic and present themselves at unpredictable intervals. They provide us with the fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains that we rely on for sustenance. Most of the time nature is very kind to them. They suffer from many diseases. He is cheerful when the crop is good, on the other hand, he suffers when the crop is ruined by drought, flood, or hailstorm. Farmers should not be neglected. Because our national development depends on the development of farmers. They have to grow crops and take care of livestock. Though they work hard, they live from hand to mouth. Farmers are the backbone of every country and their importance cannot be overemphasized. After so much hardship, when his fields are full full of crops, he feels happy. First of all, the environment is quite favorable for people' health. The farmer is the backbone of our society. Air pollution paragraph for class 6,7,8,9,10 | JSC, Paragraph: The importance of learning English |, Water pollution paragraph | (150-200-250-300) words |. They enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside. The farmers of Bangladesh are not rich. We assume that food will always be available to us, without realizing the blood, sweat, and tears that go into producing it.Next time you sit down to enjoy a meal, take a moment to think about the farmers who made it possible. He then begins his work again. I love to teach, write & travel. Two-third of the entire population is connected with agriculture directly or indirectly. In high school, five to seven . He takes his plough and a pair of oxen with him. At noon, he returns home, takes his bath, and mid-day meal. Given below is the profile of Sardar Kehar Singh, a farmer from a small village of Punjab. The farmer is a vital part of any community, providing food and other resources that are necessary for survival. He continues to work from morning to evening. An amusing paragraph is going the rounds of the Press giving quotations of what are termed " queer names " from a London directory . They do not get the benefit of regular ration. The regime changed, the ruler changed but there has been little change in the pattern of rule. Several agricultural activities are still done in primitive ways. By; Question: Summarise Article 1 into a paragraph consisting of around 150 words. Most of the farmers of our country are poor and usually live in the village. These farmers are known as "landless farmers". In our country maximum of the farmers are poor and they have not enough own land to cultivate. . Conclusion: We should take measures to improve the condition of the farmers. He wakes up very early in the morning, takes a little breakfast, and goes to the field with a wooden plow and a pair of cows. SARDAR KEHAR SINGH Birth Education Profession 16 June, 1942, village Sarahan. They have to wake up early in the morning and work all day in the hot sun. He must work in the fields, in both the sun and in the rain. Here we have written a 500-word essay about farmers, though not a composition. Most often he has on land of his own. The loans provide are presented to the farmers at cheap rates. A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops on his land. Thus, he grows crops like paddy, jute, tea, potato, etc. After returning from the market he is usually found to chat in the nearby tea stall with his friends or people of the locality while having tea and little snacks. The farmer is the backbone of the food chain. The farmer is a essential part of the food chain. They also teach the farmers how to price the crop before selling it to the distributors correctly. He worked hard to prepare the land for planting seeds. I got good marks on the exam from it. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit more about farmers. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to see a rainbow on the horizon on a rainy day. Therefore, a farmer is the driving force of a countrys economy. After taking meal he again goes to the field and works till sun-set. He is a very important person in our society. He works very hard. Most of the farmers of Bangladesh cultivate the land of landlords. A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (250 words) Are you here to find a good paragraph on Life of a farmer or A farmer. Question 3. Not only does it provide the citizen of the country with food but also provides for employment. He usually lives in the village. He earns his livelihood the sweat of his brow. farm markets, CSA's)" After his meal, he cant give any rest to his body. They feed the country but do not get enough to eat themselves. Are you here to find a good paragraph on Life of a farmer or A farmer. On the basis of these notes, write a short descriptive paragraph in about 150-200 words on him. Paragraph. Thats why its so important to support farmers and buy local whenever possible. A farmer makes a significant economic contribution. A farmer has both pleasures and pains () in his life. Farmers are an essential part of our world and we should all appreciate their hard work. So, the life of a farmer in our country is a life of continuous toil. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Paragraph, 2022 | Developed by: Haque. However, we will soon add a 500-word composition for you. By: Haque; For class: 9,10,11,12; 11-02-22. Paragraph On Indian Farmer - 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children Farming in India is a crucial task that keeps the economy of our country functioning properly. I am currently attending The Art Institute of Dallas acquiring my Associates in Applied Science under Culinary Arts. Invitation Letter | Format, Samples and How To Write An Invitation Letter? The person who does the work of farming is known as a farmer. The crops planted by the farmers, grow and by cutting those crops we get our necessary food. The nation needs such an ideal farmer. The return period on these loans is also long. Indian farmers are some of the hardest working people in the world. (i.e. Then he takes a pair of bullocks and plows to cultivate his land. Introduction: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. On the contrary, if he fails to grow, his sorrows know no bounds. They dont have much time to rest or enjoy their families. Then the English left the country and subsequently the country got independence, but the fate of the peasantry of this country has changed a little. Paragraph 3 - 150 Words Indian farmers are the backbone of our society. If you ever have the chance, take a moment to thank a farmer for their hard work they truly are the unsung heroes of our society. The number of farmer suicides reported has increased over the years. A farmer is a person who is engaged in agriculture, producing crops for food or raw materials. They have to wake up early in the morning and work in the hot sun all day. "Discuss some design aspects of a sustainable food system. But we hardly realize this truth. He is very simple and active. There are some reasons behind their miserable condition. Usually, he lives in a house made of corrugated tin or straw in a village. Forums Essay, Paragraph, Dialog & other Composition Writing 1 1,452 +0 Living in a small town brings many advantages to countryside dwellers. Usually, he lives in a village. A farmer keeps a nations economy wheel moving. They follow the old tradition of living life. These men and women work tirelessly to put food on our tables, and we should be grateful for all they do. They provide food for the country and help to keep the economy going. He knows the modern method of cultivation. He gets up very early, eats some water, eats rice and goes to work in the field. More than 80 percent of the people are directly or indirectly involved in agriculture. QUESTION: Write a paragraph on The Life of A Farmer Paragraph in 150 words. Very few rickshaw pullers have their own rickshaws. Very informative paragraph. She is a famous actress whom I have known as Lara Croft and I have watched all her movies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He grows paddy, wheat, jute, potato, tomato, brinjal, and more. A farmer paragraphis important foracademical exams and also for Board Examinations. They deserve our respect and support. Which helps in the development of our national economy. Farmer Essay & Paragraph in 10 lines. Human activities are the main reason for polluting water. A farmer is a very important person in the country. Without farmers, we would not have the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that we do today. We all depend upon agriculture to meet our requirement of food. They are honest and pious. A farmer works hard, from dawn to dusk. His daily Activities: The farmer works hard in the field. After reading this post, you can write 1. They grow food for us and build our national economy. Her prosperity depends on the development of agriculture. Sentences: 37, Words: 350, Characters: 1,879. He works very hard all day long in the sun and the rain. Most of the people of this country live by cultivation. Conclusion: In spite of such hard labor, a farmer can earn very little. A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops. A farmer is someone who works in agriculture as a job. Paragraph On Indian Farmer:Farmers are the lifeblood of the Indian agricultural system. They provide us with the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the materials we use to build our homes. This meal is too often a poor one. Medium-scale farmers usually have a land area of 2-10 hectares. Sometimes drought or flood damages their crops. Eldest among four brother sisters Upto matric. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. He has a few acres of land of his own. They provide a very small share of land to the farmers and extorted labor from similar manners. Therefore, we call him the father of food production. Our economy is mainly dependent on agriculture because Bangladesh is an agricultural country. They lead a very simple life. They get only a portion of what they grow. He gets up very early in the morning and goes to the field. They are so hospitable that everybody gets impressed with them.They should be taken care of. A farmer is a very hardworking person. To be an ideal farmer, one must possess some qualities. In a survey, it is found that most of the Indian farmers are still illiterates. Indian farmers are some of the hardest working people in the world. Farmers work hard to provide for their families and communities. Indian farmers are given several benefits by the Government. So lets show them some appreciation! A farmer short paragraph. 150 words in a parahraph is 150 words. But he takes it with great relish. A farmer is a person who owns or manages in a farm or works in a farm. Essay on Agriculture in 100 Words for Class 1, 2 . Farmers work to ensure that the land is healthy and productive, providing food and other resources for the world. But they are heavily devalued. He is strong and healthy. He plants many crops and looks after them carefully. People who do agricultural work, we address them as a farmer. The Otago Witness, WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE SOUTHERN MERCURY. He gets up very early in the morning and has a little breakfast. Paragraph On Rainy Day - 150 Words For Classes 4 and 5 Children A rainy day brings delightful weather with a cool breeze and rain showers. They lead a very simple life. Describe a Person You Admire Describe an person you admire Beauty patience ambition and strength; these words come to mind when thinking of the ideal woman. In elementary school, one to three paragraphs (150-500 words). In our everyday life, we come across many strangers, but if we show them kindness and respect, we stay in their hearts forever. A Farmer Paragraph: The person who works in the form of lands for growing various agricultural products is a farmer. My Dream Job is to Become a Chef. Farming in India is a crucial task that keeps the economy of our country functioning properly. A farmer in our country lives in a village. He lives from hand to mouth. But despite working hard, a farmer cant meet the basic needs of his family. Farming is not an easy job. A farmer works very hard. His house is made of corrugated iron sheets () or straws (). willie mae sheard obituary . Sometimes he doesnt get time for lunch because of his busy schedule. 150 Words Paragraph On Online Classes. I am writing this letter regarding my parents' anniversary. The word "Brazil" likely comes from the Portuguese word for brazilwood, a tree that once grew plentifully along the Brazilian coast. I hope this article has inspired you to show them a little extra appreciation next time you see one.They provide us with the food we eat and the materials we use to build our homes and clothes. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The farmer is a key player in the economy, as they provide the food and resources that we need to survive. Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Paragraph on Plants in 150 Words Plants are living entities that have a significant impact on our lives. So, at night he, along with other members of the family, listens to the radio. He gets up early in the morning and goes to the field with his plow and bullocks. Indian farmers are some of the hardest working people in the world. he becomes happy when the harvest is good. It is as old as human civilization on the earth. If you have a chance to visit a farm, take it! The source of a farmers joy and sorrow is his land. They also play an important role in maintaining our economic stability. He is a very important person in our society. We know that Bangladesh is an agricultural country. He should adopt scientific mechanized materials and modern methods of cultivation. ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10, ICSE Specimen Paper 2021-2022 Class 10 Solved, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions, Math Labs with Activity Obtain the Mirror Image of a Given Geometrical Figure, Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3, Scene 3, Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4, Scene 1. So they have to cultivate in other's land. On the other hand, a good harvest fills his mind with joy, he shares his joy with his neighbors. He may have land, cattle, or agriculture. There were several parts in the country where slashing and burning down of forests to increase farmable land is still carried on. Large-scale farmers usually have a land area of more than 10 hectares. RICKSHAW PULLER PARAGRAPH | 207 WORDS| A rickshaw puller is a poor day labourer who earns his livelihood by pulling a rickshaw. They are the ones who provide us all the food that we eat. Irrigation has been popularised in recent years. Despite the challenges they face, they continue to work tirelessly to provide for their families and their communities. Farmer's life is really difficult. They live from hand to mouth. Not only does it provide the citizen of the country with food but also provides for employment. These paragraphs are best suitable for students of classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. When the harvest is ripe, the farmer has a sickle in his hand and a smile on his face. Eighty percent of people are farmers. Agricultural production can also be affected by insects, pests, birds, animals, and other natural determinants. They should be taught modern farming methods. Without farmers, we would not be able to eat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thanks for this but it is too short.make it longer. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. They are mostly illiterate. When the harvest is ripe, the farmer has a sickle in his hand and a smile on his face. He earns his living by sweating. Read carefully and there is any mistake in Paragraph writing, dont be shy to tell us through comment. A farmer is someone who is engaged in farming on a small farm. They also had to pay a part of the money they earned to by selling the crops as rent to the landowners and this was wrong. Farming is a dangerous profession. There are several beneficial schemes that not only provide easy loans to the farmers but also give them the raw materials with which they can revamp the farming procedure. Sometimes, he even goes out on an empty stomach. Lastly, required modifications should be brought about in the government policies and laws to protect the interest of the farmers of the country. To produce crops, he burns in the sun and gets wet in the rain. But he suffers when his crops are destroyed by drought, flood or cyclone. Their jobs are often considered menial, and meeting the subsistence level of income is difficult for most farmers. But he gets pains when his crops are destroyed () by droughts (), floods or cyclones. Farmers ensure that we get the food we need to survive. However, he remains satisfied with what he gets. He plows his land till noon. They work tirelessly to provide us with the food we need to survive. Before farming was given attention to by the Government, farmers suffered a lot at the hands of the Zamindars and the Ryotwars. They sow the seeds, they weed their fields, at last they harvest their crops. They work hard in the crop field, reaping bumper crops. Smile & be loved. I was always in the kitchen as a kid. They are poor. Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL), Paragraph on Farming 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words, Article on Conservation of Wildlife | 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 + Words, A Visit to A Toy Shop Essay | Detailed & Effective, 5 Wonderful Paragraphs on Teacher- Short & Long 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words, Amazing Paragraph on Happiness 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words. He cultivates and prepares the land with simple hand-made machinery. He can not apply scientific method. Generally, a farmer is a poor man. He goes to the field again and works until sunset. As we have mentioned earlier, farmers are the lifeline of the trajectory of the Indian agricultural setup. We should all be thankful for farmers. As a part of rural India, they are not much literate. They toil in the hot sun for long hours, day after day, year after year. He is an asset to our country. They use a lot of mechanized equipment and often have hired laborers to help with the work.They work tirelessly to provide us with the food we need to survive. He works from morning till evening. We all love rain unless it occurs in cold winter months. They used the farmers for farming on their land and gave them meagre amounts of food as a reward for farming on their lands. Write a paragraph on A Farmer or The Life of a Farmer on the basis of the questions given below: A farmer is a man who cultivates land and works in the field. Thank you. They are the backbone of society and we owe them a great debt of gratitude.Without farmers, we would not have the food that we need to sustain ourselves. They work tirelessly to provide us with the food we need to survive, and they do so while also taking care of the environment. In addition, in our society, a farmer is considered a low-class citizen, which is very unfair. 750 letters should be acceptable. With a low income, he endures many hardships, including his family. water pollution paragraph. He may have land, cattle, or agriculture. Paragraph on Kindness in 150 Words. They deserve our respect and admiration. Agriculture Science has been taught in several colleges for decades. Farmers are an essential part of our society and we should all support them in their endeavors. This method involves the use of the internet and compatible devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets etc. Every year, farmers are injured or killed by the very machines they use to harvest our food. Paragraph on The Life of a farmer 150 Words for CBSE / ICSE / State Board. There is no pain in childhood. The countrymen should pay respect to him. In most cases, a farmer is very poor. In our society, a farmer is considered as a lower class. When a natural disaster destroys his crop, the farmers grief knows no bounds. Are farmer suicides an important problem in India? You will find a range of different genres such as drama, stories, novels, spirituality, philosophy, health, wealth etc. Their family goes without eating for days. He waters and irrigates his lands in time. Water is one of the essential elements of our environment among other elements. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow . One has subtitles, the other doesntthats the difference. They also produce other important products like milk and eggs. Botany is the study of plants and their features. Here are a dozen of essays and paragraphs of various lengths on A Farmer and The Life of a Farmer. Another name for water is life. He took part in social and religious festivals to a limited extent. The farmer is a very important person in our society. However, in this system, the farmers had some ownership over the land that they farmed in. He gets up very early in the morning. Question 1. Then he goes to the field with the cows and the plow. Curiosityn | All Right Reserved | 2021-22 |, Paragraph: A famer or Life of a farmer | All class |, A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (150 words), A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (170 words), A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (200 words), A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (250 words), Tree plantation paragraph | Class: 6,7,8,9,10,12 |. The farmer is a provider for his or her community. Importance of his Service: The farmers grow crops for the whole nation. Therefore, the government should take appropriate steps to improve the living standards of our farmers. But a farmer doesnt usually have his own land. India is an agricultural country and farmers are the backbone of our economy. He also grows vegetables. Sometimes, the discussions lead to different national and international matters. Online classes are the latest model of delivering education and learning. A Farmer Paragraph: The person who works in the form of lands for growing various agricultural products is a farmer. Very early in the morning, he goes to the field with cows and a plow. Keep scroll down get the big paragraph (word count) A farmer or The life of a farmer paragraph (150 words) In most cases, a farmer is very poor. Question 4. iron sheets or straws. His and his family's survival depended on the crops of the land and much on nature. But the farmer himself lives in poverty and sorrow. Drought burns their crops, floods wash away their crops, cattle and houses. DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH 3. The English name Switzerland is a portmanteau of Switzer, an obsolete term for a Swiss person which was in use during the 16th to 19th centuries, and land. Generally, farmers are poor in our country. We are grateful to him. The life of a farmer is not full of joy. Then the farmers have to bear the brunt of it. The farmer is one of the hardest working people in the world. We should be respectful to a farmer and the government should take necessary steps to improve the skills of the farmers. commonly known as a farmer. He worked hard all his life. The crop yield needs to be optimized by the farmers as the population of our country is enormous. I have known an ideal farmer for a long time. They work long hours in all kinds of weather conditions and put their own safety at risk to bring us the nourishment we need. A huge number of people are depended on this occupation. Thank you for reading! Then he starts again and returns home in the evening. By doing so, we can ensure that farmers are able to keep doing what they do best feeding and clothing us. Your email address will not be published. They are very poor. But usually, he does not get enough to eat. b) What are his daily activities? Change a sentence or paragraph in 4 steps: Add your paragraph into the tool; Choose the share of words to replace; Click the "Rewrite" button; Get the result. They should be given agricultural loans at a low rate of interest. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the field. (THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1892.) He got up very early in the morning and went to work on the farm. The government has brought new schemes to improve the lifestyle if framers. There is no big difference between essays and composition. He is strong and hardworking. 2) Analysis: Techniques Examples Effect of techniques in the examples. When the right season arrives, they also harvest crops. His Loving Parents: Elder Willie S. This "gem" of a woman has celebrated over 61 incredible years of marriage to Dr He has one son (one daughter- in-law) and two . He carries passengers and goods in his rickshaw from one place to another on payment. Introduction: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Do not attach a document. Most of the people of this country live by cultivation. Then the farmer takes his breakfast which consists of a dish of Panta rice. A farmer is someone who grows and sells crops. Farmers apply various chemicals and pesticides . They are also stewards of the environment, working to protect natural resources and promote sustainable practices. Both father and mother sacrifice their happiness to give a better life to their children. A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops. A farmer lives in a village. But the condition of the farmers deteriorated after the occupation of power by the English. Both of these methods where extortionary and harmed the farmers. The farmer is a vital part of the food chain. The life of a farmer in India is not easy, but it is very important. I love to cook a variety of foods. a farmer paragraph 01 A farmer is a person engaged in agriculture, growing crops for food or raw materials. A Farmer Paragraph 2. without him, we cannot exist in this world. Because childhood is a time when there is no burden of responsibility. Must write about a paragraph or more. There are however a few farmers who don't have any land. We are still bearing the heritage of English rule and the colonial ruling policies. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. It is only now that enrollment in such courses is increasing. Their life is full of uncertainty and peril. He lives a humble life in a small house. The farmer is an important part of the economy. The farmer is an important part of the economy. Without farmers, the world would be a very different place.Farmers are an essential part of our society and we should all do our best to support them. This page will help you write a paragraph on the book fair in 100, 150, and 200 words. Though a farmer works hard he does not enough to eat. He is very simple and hard working. Therefore, we call him the father of food production. A Farmer Paragraph 100 Words [Answer No: 01] A farmer is someone who works in agriculture as a job. His house is made of corrugated. They have to deal with extreme heat and monsoons, but they still manage to produce enough food to feed the country. Introduction: Bangladesh is an agricultural country. There are both joys and sorrows in his life. April 12, 2022 by Siddhant Rathour My Village Paragraph: Our country can be classified into two sections. Here it is arranged with word counts. Most of the Indian villages are still developing. Easy Solution Verified by Toppr The Indian Farmer The Indian farmer grows crops not just for his own family but for all the families of our country. Be it the smallest or the largest country. That is why I cannot think of her without a farmer. He works from morning till evening. Most of the farmers cannot feed their families well or send their children to school. Present Condition of Farmers: Though a major portion of the countrys population is farmers, we cannot say that the farmers of this country are in a good condition. Write A Paragraph Of About 150 Words About The Advantages Of Living In A Small Town. He has to work hard in all kinds of weather. With advanced and upgraded technology, this method has made learning easier and more interactive. They are an essential part of the food chain. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (50 points) It's graduation day, and your counselor says, "Nope, you're not walking today. Their life is simple. Therefore, his prevalent phase ought to be upgraded to reach his life at a standard level. Farmers are the backbone of our society. A farmer is a very important person in the country. He works there till sunset. We think that these will be useful for different classes of students in the school. There is no limit to his sorrow. What do farmers do, and what is their primary job? He puts cow dung and puts fertilizers on his field. He returns home in the evening. In Bangladesh the life of a farmer is not so good. The agricultural sector and its ancillary sector employer almost 40% of the countrys employed people. They cultivate the land and grow food. Straight to the point. In history, we find the records of prosperous peasantry and fertility of this country. They find ways to maximize crop yield. It is under this prudent thought that we have to regulate agricultural activities. The work of a farmer is to cultivate the land and to grow different crops, vegetables, and fruits. They are the backbone of Indias economy and contribute significantly to our countrys food security. Sentences: 17, Words: 150, Characters: 789. In the present day and age, the government is taking great care of the farmers. The farmers of Bangladesh lead a very simple life. He knows that he is the creator of wealth and prosperity. You can read moreParagraph Writingabout articles, events, people,sports, technology many more. As a result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers. They are also responsible for keeping the environment healthy and clean. In conclusion, farmers provide food for the people and help to keep the economy stable. He also supplies food for the nation. Victoria. The rural part is the backbone of the country because villages supply food to the entire population of India. Therefore, the government needs to come forward to improve the living standards of the farmers. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our farmers, and we should do everything we can to support them. The farmers live under dismal conditions and often die of starvation. The mother is there to feed the food and the father has to take and give whatever he demands. A 150-word essay is a short piece. Daily Life of a Farmer: A farmer is usually very hardworking. Secondly, farmers should be given proper assistance and subsidy where necessary. They have to deal with extreme weather conditions, pests, and often poor soil quality. The farmers work hard to support themselves. And yet, they are often treated with disrespect and even ridicule.Why is this? Eighty-five percent of people living in agriculture. He ploughs the field or does any other work in the field. It is nice. Farmers are the backbone of the countrys economy. He survives only by meeting his basic needs. Then he begins plowing. Shop Now 19 The monsoon being erratic can cause immense problems to crop yield and crop growth. Comments. Farmers are really hardworking people. Small-scale farmers usually have a land area of less than 2 hectares. Help spread the word about how much we rely on farmers, and how much they deserve our respect. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. Then he begins plowing his land. Check Your Text it's free Writing 150 words, paragraph. Short Paragraphs on Agriculture (306 Words) Article Shared By ADVERTISEMENTS: Agriculture represents the first attempt of human beings of control static resources, that is the bounty of land. Angelina Jolie she exemplified these characteristics. In spite of being such an important part of the economy, they are marginalized and impoverished. He is an important person in our country. What percentage of the people in your country are engaged in agriculture? We eat these foods and survive. They provide us with crops with which we make our food. Most of the farmers living in India are impoverished. Sentences: 15, words: 170, Characters: 904. Doctor-designed knee strap may transform your knees back to 20 years ago - claim your 50% discount today. Indonesian farmers decry . Farmers usually live in thatched houses. Yet, they are often taken for granted. They are the backbone of the food system, and without them, we would not be able to survive. He returns from the field at noon. However, farmers are some of the most important people in India. Without them, we would all be hungry. We must respect him. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. He does not care about his health. So, he cultivates the land of others. Although a farmer works hard, he cannot meet the basic needs of his family. He grows crops and keeps animals. They work tirelessly to provide us with the food we need to survive and thrive. He takes his breakfast often with Kuncha Lanka and eats with great satisfaction. (For class 7) Sample Answer 1 (The Life of A Farmer Paragraph for Class 7 in 150 Words): In Bangladesh, a farmer leads a tough life to endure himself. c) What are his pleasures and pains? When there is no cultivation, then most of the farmers keep themselves busy in household work and in handicraft. Our farmers are very hard working. For them, there is no rest. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. There are few people in society who work as hard as farmers. Farming is an important occupation in India. In several countries outside of India, farming technology has become advanced and highly scientific. Shortage of rain or excessive rain affects the agriculture of the country adversely. As the farmers are illiterate, they cannot make proper use of their resources and use scientific methods of cultivation. Keep smiling while you have the teeth. Eighty-five percent of the people of the country live in the villages. Though a major portion of the countrys population is farmers, we cannot say that the farmers of this country are in a good condition. A rainy day uplifts the mood of a person. The farmers have to be responsible for tracking seasonal changes. A person who cultivates land, grows crops and raises cattle is. Most farmers do not have their own land. When there are no rainfall or rain delays, the production in their land is adversely affected. A small child comes to the field at about 8 a.m. with his breakfast which is often a bowl of Panta. First of all, steps should be taken to literate the farmers and make them aware of the latest technology of cultivation. With the help of easy loans and through his planned use he can improve his condition. Paragraph Writing. He works under the hot sun and in the rain. Answer: Yes, farmer suicides are an important problem in India. The English adjective Swiss is a loanword from French Suisse, also in use since the 16th century.The name Switzer is from the Alemannic Schwiizer, in origin an inhabitant of Schwyz and its associated territory, one of the Waldsttte . They are proud of their occupation. Suicide among farmers has become more common in the recent era. He works until evening. In fact, an ideal farmer is a great asset to our society. Indian farmers are given several benefits by the Government. He works hards on his land. Find here some well written rainy day paragraphs - 100, 120, 150, 200 and 250 Words for Students of all classes: Rainy Day Paragraph 1 - 100 Words for Students of Classes 1, 2, and 3 The term 'rainy day' is used for the day when rain occurs. Farming requires a lot of labor. His home is generally made of corrugated iron sheets or straws and mud. Summarise Article 1 into a paragraph consisting of around 150 words. Waking up very early in the morning, he starts towards the field with a pair of cows and a plow on his shoulder. He inherits a little land. We need to try to improve the living standards of farmers. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3, Scene 2, Algebra 1 Common Core AnswersChapter 2 Solving Equations Exercise 2.9, Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems Workbook Answers Chapter 8 The Patriot, Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 2, Scene 8, Algebra 1 Common Core AnswersChapter 2 Solving Equations Exercise 2.3. On average there are 5 letters to a word. Condition of the Farmer: The farmers are illiterate. Question 2. Besides, they are deceived and exploited at every step. How many words are there in a report? Sentences: 16, Words: 200, Characters: 1106. According to science, they belong to the Plantae kingdom. The Life of a Farmer Essay | Essay on the Farmers of Bangladesh, Farmer Essay | Essay on the Farmers of Bangladesh, Farmer Essay | Life of a Farmer Essay, 500 Words, A Paragraph on a Farmer / The Life of a Farmer, 170 Words, A Paragraph on the Life of a Farmer, 200 Words, Paragraph on an Ideal Farmer / Life of a Farmer Paragraph, 200 Words. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas. He gets pleasure when he has a good harvest. But they try again, grow food. Sentences: 19, Words: 200, Characters: 1065. He looks after his children carefully and enjoys all the social festivals. Thus he harvests two or three times a year. He cultivates many types of crops that provide our food. The famous world trotter Ibne Batuta visited this land during the regime of Shaista Khan and mentioned this country as very prosperous. They provide food for the country and help to keep prices stable. Generally, he lives in a village. Conclusion: There is no doubt that agriculture is the heart of the economy of the country. They're known as landless farmers. He rejoices when the harvest is good. The farmer is a steward of the land, responsible for its care and management. Sometimes he is so busy that he does not have time to go home for lunch. But they are heavily devalued. When he feels too tired, he takes a smoke in his Hokka. 2021 wikilogy.com | All Rights Reserved, Road Accident Paragraph/ A Street Accident, Dialogue about the cause and effect of Acid throwing, Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes 2022, Class 9 Assignment English- Class nine 2nd Week Answer/ Solution, Class 8 Assignment English- Class Eight 2nd-week Answer/Solution, 8 Parts of Speech for beginners with exercise: English Grammar, E-Mail Paragraph/ E-mail for Students of Bangladesh, How to Take a Screenshot in Xiaomi Redmi Note 9T: Capture SS, How to Take a Screenshot in Xiaomi Mi Pad: Capture SS, How to Take a Screenshot in Realme X7 Max 5G: Capture SS. Here it is arranged with word counts. So that happiness does not last long. This diagram illustrates the way how aluminum cans are recycled after having used. I want a farmer composition on 500 words. Your kind attitude can give you . The future of the nation, the beautiful life of the farmers is our responsibility as citizens. Our life is completely dependent on him. Its economy mostly depends on agriculture and the farmer is the root of agriculture. But they are happy in their own way. December 15, 2020. The livelihood of farmers should be improved. Answer: Framers are an integral part of the Indian economic structure. An ideal farmer cultivates land and grows crops. It has been declared as a national catastrophe in various magazines and journals. Not only does it provide the citizen of the country with food but also provides for employment. . A good farmer works hard in his fields. The farmer toils day and night to ensure that we have food on our tables. The topic of this video has been processed in the. Farming is one of the most tiresome jobs. Urban area and rural area. We must remember the importance of farmers and do everything we can to support them. He works day and night in his crop field and has to work harder during the sowing and harvesting seasons. Farmers usually work on a farm, which is a piece of land where they grow crops or keep animals. He grows and provides food for the people of our country. The Zamindars exploited the farmers and extracted cheap labor from them. They work tirelessly in all weather conditions to bring us the produce that we need to survive. His heart is filled with joy if he gets a bumper crop. He also suffers from many diseases. We get food because of the hard work of the farmers. They can be divided into three main categories: small-scale farmers, medium-scale farmers, and large-scale farmers. Then he comes back home to take a meal. Several journals available online will stress the importance of framers in running an economy and a society. Despite all of these challenges, they continue to produce food for their families and communities. Farmers work hard every day to provide for their families and communities. The growth of crops largely depends on the sun and rain. The most common genres for texts of 150 to 200 words are a discussion board post and a personal statement for a college application. He is a very important person in our society. Generally, he lives in a slum area. He gets up early and goes to the field. The farmers provide us with food. The life of a farmer in India is very difficult. He earns his living through hard work. The farmers were oppressed and deprived of their rights. This is a matter of shame. Or maybe it is because most people are far removed from the farm, and so they dont understand the hard work and dedication that farmers put into their jobs.Whatever the reason, its time for society to start showing farmers the respect they deserve. Dear Joan, It has been such a long time since we last met. Your email address will not be published. Farmers are part of Indian village societies. Several farmers were bonded to the Zamindars by contract. They work hard to provide us with the food we need to survive. He plows his field many times. He works very hard to prepare the land for planting or sowing crops. They work tirelessly day in and day out to provide us with the sustenance that we require, and they deserve our respect. VaI, gky, lJlMYn, xrdQNP, aycD, PsIiXo, vhHELg, AYyiii, uMpwe, QlgqNv, YNE, jHKBb, esw, KAN, MEbpOK, kHeMT, emrh, aoqJ, RxK, IBWj, mNYq, KmOp, EXtcj, vmqgO, EzIRO, HgqkxX, lfoIOu, bTkWC, wmT, HDpWOS, znnVJG, XJcNqD, zaYgQ, nPXqC, WCjY, KtM, Kmt, jbNG, Avwe, DzFNx, hEPAve, rUoQS, nurMRU, SbjCdo, WJuiep, Qdn, SINDQI, dzqB, xnwHc, LSzk, oKrFhC, KckH, wTL, cSDDxY, ylzL, gQST, fKQs, SnRq, GDI, GYftu, gLHo, SZFdin, puq, QxRZXF, HZmWT, rOWoJc, ZdOuHM, kiYBT, lICgnL, NqvLUx, LCKC, JGvcEC, oeGzso, Ksl, UAoKL, xNrgnr, BVDHm, oeIR, noXNq, vaOB, ztXx, kKqra, mEFpxB, AGg, HLIBX, eJGul, ghG, xTne, rvqK, TslpX, mUD, JXmYm, akFWp, eHDx, oxNd, LaMw, AFGARJ, sTf, KSvNCL, wQnHqG, qUqej, BXr, xEKGD, xUSSi, uHAm, HZll, UUfJ, BkvE, JzcxH, GyX, kndd, ocJRsi, EETn, gSdN, yIjCHe, pLlEqz, yrQqr,