African languages provided hundreds of words as well, especially in certain semantic domains, as in the following examples, which are also present in Portuguese: Although the African slaves had various ethnic origins, by far most of the borrowings were contributed (1) by Bantu languages (above all, Kimbundu, from Angola, and Kikongo from Angola and the area that is now the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo),[13] and (2) by Niger-Congo languages, notably Yoruba/Nag, from what is now Nigeria, and Jeje/Ewe, from what is now Benin. Bagno denounces the prejudice against the vernacular in what he terms the "8 Myths": In opposition to the "myths", Bagno counters that: Whether Bagno's points are valid or not is open to debate, especially the solutions he recommends for the problems he claims to have identified. In dialects of the South and Southeast, unstressed e and o (when they are not reduced to [i] and [u]) are pronounced as the close-mid vowels [e] and [o]. WebBrowse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. [29], Another common change that differentiates Brazilian Portuguese from other dialects is the palatalization of /n/ and /l/ followed by the vowel /i/, yielding [n ~ ] and [l ~ ]. However, formal BP still follows EP in avoiding starting a sentence with a proclitic pronoun; so both will write Deram-lhe o livro ("They gave him/her the book") instead of Lhe deram o livro, though it will seldom be spoken in BP (but would be clearly understood). Still, many contemporary writers like using the H-variant even in informal dialogue. In EP, the vowels e and o may be open ( or ) or closed ( or ) when they are stressed before one of the nasal consonants m, n followed by a vowel, but in BP they are always closed in this environment. This is also true of translated books, which never use the L-variant, only the H one. "), . Italian loan words and expressions, in addition to those that are related to food or music, include tchau ("ciao"), nonna, nonnino, imbrglio, bisonho, entrevero, panetone, colomba, vero, cicerone, male male, capisce, mezzo, va bene, ecco, ecco fatto, ecco qui, caspita, schifoso, gelateria, cavolo, incavolarsi, pivete, engambelar, andiamo via, tiramisu, tarantella, grappa, stratoria. [4][5] It is spoken by almost all of the 214 million inhabitants of Brazil[6] and spoken widely across the Brazilian diaspora, today consisting of about two million Brazilians who have emigrated to other countries. Thus, for example, the word setembro is [setb ~ stb] in BP, but [stbu ~ stbu] in European Portuguese. not considering various regional variations) characteristics of the informal variant of BP are the following. Children's books seem to be more L-friendly, but, again, if they are translated from another language (The Little Prince, for instance) they will use the H-variant only. ein Kranker, "a sick person"). The phenomenon happens mostly in the pretonic position and with the consonant clusters ks, ps, bj, dj, dv, kt, bt, ft, mn, tm and dm: clusters that are not very common in the language ("afta": [aft > afit]; "opo": [opsw] > [opisw]). Until the implementation of the 1990 orthographic reform, a major subset of the differences related to the consonant clusters cc, c, ct, pc, p, and pt. This linguistic independence was fostered by the tension between Portugal and the settlers (immigrants) in Brazil from the time of the country's de facto settlement, as immigrants were forbidden to speak freely in their native languages in Brazil for fear of severe punishment by the Portuguese authorities. In spoken informal registers of BP, the third-person object pronouns 'o', 'a', 'os', and 'as' are virtually nonexistent and are simply left out or, when necessary and usually only when referring to people, replaced by stressed subject pronouns like ele "he" or isso "that": Eu vi ele "I saw him" rather than Eu o vi. (Both initial /r/ and doubled /r/ are pronounced in BP as [h], as is syllable-final /r/.) ("She had already been an actress, hadn't she? diacritics also encode vowel quality. However, So Paulo is now home to many immigrants of Northeastern origin, who may employ "tu" quite often in their everyday speech. Our mother tongue is not Portuguese, but Brazilian Vernacular. For example, the word aco ("action") in European Portuguese became ao in Brazil, European ptimo ("optimum") became timo in Brazil, and so on, where the consonant was silent both in BP and EP, but the words were spelled differently. Movie subtitles normally use a mixture of L- and H-variants, but remain closer to the H-variant. A famous example of this distinction is the word banana, which a Northeasterner would pronounce [bnn], while a Southerner would pronounce [bann]. debe editi : soklardayim sayin sozluk. A speaker may thus end up saying "I love you" in two ways: eu amo voc or eu te amo. According to some contemporary Brazilian linguists (Bortoni, Kato, Mattos e Silva, Perini, and most recently, with great impact, Bagno), Brazilian Portuguese may be a highly diglossic language. The same restriction applies to several other uses of the gerund: BP uses ficamos conversando ("we kept on talking") and ele trabalha cantando ("he sings while he works"), but rarely ficamos a conversar and ele trabalha a cantar as is the case in most varieties of EP. However, in Portugal, an object pronoun would never be placed at the start of a sentence, as in the second example. WebFull membership to the IDM is for researchers who are fully committed to conducting their research in the IDM, preferably accommodated in the IDM complex, for 5-year terms, which are renewable. Some of this minority, of which Bagno is an example, appeal to their readers by their ideas that grammarians would be detractors of the termed Brazilian Vernacular, by naming it a "corrupt" form of the "pure" standard, an attitude which they classify as "linguistic prejudice". Rich and influential people themselves often do not follow the grammatical rules of Standard Portuguese. Portuguese makes extensive use of verbs in the progressive aspect, almost as in English. hatta iclerinde ulan ne komik yazmisim (FS) is used in very formal situations, such as speeches or ceremonies or when reading directly out of a text. Nonstandard verb inflections are also common in colloquial Brazilian Portuguese. Whether such a change happens in BP is highly variable according to dialect. According to another linguist,[15][16] vernacular Brazilian Portuguese is continuous with European Portuguese, while its phonetics is more conservative in several aspects, characterizing the nativization of a koin formed by several regional European Portuguese varieties brought to Brazil, modified by natural drift. Just as in the case of English, whose various dialects sometimes use different prepositions with the same verbs or nouns (stand in/on line, in/on the street), BP usage sometimes requires prepositions that would not be normally used in Portuguese for the same context. [14] They assert that the phenomena found in Brazilian Portuguese are inherited from Classical Latin and Old Portuguese. Some varieties of EP [namely from Alentejo, Algarve, Aores (Azores), and Madeira] also tend to feature estar + gerund, as in Brazil. ne bileyim cok daha tatlisko cok daha bilgi iceren entrylerim vardi. Syllable-final /l/ is pronounced [u], and syllable-final /r/ is uvularized to [] or weakened to [h] in the North and Northeast, while the state of So Paulo and the South conserve apical varieties of these phonemes. Several Brazilian writers have been awarded with the highest prize of the Portuguese language. Their arguments include the postulate that the Vernacular form simplifies some of the intricacies of standard Portuguese (verbal conjugation, pronoun handling, plural forms, etc.). Targets got you covered for the holidays, from meal essentials to special deals and offers. The affirmative answer to such a question is a repetition of the verb : Ele no fez o que devia, n? This, along with other adaptations, sometimes results in rather striking transformations of common loanwords. Choisissez votre sige sur tous les vols Beginning in the early 18th century, Portugal's government made efforts to expand the use of Portuguese throughout the colony, particularly because its consolidation in Brazil would help guarantee to Portugal the lands in dispute with Spain (according to various treaties signed in the 18th century, those lands would be ceded to the people who effectively occupied them). Problems arise when they begin to study the grammar of a foreign language. While originally Angolan, the word "samba" only became famous worldwide because of its popularity in Brazil. [34] In Salvador, tu is never used and is replaced by voc. Nevertheless, the so-called anacoluthon has taken on a new dimension in Brazilian Portuguese. The reduction of vowels is one of the main phonetic characteristics of Portuguese generally, but in Brazilian Portuguese the intensity and frequency of that phenomenon varies significantly. In general, the dialects that gave birth to Portuguese had a quite flexible use of the object pronouns in the proclitic or enclitic positions. The word presidente "president," for example, is pronounced [pezidti] in these regions of Brazil but [pzidt] in Portugal. Both forms ('seu' or 'dele(s) /dela(s)') are considered grammatically correct in Brazilian Portuguese. DePaul University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, family relationship status, physical or mental disability, military status, genetic information or other status protected (2008) Livro", Portuguese language in Brazilian schools - Timeline, "Consideraes sobre o status das palato-alveolares em portugus", "O /r/ em posio de coda silbica na capital do interior paulista: uma abordagem sociolingustica", "Linguistic prejudice and the surprising (academic and formal) unity of Brazilian Portuguese", "Sobre as vogais pr-tnicas no Portugus Brasileiro", "Os estudos fontico-fonolgicos nos Estados da Paraba e do Cear", "Revisitando a palatalizao no portugus brasileiro", "O MEC, o "portugus errado" e a linguistica", "Cartilha Do Mec Ensina Erro De Portugus", "Livro do MEC ensina o portugus errado ou apenas valoriza as formas lingusticas? [31] (Compare: linking r in non-rhotic English dialects). Chamar 'call' is normally used with the preposition de in BP, especially when it means 'to describe someone as': When movement to a place is described, BP uses em (contracted with an article, if necessary): In BP, the preposition para can also be used with such verbs with no difference in meaning: Brazil, due to its continental size and the immigration to Brazil that colonized and populated the country for centuries, has different dialects throughout the national territory, even so it is perfectly possible for a Brazilian to understand a different dialect from the other end of the country, because writing is the same, and often the pronunciation is the same, just changing the sound of some letter or group of letters, like what happens too in the different Regions of the United States. ("isn't it? BP retains the combination a + infinitive for uses that are not related to continued action, such as voltamos a correr ("we went back to running"). 2, Dec 1997), Note: the speaker of this sound file is from Rio de Janeiro, and he is talking about his experience with, Languages of Brazil Ethnologue (ISO-3 codes), Community of Portuguese Language Countries, List of Portuguese words of Germanic origin, List of Portuguese words of Italian origin, nationalist movements in literature and the arts, American English differs from written British English, the discovery of gold and gems made it the most prosperous Brazilian region, Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990, List of English words of Portuguese origin, Populao do Brasil - Nmero Oficial IBGE, The World's 10 most influential languages, "IBGE releases the population estimates of the municipalities in 2012", "o portugues brasileiro: formaao e contrastes 1ed. Xumbergar, brega (from marshal Friedrich Hermann Von Schnberg), and xote (musical style and dance) from schottisch. But when the m or n is syllable-initial (i.e. ("She already had.") In areas in which voc has largely replaced tu, the forms ti/te and contigo may be replaced by voc and com voc. For the same reason, open vowels (which are not normally under nasalization in Portuguese) cannot occur before /n/ or /m/ in BP, but can in EP. The L-variant may be used in songs, movies, soap operas, sitcoms and other television shows, although, at times, the H-variant is used in historic films or soap operas to make the language used sound more 'elegant' or 'archaic'. WebMLB()PCdocomo The written formal register (FW) is used in almost all printed media and written communication, is uniform throughout the country and is the "Portuguese" officially taught at school. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. However, due to the two reasons mentioned above, the gap between the written, formal language and the spoken language is much wider in Brazilian Portuguese than in European Portuguese.[7]. Rio de Janeiro and a few states in the Northeast are particularly known for such pronunciation; So Paulo, on the other hand, along with most other Brazilian dialects, is particularly known for lacking it. Many words of Brazilian origin (also used in other Portuguese-speaking countries) have also entered into English: samba, bossa nova, cruzeiro, milreis and capoeira. Brazilian grammars traditionally treat this structure similarly, rarely mentioning such a thing as topic. [14] BP tends to break up consonant clusters, if the second consonant is not /r/, /l/, or /s/, by inserting an epenthetic vowel, /i/, which can also be characterized, in some situations, as a schwa. In other aspects, there are lots of bugs in the app that make it frustrating to use. Nevertheless, nowadays, it is becoming perfectly acceptable to use a clitic between two verbs, without linking it with a hyphen (as in poderia se dizer, or no vamos lhes dizer) and this usage (known as: pronome solto entre dois verbos) can be found in modern(ist) literature, textbooks, magazines and newspapers like Folha de S.Paulo and O Estado (see in-house style manuals of these newspapers, available on-line, for more details). Personally, I do not object to us writing Portuguese, but I think it is important to make clear that Portuguese is (at least in Brazil) only a written language. Later, agreements were reached to preserve at least an orthographic unity throughout the Portuguese-speaking world, including the African and Asian variants of the language (which are typically more similar to EP, due to a Portuguese presence lasting into the second half of the 20th century). Mrio A. Perini, a Brazilian linguist, has said: "There are two languages in Brazil. BP trem is from English train (ultimately from French), while EP comboio is from Fr. Spanish objeto, French objet). In some cases, in order to adapt this use to the standard grammar, some Brazilian scholars recommend that ela vem me pagando should be written like ela vem-me pagando (as in EP), in which case the enclisis could be totally acceptable if there would not be a factor of proclisis. Brazilian Portuguese (BP) also tends to adopt culture-bound concepts from French. Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, Joo Guimares Rosa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Graciliano Ramos, Joo Cabral de Melo Neto, Ceclia Meireles, Clarice Lispector, Jos de Alencar, Rachel de Queiroz, Jorge Amado, Castro Alves, Antonio Candido, Autran Dourado, Rubem Fonseca, Lygia Fagundes Telles and Euclides da Cunha are Brazilian writers recognized for writing the most outstanding work in the Portuguese language. They might, however, have trouble in speaking Standard Portuguese, but this is due to lack of experience rather than to any inherent deficiency in their linguistic mastery. These spelling differences are due to genuinely different pronunciations. Meanwhile, in accents of the Northeast and North, in patterns that have not yet been much studied, the open-mid vowels [] and [] can occur in unstressed syllables in a large number of words. In Brazil, these are especially related to the following fields (note that some of these words are used in other Portuguese-speaking countries): Many of these words are used throughout the Lusosphere. Brazilians normally place the object pronoun before the verb (proclitic position), as in ele me viu ("he saw me"). Consonant changes in European Portuguese include the weakening of /b/, /d/, and // to fricative [], [], and [], while in BP these phonemes are maintained as stops in all positions. European Portuguese consistently realizes syllable-final /s/ and /z/ as palatal [] and [], while most dialects of BP maintain them as dentals. The variant spellings are necessary in those cases because the general Portuguese spelling rules mandate a stress diacritic in those words, and the Portuguese After independence in 1822, Brazilian idioms with African and Amerindian influences were brought to Portugal by returning Portuguese Brazilians (luso-brasileiros in Portuguese). The written language taught in Brazilian schools has historically been based by law on the standard of Portugal[17] and until the 19th century, Portuguese writers often were regarded as models by some Brazilian authors and university professors. WebRservez des vols pas chers sur le site officiel vers plus de 130 destinations en Europe. Some of the main contributions to that swift change were the expansion of colonization to the Brazilian interior, and the growing numbers of Portuguese settlers, who brought their language and became the most important ethnic group in Brazil. The substantial waves of non-Portuguese-speaking immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (mostly from Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Japan and Lebanon) were linguistically integrated into the Portuguese-speaking majority within few generations, except for some areas of the three southernmost states (Paran, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul), in the case of Germans, Italians and Slavics, and in rural areas of the state of So Paulo (Italians and Japanese). From German, besides strudel, pretzel, bratwurst, kuchen (also bolo cuca), sauerkraut (also spelled chucrute from French choucroute and pronounced [ukuti]), wurstsalat, sauerbraten, Oktoberfest, biergarten, zelt, Osterbaum, Bauernfest, Schtzenfest, hinterland, Kindergarten, bock, fassbier and chope (from Schoppen), there are also abstract terms from German such as Prost, zum wohl, doppelgnger (also ssia), ber, brinde, kitsch, ersatz, blitz ("police action"), and possibly encrenca ("difficult situation," perhaps from Ger. Target 4+ Save time with Drive Up Target #10 in Shopping 4.9 4.7M Ratings; Free; Screenshots. In parts of the South, in most of the North and most of the Northeast, and in the city of Santos, the distinction between semi-formal 'voc' and familiar 'tu' is still maintained, and object and possessive pronouns pattern likewise. In Portugal, the reform was signed into law by the President on 21 July 2008 allowing for a 6-year adaptation period, during which both orthographies co-existed. However, many TupiGuarani toponyms did not derive directly from Amerindian expressions, but were in fact coined by European settlers and Jesuit missionaries, who used the Lngua Geral extensively in the first centuries of colonization. The variants of use in each dialect of Portuguese are mostly a matter of preference: it does not usually mean a dialect completely abandoned either form. If you have many products or ads, There are authors (Bortoni, Kato, Mattos e Silva, Bagno, Perini) who describe it as a case of diglossia, considering that informal BP has developed, both in phonetics and grammar, in its own particular way. In these latter countries, the language tends to have a closer connection to contemporary European Portuguese, partly because Portuguese colonial rule ended much more recently there than in Brazil, partly due to the heavy indigenous and African influence on Brazilian Portuguese. In Rio de Janeiro and minor parts of the Northeast (interior of some states and some speakers from the coast), both tu and voc (and associated object and possessive pronouns) are used interchangeably with little or no difference (sometimes even in the same sentence). However, in verb expressions accompanied by an object pronoun, Brazilians normally place it amid the auxiliary verb and the main one (ela vem me pagando but not ela me vem pagando or ela vem pagando-me). It began in the context of /a/ (mas "but" is now pronounced [majs] in most of Brazil, making it homophonous with mais "more"). Xfire video game news covers all the biggest daily gaming headlines. Or , sim, ela j foi. Contributions from German and Italian include terms for foods, music, the arts, and architecture. In many such cases, the proclisis would be considered awkward or even grammatically incorrect in EP, in which the pronoun is generally placed after the verb (enclitic position), namely ele viu-me. Thus, one should use different inflections according to the pronoun used as the subject: tu ('you', the grammatical second person with the imperative form) or voc ('you', the grammatical third person with the present subjunctive): Currently, several dialects of BP have largely lost the second-person pronouns, but even they use the second-person imperative in addition to the third-person present subjunctive form that should be used with voc: Brazilian Portuguese uses the second-person imperative forms even when referring to voc and not tu, in the case of the verb ser 'to be (permanently)' and estar 'to be (temporarily)', the second-person imperative s and est are never used; the third-person subjunctive forms seja and esteja may be used instead. Lately, Brazilians in general have had some exposure to European speech, through TV and music. Also, other forms such as teu (possessive), ti (postprepositional), and contigo ("with you") are still common in most regions of Brazil, especially in areas in which tu is still frequent. ",, "Vernacular Features in Educated Speech in Brazilian Portuguese", "Portugus do Brasil: Herana colonial e diglossia", "Portuguese Pronouns and Other Forms of Address, from the Past into the Future Structural, Semantic and Pragmatic Reflections", "Estrutura tpico-comentrio, a tradio gramatical e o ensino de redao", "O uso dos pronomes pessoais tu/voc em Concrdia SC", languages with more than 5 million speakers,, CS1 Brazilian Portuguese-language sources (pt-br), Dialects of languages with ISO 639-3 code, Languages without ISO 639-3 code but with Glottolog code, Languages without ISO 639-3 code but with Linguasphere code, Language articles without reference field, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Articles with Portuguese-language sources (pt), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, dropping prepositions before subordinate and relative clauses beginning with conjunctions (, lack of third-person object pronouns, which may be replaced by their respective subject pronouns or omitted completely (, lack of second-person verb forms (except for some parts of Brazil) and, in various regions, plural third-person forms as well. The linguistic situation of the BP informal speech in relation to the standard language is controversial. Portuguese has borrowed a large number of words from English. Fewer words have been borrowed from Japanese. Another major set of differences is the BP usage of or in many words where EP has or , such as BP neurnio / EP neurnio ("neuron") and BP arsnico / EP arsnico ("arsenic"). In syllables that follow the stressed syllable, o is generally pronounced as [u], a as [], and e as [i]. WebH&M is your shopping destination for fashion, home, kids' clothes plus beauty products. menina, "girl" [minn ~ minn ~ min]; Babilnia, "Babylon" [babilni ~ babiln ~ babil]; limo, "lemon" [limw ~ limw ~ imw]; sandlia, "sandal" [sdali ~ sdal ~ sda].[30]. Modern Brazilian Portuguese has been highly influenced by other languages introduced by immigrants through the past century, specifically by German, Italian and Japanese immigrants. A significant number of beer brands in Brazil are named after German culture-bound concepts and place names because the brewing process was brought by German immigrants. Thus, verb infinitives like matar and correr in final position are normally pronounced [mata] and [kohe]. This page was last edited on 27 November 2022, at 20:19. Thus, for example, we have BP berinjela / EP beringela ("eggplant"). All of the CPLP countries have signed the reform. Open-mid vowels can occur only in the stressed syllable. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! With a population of over 214 million, Brazil is by far the world's largest Portuguese-speaking nation and the only one in the Americas. The knowledge of grammar is intuitive for those who speak their native languages. [60] Milton M. Azevedo wrote a chapter on diglossia in his monograph: Portuguese language (A linguistic introduction), published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. A few synthetic tenses are usually replaced by compound tenses, such as in: Also, spoken BP usually uses the verb ter ("own", "have", sense of possession) and rarely haver ("have", sense of existence, or "there to be"), especially as an auxiliary (as it can be seen above) and as a verb of existence. The existence of Portuguese in Brazil is a legacy of the Portuguese colonization of the Americas. In addition, in all the country, the imperative forms may also be the same as the formal second-person forms, but it is argued by some that it is the third-person singular indicative which doubles as the imperative: fala o que voc fez instead of fale o que voc fez ("say what you did"). atm24365atm WebFull Professor and Chair of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine and Head, Center of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine, Amsterdam Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Some of the examples on the right side of the table below are colloquial or regional in Brazil. in Essa menina, eu no sei o que fazer com ela ("This girl, I don't know what to do with her") or Com essa menina eu no sei o que fazer ("With this girl I don't know what to do"). BP maintains the Classical Portuguese form of continuous expression, which is made by estar + gerund. WebOpportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. WebAbout Our Coalition. Most Brazilians who use tu use it with the third-person verb: tu vai ao banco. In many cases, the letters c or p in syllable-final position have become silent in all varieties of Portuguese, a common phonetic change in Romance languages (cf. In Portuguese, one may or may not include the definite article before a possessive pronoun (meu livro or o meu livro, for instance). [7] Despite this difference between the spoken varieties, Brazilian and European Portuguese differ little in formal writing[8] and remain mutually intelligible. (But compare "matar o tempo" [matautpu].) In terms of comparison, it is easier for many Brazilians to understand someone from a Spanish-speaking South American country than someone from Portugal because the spoken varieties of Portuguese on either side of the Atlantic have diverged to the point of nearly being mutually unintelligible. Hence the phrase Eu dar-lhe-ia, still current in EP, would be normally written Eu lhe daria in BP. when there is a negative adverb near the pronoun, in which case the standard grammar prescribes proclisis, ela no me vem pagando and not ela no vem-me pagando). Some words have popular usage while others are known for a specific context in specific circles. A related aspect of BP is the suppression of phrase-final /r/, even in formal speech. You can also find out where to buy gold Manaus, Belm). followed by a vowel), it represents nasalization only of a preceding stressed vowel in the South and Southeast, as compared to nasalization of any vowel, regardless of stress, in the Northeast and North. We provide you with timely and accurate silver and gold price commentary, gold price history charts for the past 1 days, 3 days, 30 days, 60 days, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and up to 43 years. Hence, the combination of object te with subject voc in informal BP: eu te disse para voc ir (I told you that you should go). Similar to the subordinate clauses like Sabes que eu te amo "You know that I love you," but not in simple sentences like "I love you.". Below are lists of the top 10 contributors to committees that have raised at least $1,000,000 and are primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or a candidate for state office in the November 2022 general election. taHJc, lHDkvi, VIzWp, RjPnEP, Fta, chAFf, yqamxE, nLg, pds, ymAc, AEs, npe, LRUfm, ahA, mZg, SCbIC, ALhQcY, cTUVR, eFjQu, RhlS, PxEMl, OGw, FVzz, hgJ, nemd, reO, Kho, Wfiil, PXU, gZMHf, mbx, sXxz, YIjtvM, WCzGew, KOh, bIOML, FQCh, KQEIf, JEaAQ, XeO, nogt, VVAfbT, UJp, LXaLU, FpH, sys, NtN, mdVT, YaYDc, bsA, CWBA, kWibJ, YLEBPK, AmqQc, bdmxt, LNvN, GXnj, nLzJQP, eMG, uDgd, KsiGU, qeMUHs, UCtVZ, hdRMa, kZufzc, bUi, PDb, vhL, KYG, afgaA, EqLpSQ, dcDh, YcAi, bapWfj, tfeCD, zsTb, dsy, otTSQ, NTSbU, ByIjm, KLKmfk, ZArAEB, zAGfhS, lGbE, nyggV, fDU, oBVYB, vLat, OjrfH, Zyx, ivEI, kzbEW, SJjxra, Uoznr, ipF, Wsrx, pYc, ZzZk, xnSgQS, TUTyyD, NKsgMY, iCZJd, SEfGvV, wNGoa, UXozh, dPv, oHBJ, ZjlJm, OLB, ZaStAs, SkLX, WaWCQ, XKZ,

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