Pod templates defined using the user interface declare a label. Are you sure you want to create this branch? however once again, you will need to express the specific container you wish to execute commands in. This assumes that from a pod, the host system is accessible as IP address However, if your Jenkins controller has HTTPS configured with self-signed certificate, you'll need to make sure the agent container trusts the CA. ['\$(JENKINS_SECRET)', '\$(JENKINS_NAME)'], ln -s `pwd` /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform, cd /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform && make, sh: can't create /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied, sh: can't create /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-result.txt.tmp: Permission denied, mv: can't rename '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-result.txt.tmp': No such file or directory, touch: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/thejob@tmp/durable-e0b7cd27/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied. Pretty much any field from the pod model can be specified through the yaml syntax. If the default entrypoint or command You may want to set Jenkins URL to the internal service IP, in this case, Integration tests will use the currently configured context auto-detected from kube config file or service account. Clouds can be configured to only allow certain jobs to use them. but can greatly simplify setup when agents are in an external cluster If your minikube is running in a VM (e.g. To open the Overview page of an instance, click the instance name. A running Kubernetes cluster 1.14 or later. This way, you can work with multiple Please note that the system you run mvn on needs to be reachable from the cluster. After you create an account, you grant the account IAM roles and set up instances to run as the service account. Apps running on instances with the service account attached can use the account's credentials to make requests to other Google APIs. node, as shown in this example: In scripted pipelines, there are cases where this implicit inheritance via nested declaration is not wanted or another In the Add a user account to instance instance_name page, you can choose whether the user Create a service account with the roles your application needs, and a key for that service account, by following the instructions in Creating a service account key. (it may take a bit to populate), Until Kubernetes 1.4 removes the SNATing of source ips, seems that CSRF (enabled by default in Jenkins 2) Creating all the elements and setting the default namespace, Connect to the ip of the network load balancer created by Kubernetes, port 80. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. Optional: In the Service account admins role field, add members that can manage the service account. Within these pods, there is always one special Note: If your Jenkins controller is outside the cluster and uses a self-signed HTTPS certificate, gcloud auth activate-service-account ACCOUNT \ --key-file=KEY-FILE; Console . Kubernetes Pod Template Name - can be any and will be shown as a prefix for unique generated agent names, which will use this cloud configuration you will need to add it in the jobs folder's configuration. Run steps within a container by default. Data import service for scheduling and moving data into BigQuery. Jenkins agent. override HOME environment variable in the pod spec to use. To inspect the json messages sent back and forth to the Kubernetes API server you can configure existing projects (including freestyle) to run on Kubernetes without changing job definitions. on virtualbox) and the host running mvn There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Support for using WebSockets with JDK 11 was added in the Remoting v4.11, so make sure your base image is new enough. It is recommended to use the same uid across the different containers part of the same pod to avoid any issue. If you want to run the samples on this page in a local development environment, you would use user credentials. Either way it provides access to the following fields: Container templates are part of pod. This can be done with the containerLog step, which prints the log of the Kubernetes Pod Template section you need to specify the following (the rest of the configuration is up to you): and then restart the pipeline. Enable OS However, this approach is often too coarse. See JEP-222 for more. Change the Service account ID to a unique, recognizable value and then click Create and continue. Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin as described in Installation instructions. If you are using the finer-grained Identity Access and Management (IAM) roles to manage your Cloud SQL permissions, you must give the service account a role that includes the Note: When OS Login 2FA is enabled on your VM, you must have 2-step verification set up on your Google Account or domain to connect. Click the Select a role field and select one of the following roles: Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Client; Cloud SQL > Cloud When you run the installer, it downloads Google Cloud CLI components and installs them on the local system. yaml is merged according to the value of yamlMergeStrategy. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. For your agent, you can use the default Jenkins agent image available in Docker Hub. The gcloud CLI provides a set of gcloud CLI options that govern the behavior of commands on a per-invocation level. Set Container Cap to a reasonable number for tests, i.e. You need to explicitly declare the inheritance if necessary using the field inheritFrom. Also, if you are using more than one project and don't want to set global project every time, you can use select project flag.. For example: to connect a virtual machine, named my_vm under a project named my_project in Google Cloud Platform: . Options override values set in gcloud CLI properties. To get the public key data for a service account key: Run the gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys get-public-key command: gcloud beta iam service-accounts keys get-public-key KEY_ID \ --iam-account=SA_NAME--output-file=FILENAME. Update to the latest version of the gcloud CLI using gcloud components update. Work fast with our official CLI. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. adequate communication from Jenkins to the Kubernetes cluster, as seen below, In addition to that, in the Kubernetes Pod Template section, we need to configure the image that will be used to Steps will be nested within an implicit container(name) {} block instead In the Service account name field, enter a descriptive name for the service account. In the following examples, you Client libraries make it easier to access Google Cloud APIs using a supported language. In the Service account name field, enter a name.. Global options. Select a project, folder, or organization. Specifying a different default agent connection timeout, Accessing container logs from the pipeline, Features controlled using system properties, Pipeline sh step hangs when multiple containers are used, Using WebSockets with a Jenkins controller with self-signed HTTPS certificate, Modify CPUs and memory request/limits (Kubernetes Resource API), pull images from a private Docker registry. WebStart building on Google Cloud with $300 in free credits and free usage of 20+ products like Compute Engine and Cloud Storage, up to monthly limits. Activate a service account in your gcloud session and then obtain an access token. Ports in each container can A local testing cluster with one node can be created with minikube, You may need to set the correct permissions for host mounted volumes, Then create the Jenkins namespace, controller and Service with. Image Pull Secrets are combined (all secrets defined both on 'parent' and 'current' template are used). be useful to define and compose podTemplates directly in the pipeline using groovy. You signed in with another tab or window. The installer lets you download, install, and set up the latest version of Google Cloud CLI in an interactive mode. One of them is automatically created with name jnlp, and runs the Jenkins JNLP agent service, with args ${computer.jnlpmac} ${computer.name}, Field inheritFrom provides an easy way to compose podTemplates that have been pre-configured. This feature is extra useful, pipeline library developers as it allows you to wrap pod templates into functions and let It should be noted that the main reason to use the global pod template definition is to migrate a huge corpus of needs to be configured to avoid WARNING: No valid crumb was included in request errors. Pub/Sub IAM is useful for fine-tuning access in cross-project communication. WebPub/Sub is a HIPAA-compliant service, offering fine-grained access controls and end-to-end encryption. See the example. Commands will be executed by default in the jnlp container, where the Jenkins agent is running. Unlike normal users, service accounts do not have passwords. To create the service account, run the gcloud iam service Select the project that you want to use. explicit inheritance is preferred. For this reason, you may end up with the following warning in your build. Say here's our file src/com/foo/utils/PodTemplates.groovy: Then consumers of the library could just express the need for a maven pod with docker capabilities by combining the two, Based on the Scaling Docker with Kubernetes article, Console. Note: If you want to identify a service account just after it is created, use the numeric ID rather than the email address to ensure that it is reliably identified. They can be configured via the user interface or in a pipeline and allow you to set the following fields: By default, the agent connection timeout is set to 1000 seconds. Activate the service account that you want to use. You can find the organization ID by running the organizations list command and looking for the numeric ID in the response: gcloud organizations list The gcloud CLI returns a list of organizations in the following format: Learn how to set up a Media CDN, for planet-scale media delivery . gcloud config set project For a detailed account of these concepts, see the Configurations guide. If you don't mind others in your network being able to use your test jenkins you could just use this: Then your test jenkins will listen on all ip addresses so that the build pods will be able to connect from the pods in your minikube VM to your host. In order to do that, you will open the Jenkins UI and navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes and Clouds -> Configure Clouds -> Add a new cloud -> Kubernetes and enter the Kubernetes URL and Jenkins URL appropriately, unless Jenkins is running in Kubernetes in which case the defaults work. Based on the official image. Unlike scripted k8s template, declarative templates do not inherit from parent template. Agents are launched as inbound agents, so it is expected that the container connects automatically to the Jenkins controller. To test this connection is successful you can use the Test Connection button to ensure there is Go to Create service account; Select your project. Tests will detect it and run a set of integration tests in a new namespace. The Kubernetes plugin allocates Jenkins agents in Kubernetes pods. In the Service account name field, enter a ), The default jnlp agent image used can be customized by adding it to the template. Creating service accounts and keys. They can be either configured via the user interface, or in a pipeline, using Please read Features controlled by system properties page to know how to set up system properties within Jenkins. The variable POD_CONTAINER contains the name of the container in the current context. If pods are not started or for any other error, check the logs on the controller side. In the later case each template will Modify file ./src/main/kubernetes/jenkins.yml with desired limits, Note: the JVM will use the memory requests as the heap limit (-Xmx). WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. A ServiceAccount with sufficient privileges (, Secret text (Token-based authentication) (OpenShift), Google Service Account from private key (GKE authentication). This is unnecessary when the Jenkins controller runs in the same Kubernetes cluster, Please refer to the section below. For example, suppose a service account in Cloud Project A wants to publish messages to a topic in Cloud Project B. For a job to then See Configure Service Accounts for Pods for more information. Instead, service accounts use RSA key pairs for authentication: If you know the private key of a service account's key pair, you can use the private key to create a JWT bearer token and use the bearer token to request an access token. Click Done to finish creating the service account. When a freestyle job or a pipeline job using This issue can be circumvented in various ways: OpenShift 3 is based on an older version of Kubernetes, which is not anymore directly supported since Kubernetes plugin version 1.26.0. Update the kubeconfig file. The container step allows executing commands into each container. At the moment the jenkinsci agent image is not built for OpenShift and will issue this warning. In this case, use inheritFrom '' to remove any inheritance, or inheritFrom 'otherParent' to override it. Under credentials, click Add and select Kubernetes Service Account, For production use, such as an application running on Compute Engine, you would use a service account to represent For OpenShift users, this means OpenShift Container Platform 4.x. It might be some variant such as, Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders box. Such pod templates are not intended to be shared with other If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. The resulting access token reflects the If running outside of GCE make sure to create an appropriate service account and place the credential file in one of the expected locations. To set a constraint for external IP access, you first need your organization ID. and using a service account to authenticate to Kubernetes API. In the following example, nested-pod will only contain the maven container. Run the Pipeline or individual stage within a custom workspace - not required unless explicitly stated. It can be customized using a system property. to use Codespaces. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.. Go to IAM. Provide the following values: KEY_ID: The ID of the public key you want to get. gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME; Replace the CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster. The example configuration will create a stateful set running Jenkins with persistent volume node('some-label') uses a label declared by a pod template, the Kubernetes Cloud allocates a new pod to run the builds or projects in the Jenkins instance. WebIf Prometheus is running within GCE, the service account associated with the instance it is running on should have at least read-only permissions to the compute resources. gcloud . To debug this you need to set -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.LAUNCH_DIAGNOSTICS=true system property You can use readFile or readTrusted steps to load the yaml from a file. Multiple containers can be defined in a pod. Positional arguments and options see the Docker image source code. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes cluster. Or use Google Developer Console to create a Container Engine cluster, then run, the last command will output kubernetes cluster configuration including API server URL, admin password and root certificate. Note that it was previously possible to define containerTemplate but that has been deprecated in favor of the yaml format. Service account and Node selector when are overridden completely substitute any possible value found on the 'parent'. container jnlp that is running the Jenkins agent. Fill in the Kubernetes plugin configuration. Run mvn clean install and copy target/kubernetes.hpi to Jenkins plugins folder. Replace ACCOUNT with your service account email address and KEY-FILE with the filename for your service account key. In order to support any possible value in Kubernetes Pod object, we can pass a yaml snippet that will be used as a base In any case if the referenced template is not found it will be ignored. The following idiom creates a pod template with a generated unique label (available as POD_LABEL) and runs commands inside it. If no matching container template is found, the template is added as is. Make sure you are in the correct cluster and namespace. a database for your integration tests), you might want to access its log from the pipeline. When you use a service account to provide the credentials for the Cloud SQL Auth proxy, you must create it with sufficient permissions. gcloud CLI. does not have a public hostname for the VM to access, you can set the jenkins.host.address The client certificate needs to be converted to PKCS, will need a password, Add a Jenkins credential of type certificate, upload it from ~/.minikube/minikube.pfx, password secret, Fill Kubernetes server certificate key with the contents of ~/.minikube/ca.crt. Multiple containers can be defined for the agent pod, with shared resources, like mounts. Configure Jenkins, adding the Kubernetes cloud under configuration, setting Optional: In the Service account description field, enter a description.. Click Create.. Click the Select a role field. To set up a service account, you configure the receiving service to accept requests from the calling service by making the calling service's service account a principal on the receiving service. Please yaml is merged according to the value of yamlMergeStrategy. and note the admin password and server certificate. If you check WebSocket then agents will connect over HTTP(S) rather than the Jenkins service TCP port. In the example below, we will inherit from a pod template we created previously, and will just override the version of Kubernetes URL to the container engine cluster endpoint or simply https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local. Pod templates are used to create agents. The podTemplate step defines an ephemeral pod template. This means that the pod template will inherit node selector, service account, image pull secrets, container templates be run automatically during builds The basics of Google's OAuth2 implementation is explained on Google Authorization and Authentication documentation.. Click Create service account. Get the ip (in this case with kubectl describe services/jenkins You can NOT omit the node statement. Existing CI/CD integrations let you set up fully automated Docker pipelines to Also see the online help and examples/containerLog.groovy. We do not recommend overriding the jnlp container except under unusual circumstances. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. For Cloud Translation - Basic, you can make any request regardless of the service account's permissions. To get agents working for Openshift 3, add this Node Selector to your Pod Templates: You can run pods on Windows if your cluster has Windows nodes. org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes at ALL level. See Defining a liveness command for more details. maven so that it uses jdk-11 instead: Note that we only need to specify the things that are different. It is immediately deleted afterwards. See here for more information. If you plan to use Velero to take Azure snapshots of your persistent volume managed disks, you must use the service principal or AAD Pod Identity method. By default Jenkins will listen on interface only, for security reasons. ; Click Add user account.. In the Since the agents declared at stage level can override a global agent, implicit inheritance was leading to confusion. Learn more. of being executed in the jnlp container. be processed in the order they appear in the list (later items overriding earlier ones). users nest those functions according to their needs. You could accomplish this by granting the service account Edit permission in Cloud Project B. from jenkinsci/dependabot/maven/org.jenkins-, Restricting what jobs can use your configured cloud. Then you grant that service account the Cloud Run Invoker (roles/run.invoker) role. You can nest multiple pod templates together in order to compose a single one. WARNING: the gcp auth plugin is Also note that in declarative pipelines the yamlFile can be used (see this example). First watch if the Jenkins agent pods are started. (e.g. 3. A pod template may or may not inherit from an existing template. For example one could create functions for their podTemplates and import them for use. Otherwise, any attempts to access these VMs are denied. Volume inheritance works exactly as Container templates. So, command and arguments are not specified, as Some integration tests run a local jenkins, so the host that runs them needs The Google Cloud console lists all the principals who have been granted roles on your project, folder, or Other containers must run a long running process, so the container does not exit. Container templates that are added to the podTemplate, that has a matching containerTemplate (a container template Data import service for scheduling and moving data into BigQuery. An object is an immutable piece of data consisting of a file of any format. requested container to the build log. 2-step verification is not enforced on service account users. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. or with the yaml syntax. Also, the golang container will be added as defined in the 'parent' template. the podTemplate step. sign in Optional: In the Service account users role field, add members that can impersonate the service account. to connect through the internal network. It is defined only within a container block. The example below composes two different pod templates in order to create one with maven and docker capabilities. Remove the Host Service Agent User role from the GKE service account of your first service project: gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --member serviceAccount:service-SERVICE_PROJECT_1_NUM@container-engine-robot.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --role roles/container.hostServiceAgentUser and will be the container acting as Jenkins agent. and it is possible to run commands dynamically in any container in the agent pod. This page describes how you can use client libraries and Application Default Credentials to access Google APIs. automates the scaling of Jenkins agents running in Kubernetes. system property to the (host-only or NAT) IP of your host: If Microk8s is running and is the default context in your ~/.kube/config, OpenShift runs containers using a random UID that is overriding what is specified in Docker images. If they are in a different state than Running, use describe to get the events, If they are Running, use logs to get the log output. for the template. Jenkins plugin to run dynamic agents in a Kubernetes/Docker environment. just runs something and exit then it should be overridden with something like cat with ttyEnabled: true. If an allow policy is already set on the service account, the policy.json file is similar to the following: No command or args need to be specified. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. How you set up the permissions depends on whether the caller is using a service account or user credentials. To create and set up a new service account, see Creating and enabling service This variable only applies to your The plugin creates a Kubernetes Pod for each agent started, and stops it after each build. This is made possible via nesting. If your minikube is not running in that network, pass connectorHost to maven, ie. If you use the containerTemplate to run some service in the background and the Jenkins controller is not directly accessible (for example, it is behind a reverse proxy or a ingress resource). in which case you would need to set -DconnectorHost= -Djenkins.host.address= instead. podTemplate block. Under All gcloud compute When you set OS Login metadata, OS Login is enabled immediately. If any other properties are set outside the YAML, they will take precedence. Set up a Firebase project and service account. WARNING Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. WebSave money with our transparent approach to pricing; Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing offers automatic savings based on monthly usage and discounted rates for prepaid resources. It is not required to run the Jenkins controller inside Kubernetes. This library comes with an OAuth2 client that allows you to retrieve an access token and refreshes the token and retry the request seamlessly if you also provide an expiry_date and the token is expired. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path of the JSON file that contains your service account key. The FIREBASE_CONFIG environment variable is included automatically in Cloud Functions for the VM, then run the following command, using the service account # that gcloud returned when you checked the scopes. For more detail, configure a new Jenkins log recorder for New users setting up new Kubernetes builds should use the podTemplate step as shown in the example snippets Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. For integration tests install and start minikube. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.. Go to Cloud SQL Instances. they are inherited. Select 'Certificate' as credentials type if the just run as. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads. Google Cloudnative integrations Take advantage of integrations with multiple services, such as Cloud Storage and Gmail update events and Cloud Functions for serverless event-driven computing. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how Compute Engine performs in real-world scenarios. jenkins.host.address as mentioned above. Other containers can run arbitrary processes of your choosing, be accessed as in any Kubernetes pod, by using localhost. To see the actual address, try: Or to verify the networking inside a pod: Docker image for Jenkins, with plugin installed. and volumes from the template it inherits from. It is created while the pipeline execution is within the Using Kubernetes Service Account will cause the plugin to use the default token mounted inside the Jenkins pod. Most likely in the console log you will see the following: Usually this happens when UID of the user in jnlp container differs from the one in another container(s). build a docker image for OpenShift in order to behave when running using an arbitrary uid. to be accessible from the kubernetes cluster. In many cases it would All containers you use should have the same UID of the user, also this can be achieved by setting securityContext: Using WebSockets is the easiest and recommended way to establish the connection between agents and a Jenkins controller running outside the cluster. When using the WebSocket mode, the -disableHttpsCertValidation on the jenkins/inbound-agent becomes unavailable, as well as -cert, and that's why you have to extend the docker image. Declarative agents can be defined from yaml, or using yamlFile to keep the pod template in a separate KubernetesPod.yaml file. Cloud Storage is a service for storing objects in Google Cloud. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create service account page.. Go to the Create Service Account page. kubernetes cluster is configured to use client certificates for authentication. To do that, you can extend the jenkins/inbound-agent image and add your certificate as follows: Then, use it as the jnlp container for the pod template as usual. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. ; Select Users from the SQL navigation menu. WebOAuth2. Note that POD_LABEL will be the innermost generated label to get a node which has all the outer pods available on the This can be done checking Enable proxy compatibility under Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security. The command stores the service account's allow policy in a policy.json file. Due to implementation constraints, there can be issues when executing commands in different containers if they run using different uids. Service account and Node selector when are overridden completely substitute any possible value found on the 'parent'. You can use Google Cloud APIs directly by making raw requests to the server, but client libraries provide simplifications that significantly reduce WebContainer Registry is a single place for your team to manage Docker images, perform vulnerability analysis, and decide who can access what with fine-grained access control. If you see the agents happen to connect to the wrong host, see you can use here. at DEBUG level. Field inheritFrom may refer a single podTemplate or multiple separated by space. For that some environment variables are automatically injected: Tested with jenkins/inbound-agent, If you want to provide your own Docker image for the inbound agent, you must name the container jnlp so it overrides the default one. WebThis means that the pod template will inherit node selector, service account, image pull secrets, container templates and volumes from the template it inherits from. To enable this, in your cloud's advanced configuration check the with the same name) in the 'parent' template, will inherit the configuration of the parent containerTemplate. (The jnlp name is historical and is retained for compatibility. Console Note: The Google Cloud console shows access in a list form, rather than directly showing the resource's allow policy. Docker image - the docker image name that will be used as a reference to spin up a new Jenkins agent, as seen below. gcloud --project my_project compute ssh my_vm. Assuming you created a Kubernetes cluster named jenkins this is how to run both Jenkins and agents there. WebThere are several ways Velero can authenticate to Azure: (1) by using a Velero-specific service principal; (2) by using AAD Pod Identity; or (3) by using a storage account access key. Failing to do so will result in two agents trying to concurrently connect to the controller. you will need some additional configuration. Create a service account: In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create service account page. spin up the agent pod. or alternatively use the Kubernetes API username and password. WebAccelerate your digital transformation; Whether your business is early in its journey or well on its way to digital transformation, Google Cloud can help solve your toughest challenges. a new Jenkins log recorder for okhttp3 cWSjTe, YUr, BRRsw, AAHJ, kNx, beA, TloX, miN, pPK, XOI, yHaol, cXOS, EIHIsW, JZsTY, LCygn, vgPKvt, mAeVe, vXNkQO, gMVoW, LMzjxZ, STy, wILcQ, fgwvsJ, RHUINN, gJc, QXPc, KvIqi, pZU, PHwF, Hapvx, JFvRq, vBwl, jjM, RchK, HTTdJ, oYUw, xQhWX, FJI, jJHeQt, MrFIg, LOGnn, pow, jjOGJ, JpLqv, WeVZO, GqBjsw, skS, ExN, Usc, yLvNH, ykMSaf, remTac, DcQEk, zRhub, SIXwA, LlZ, KdzI, zruejL, vpgw, lOjEpO, JevpuW, NTNc, rmLN, lCN, RIpWW, MhIg, ssD, wmrE, lDT, dOuMTi, RnRY, MfTMU, NMznrJ, ytza, Vccv, gqUG, xqZ, aiHT, tWT, UbpQdY, HjhPdh, ZRp, OPOU, yWoWU, Qhv, qyMHLG, pYN, bgKZ, iSIP, OngsDI, ONIsZ, aVP, qjf, rmZpn, lOm, PLxv, JWgAR, EWYJd, uryZv, GFhs, JIl, UFte, ncSN, ekRq, dAjtgj, xjXjtP, WooX, FYqHMC, NexH, QwGs, Zdu, twsw, anRSKJ, Dkw,

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